日田温泉 亀山亭ホテルのブログ


Oita Hita Hot Spring Ryokan Kizantei Hotel English site

2013年04月09日 00時10分01秒 | 大分県日田市旅館 日田温泉亀山亭ホテル
You can see around the open view of river our Guest house.

We have good onsen(public bath) for ladies and gentlemen on the top of the floor and also there are

Rotenburo (outside bath) . It's a nice view from there.

Also all the guestrooms are beside the river, we promise that you may enjoy the stay.

At lobby you can have some drinks in open wide view of the river ,
it makes you relaxed and happy.

And also outside we have a Ashiyu (food bath)it makes you warm and refresh.

From 20th of May to the end of October you can enjoy the

traditional meal of Hita on Yakata boat.

It gives the unforgettable memory for you.

In Hita there are traditional festivals and different views on each seasons.

Example from February to March Hita doll festival

On the May Kankousai(Hita sightseeing festival)

On the July Gion festival, on the Novenber Sennen Akari and

Tenryo festival.

Near Kizantei , there are many famous place to see around.

Example Takatsuka Atago Jizouson, Ontayaki togei kan ,

Taio Kinzan , Sappro Beer Factory , Iichiko Hita Factory.

Hita Gion Yamaboko kaikan, Kangien,

Hirose museum, Kusano house.

So would you feel like visit and enjoy Hita?
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