


2016-04-05 17:42:15 | 拡散希望





私は組織化昨年9月に発表し、アメリカの歴史協会(AHA)の歴史上の展望の12月号に掲載されました "文、50日本の学者」20アメリカの歴史家の反論」」。これは、最後の3月20日アメリカの歴史家 'ステートメントを発表し、同じ定期的です。私たちの反論は、ジャパンタイムズの12月10日版と内部高等教育、ワシントンに拠点を置く教育上の電子雑誌の12月号にに報告されました。私たちの反論の主な目的を明確にするために、この機会を利用したいと思います。




ジャパンタイムズを含む多くの英語のマスコミは、「。性的奴隷」として慰安婦を参照してくださいしかし、このような用語は事実間違っていると日本政府の立場に反します。私はここに最新の二つの例をご紹介します。 1月18日には、安倍晋三首相は、語句「性奴隷」と「20万慰安婦」は事実に反するを実行することを参議院予算委員会で参議院メンバー中山恭子が提起した質問に答えました。また、2月16日に外務次官信介杉山は、自分から慰安婦の強制撤去を証明する証拠がなかったことをジュネーブの女子に対するあらゆる形態の差別の撤廃に関する国際連合条約(CEDAW)が提起した質問に答えました日本軍や政府当局による住宅。


1998年10月で、その開始時には、IWGレポートの研究目的は、ナチスの戦争犯罪に限定されていました。その後、しかし、日本帝国政府の記録はアジアで第二次世界大戦の歴史を保存するための世界同盟からの要求に応じて、2000年12月にIWG報告書の目的に加え、中国系の人々が率いるグループがに基づいて、サンフランシスコ。 7年間持続する非常に広範な調査の後、IWGは、日本政府が慰安婦に対する戦争犯罪を犯したことを示すために、任意のドキュメントを見つけることができませんでした。米議会、155ページを延伸する文書へのIWG最終報告書では、明らかに日本の戦争犯罪のすべてのレコードが向かい合っ慰安婦が露出されたことを示すない言語がありません。その代わりに、報告書は、おそらく不便な真実をカムフラージュする目的で、重要でない通路の連が含まれています。

しかし、米国議会にIWG報告書で、日本政府による戦争犯罪の証拠にもかかわらず、2007年7月30日に、米国議会は、まだ日本政府がために「犯罪」について謝罪することを要求し、慰安婦に家決議121を可決しますその証拠が生成されていませんでした。または悪化 - - 日本へのその時点での米議会での全体のプロセスは非常に不公平でした。



そして、まだ、かかわらず、証拠がそれらを導くところのコンセンサスを形作るために努力してきたこれらの同じアメリカ人は私たちに修正主義者を呼び出すことが迅速です。しかし、それは彼らが適切であるときに修正を求めるように開放的な学者のために常に重要ではありませんか? 「修正主義」を叫ぶ人たちは非科学的です。彼らは知識人のように動作しません。おそらくそれは、私たちが恩返しをし、それらにラベル付けするための時間である「頑固一徹の古いガードを。」

このノートでは、私たちは、特に第二次世界大戦に関連して、冷戦の最新の世界戦争の意味を議論するために開始するためにも重要です。冷戦がの特性を明確にするために、第二次世界大戦の終了後すぐに始めた理由を正確に認識することが不可欠である「熱い戦争を。 "我々が自由世界で冷戦に勝ったか確認することも非常に重要です。





2016-04-05 17:14:54 | 拡散希望




Challenging the ‘20 American Historians’
By Eiji Yamashita

I organized “the 50 Japanese academics’ rebuttal of the 20 American historians’ statement,” which was announced last September and published in the December issue of Perspectives on History of the American Historical Association (AHA). This is the same periodical that published the 20 American historians’ statement last March. Our rebuttal was reported on in the Dec. 10 edition of The Japan Times and the December issue of Inside Higher Ed, an e-magazine on education based in Washington. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the main aim of our rebuttal.

We said the 20 American historians would never find a single Japanese academician with whom they could stand, even though the title of their statement was “Standing with historians of Japan,” because there are at least eight factual mistakes in 26 lines about “comfort women” in the McGraw-Hill textbook at issue. Furthermore, we questioned their fairness since their statement had no reference to the report by the Interagency Working Group in the United States in 2007.

However, a more important reason for why we wrote the rebuttal is that we were concerned about the 20 American historians’ basic stance as scholars and educators, beyond the immediate comfort women issue. We were confident that our arguments could lead to better education for American youths, and hence were inherently beneficial to the U.S. as well as to the rest of the world in the longer perspective.

