

KoreanFilm.org's Top Korean films of 2011 by Darcy Paquet&「レイトオータム」

2012-01-18 09:38:35 | ヒョンビン 映画



Darcy Paquet



2012.01.03: Darcy's Top 9+1 of 2011. Each year I assemble my top 10 list out of the Korean films that have been released in theaters over the previous 12 months. The small independent films that I catch at the Busan or Jeonju film festivals may not be released by December, but they generally do get a small commercial release within a year or two, so I can include them in a later list.

This year, however, I came across a great film that may end up not getting a commercial release, so I squeezed it in where #10 would normally go. I was racking my brain over that #10 slot anyway.

1. The Day He Arrives, dir, Hong Sang-soo
2. The Journals of Musan, dir. Park Jung-bum
3. Arirang, dir. Kim Ki-duk
4. Sunny, dir. Kang Hyoung-chul
5. Come Rain, Come Shine, dir. Lee Yoon-ki
6. Animal Town, dir. Jeon Kyu-hwan
7. Bleak Night, dir. Yoon Sung-hyun
8. Punch, dir. Lee Han
9. Re-encounter, dir. Min Yong-keun

+ Out Of the Cave, dir. Ahn Kearn-hyung




Other films that almost made the list... "Dooman River": it probably should be on the list, but at times Zhang Lu's directorial decisions intrude awkwardly into the film. "Moby Dick": an involving and creatively staged thriller. "Late Autumn - 2010": its high points really soar. "Penny Pinchers": it's "just a romantic comedy", but it's a rather charming one.





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 2010.01.01: Best Korean films of 2009

1. Paju
2. Thirst
3. Like You Know It All
4. Mother
5. A Brand New Life
6. The Actresses
7. Possessed
8. I Am Happy
9. The Pit and the Pendulum
10. Daytime Drinking













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