

【北海道から神武東征の楯ヶ崎へ 皇統神話と熊野の旅-5】

2024-01-06 06:18:17 | 日記


 ご主人は漁師さんで釣り人をスポット箇所に送迎されたりしていて、奥さんが接客食事などをやっているという「家庭的」な雰囲気。楯ヶ崎のいちばん近い宿泊施設という当方の選択基準は、現地としては「へぇ〜」という勘違いぶりでした(笑)。まぁそういうのも旅の面白さ、ではありますね。 <長くなったので以下、あしたへ>

English version⬇

From Hokkaido to Tategasaki, the site of the Jimmu expedition to the east, a trip to Kumano and the myth of the Imperial lineage -5
Arriving in Osaka, we took the Ise route to Kumano Tategasaki. After several stops along the way, the nearest inn was reserved for sea anglers. A modern-day Kumano pilgrimage to a nearly extinct land (laugh). The first time I went to Ise...

Photos of the Tategasaki landscape can be found on the web as shown above. I had a preliminary impression that the "columnar jointed terrain" often seen in Sounkyo and other places in Hokkaido was rising directly out of the sea.
 While in Hokkaido, I kept thinking about the historical node for the establishment of the imperial lineage, the Jimmu expedition. I wanted to visit the site, to see the mysteries of ancient history, and to confirm the roots of the kokutai, which constituted the original form of the nation of Japan. Although I had other plans, this was the main purpose of my trip to Hokkaido. I am deeply grateful that I now have the time to do so.
 The 37,000-year history of the Japanese archipelago shows a long period of Jomon-like hunting and gathering, based on the consumption of marine animals as a major food-gathering element. Not only the Sea of Japan coast region, but also the Pacific coast region must have been "developed" in the same way. After the Yayoi period, rice agriculture expanded throughout the country, and development deviations probably progressed according to the suitability of the land.
 I feel that the leadership of rice culture was a strong factor in the formation of the Japanese imperial family. The fact that Amaterasu is the ancestral deity of the emperor indicates that the sun goddess is the greatest guardian deity of rice agriculture, and the emperor is known to perform agricultural events such as rice planting, which is repeatedly publicized and spread among the people.
 The fact that Hokkaido has long been treated as an outcast by the Japanese nation may have something to do with its origins. If Japan had been a Chinese-style authoritarian state or a Russian-style hunter-gatherer dictatorship, this historical and traditional distance from the island of Hokkaido would not have existed. A Russian czarist-type power would certainly have made it a territory immediately.
 This is a bit off topic (laughs). Anyway, Kumano and Tategasaki are far from Hokkaido.
 Due to our itinerary, we had to get off at Osaka Itami Airport and return to Hokkaido from Kobe Airport. I was torn between taking the Ise-road or the Kishu-road from Osaka, but decided to take the Ise-road considering the convenience of the expressway. We also had the convenience of being able to stop at several points along the way during the daytime. Therefore, we wanted to arrive and stay at a place as close to Tategasaki as possible at night, and start the 4-km round trip on the mountain road early in the morning with full of energy. Oh, and of course, we rented a car for transportation.

The photo shows the "Katsumiya" where we stayed. The hotel is located in Kajiga-cho, Owase City, Mie Prefecture, so it was the closest Ise route to Tategasaki. We arrived there around 8:00 p.m. after making several stops along the way. It was only after we arrived that we learned that the restaurant faced a fishing port and was frequented by "fishermen" (laugh).
 The owner is a fisherman who takes anglers to and from the spot, and his wife is in charge of serving customers and making meals. Our selection criterion was that it was the closest accommodation to Tategasaki, but we were mistaken. Well, that's the fun of traveling, isn't it? <(Laughs.) It's a long story, so I'll leave it for tomorrow.