I think our concern was right. Several scholars, such as professor Alexis Dudden (University of Connecticut), professor Andrew Gordon (Harvard University) and others out of the 20 American historians were interviewed by The Japan Times or Inside Higher Ed, but none of them seemed to be worried about the education of young Americans. Moreover, it seems to me that American historians are still refusing to address the major factual errors in the McGraw-Hill history textbook.

Many English-language media outlets, including The Japan Times, refer to the comfort women as “sex slaves.” But such terminology is factually incorrect and runs counter to the Japanese government’s position. I hereby introduce the latest two examples. On Jan. 18, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe replied to a question raised by Upper House member Kyoko Nakayama in the Upper House Budget Committee that the phrases “sex slaves” and “200,000 comfort women” run counter to the facts. Moreover, on Feb. 16 Deputy Foreign Minister Shinsuke Sugiyama replied to a question raised by the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva that there was no evidence proving the forcible removal of comfort women from their homes by the Japanese military and government authorities.

There is a widespread misunderstanding among the Western world that the Abe administration is somehow suppressing the media. It seems to us that the situation is precisely the opposite. In fact, the reach of the Abe administration’s efforts is rather limited by both the domestic and foreign media. Japan is among the highest ranked countries in the world in terms of freedom of speech. On the contrary, freedom of speech in the U.S. is obviously lower than that of Western European countries or Japan, because there are so many social taboos there. To take just one prominent example out of many, the U.S. government actively oppresses denunciations by former governmental staff members. Given all this, it would seem that Americans are not in a position to lecture other mature democracies on the finer points of freedom of speech. Instead, the 20 American historians should be more concerned about the free speech situation within their own country.

Upon its commencement in October 1998, the research objective of the IWG Report was limited to Nazi war crimes. Thereafter, though, Japanese Imperial government records were added to the objectives of the IWG Report in December 2000 in response to a request from the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia, a group led by people of Chinese descent based in San Francisco. After very extensive research lasting seven years, the IWG could not find any documentation to show that the Japanese government committed war crimes with respect to the comfort women. In the IWG Final Report to the U.S. Congress, a document stretching 155 pages, there is no language clearly indicating that any record of Japanese war crimes vis-a-vis comfort women had been uncovered. Instead, the report contains reams of unimportant passages, presumably with the aim of camouflaging an inconvenient truth.

But despite no evidence of war crimes by the Japanese government in the IWG Report to the U.S. Congress, on July 30, 2007, the U.S. Congress still passed House Resolution 121 on the comfort women, demanding that the Japanese government apologize for “crimes” for which no evidence had been produced. The whole process in the U.S. Congress at that time was extremely unfair — or worse — to Japan.

Today, American fairness is in serious question almost everywhere in the world, although most Americans may not know this or do not wish to know. This broad lack of trust in American fairness is one of the major factors in the failure of American foreign policy on so many fronts in the past decades. Under such circumstances, is it wise for the U.S. to show apparent unfairness to the Japanese public, too, especially given that Japan is one of the closest American allies in the world? If the U.S. wishes to see its foreign policy succeed, it should begin with a reassessment of its fundamental fairness. The safety of Americans and of the rest of the world depends on it.

It is often said that we cannot acquire a clear picture of any given era of history until at least a century has elapsed. Since we are now 71 years past the end of World War II, it is natural that new evidence or interpretations will emerge in the years to come. Not only newly found historical facts but also new historical interpretations should be respected and subjected to academic discussion and debate. Incidentally, this year marks the 102nd anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, but we still lack a coherent historical evaluation of even that conflict.

And yet, these same Americans who have striven to fashion a consensus regardless of where the evidence leads them are quick to call us revisionists. But isn’t it always important for open-minded scholars to seek revisions when they are appropriate? Those who cry “revisionism” are unscientific; they do not behave like intellectuals. Perhaps it is time for us to return the favor and label them the “bigoted old guard.”

On this note, it is also important for us to begin to discuss the meaning of the latest world war, the Cold War, particularly in connection with World War II. It is indispensable to correctly recognize why the Cold War began soon after the end of World War II in order to clarify the characteristics of the “hot war.” It is also very important to review how we in the free world won the Cold War.

Finally, to return to our original point, McGraw-Hill Education in New York should sincerely address the major factual defects in its history textbook for the future generation of the U.S. and the rest of the world as well.

