


2024-02-16 05:38:02 | 日記


English version⬇

Yamato Kotoba" personal names testify to the historical transition of the Japanese language.
I strongly feel the heart of the ancient people in the personal name Konohana Sakuyahime - Princess Konohana Sakuyahime. I am glad I was born in this land.

The figure is a genealogical chart of the first source period of the imperial lineage. Various ancient personal names were unearthed when Emperor Temmu's son, Prince Shonin and his compilation team put together the Kojiki and Nihonshoki as a national project.
 During the reign of Emperor Temmu, "Japan" as a country name was established, and through various upheavals, diplomatic relations with East Asia were also established. Kanji was introduced as a written language, a system of characters that could be recorded, and it was probably only then that it became possible to "write" ancient personal names.
 Today, we have acquired the Japanese language based on a mixture of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, but when we consider its history, it is obvious that the Japanese language changed in line with the acceptance of foreign civilizations, as symbolized by the great transformation of the Japanese language during the Meiji period, just before the modern era. This great change in the Meiji period can be traced back to the "breathing" of the people who were directly involved in the language reforms of that period. Personally, I feel deep empathy for the works and personality of Soseki Natsume. The book also gives us a vivid sense of the grandeur of the "Cultural Revolution" that was taking place. We can understand the struggle to build the foundations of our society today, and we can see the works of many literary figures as "proof" of this struggle.
 The predecessors of the Kiki period must have struggled at a level several times greater than the great changes of the Meiji period.
 In fact, it was almost like the "founding of a nation," a daunting task to express the history of the archipelago's society by introducing "kanji" (Chinese characters) into a cultural sphere that had never had a written language before. The "literary meaning" contained in the native "Yamato Kotoba" of the archipelago's cultural sphere since the Jomon period, which must have left a residue in the "Kun-yomi" language group today, must have been converted into Chinese characters.
 I personally respond to the name "Konohana Sakuyahime - 〜In Japanese mythology, she was the daughter of the mountain goddess Ninigi no Mikoto, who was pleased with her marriage proposal. The mountain goddess, who was pleased with this marriage proposal, offered two sisters, Iwanagahime and Kihana-Kaiyahime, saying, "May the life of my grandson be as eternal as a stone and as prosperous as a tree flower," but because Iwanagahime was ugly, my grandson only took Kihana-Kaiyahime as his bride. I cannot help but feel the spirit of the innocent ancient Japanese in the names of the people.
 I will have to wait for the research of specialists to clarify the ancient Yamato language, but it strikes me as straight from the heart and deeply penetrating to modern people as well (laugh). It is irresistible to feel the cuteness and gentleness of a simple woman.
 And the "literary meaning" of the names of many other people, which may have been entrusted to them, also makes us feel the foundation of the spirituality of the people. Through my research in the Kumano cultural sphere and my search for the mythological tale of the Jinmu expedition, I have been thinking about these aspects.


