

【聖なる瀧「熊野那智大社」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-24】

2024-01-28 06:12:06 | 日記

 第一殿 瀧宮(大己貴神)大国主神。
 第二殿 証誠殿(家都御子大神)ケツミコ〜スサノオ。
 第三殿 中御前(御子速玉大神)熊野速玉神社の祭神。
 第四殿 西御前(熊野夫須美大神)これがイザナミ尊。
 第五殿 若宮(天照大神)アマテラス。
 第六殿 八社殿(天神地祗)その他八百万ということか。



English version⬇

Kumano Nachi-taisha Shrine, the Sacred Waterfall - A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family - 24
The sacred body of Nachi-taisha Shrine is also a holy waterfall. It is a sacred waterfall, and the primordial form of Japanese faith is engraved in its roots. Even the shadow of Kiyomori is flickering in the distance. The waterfall is also a holy waterfall.

Now, let's take a look at Kumano Nachi-taisha, one of the three Kumano-sanzan shrines. Unlike today, it must have taken a lot of energy to make the long pilgrimage from the coastline of the Kumano-nada Sea, where there is a human settlement, to the shrine on a long mountain road since ancient times.
 Even on the modern well-maintained pilgrimage route, it takes 1 hour and 42 minutes to walk, but it is an uphill mountain path, so it must have been quite a strenuous journey. The number of people who repeatedly made the Kumano Pilgrimage, such as the members of the imperial lineage and emperors of the medieval period, must have been quite large, indicating that they were in good physical condition.
 It is truly a reminder of the depth of devotion to sacred things that people have held since ancient times.
 It makes me think of the natural feelings of the people who looked up at the waterfall like the one in the picture in the deep mountains. In an age without movies or television, we can understand how people would have been amazed at the sight of such visuals spread out before their eyes, and how they would have developed and deepened their faith in the wonders created by nature.
 The main deity is Kumano Fusumi no Okami (Kumano Fusumi no Mikoto, Izanami no Mikoto). This is the same deity as at the Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine, which we had seen until yesterday. The same is true of the mother goddess of national birth, who is united with this kind of nature worship. I wonder if water is a natural emotional center for human beings, in which something feminine and motherly is entrusted. The word "fusumi" is said to mean "musu," or generation and development, and at the same time, "musubi," or union.
 The deities of the shrine are as follows
 First Hall: Takimiya (Okonoki-kami), the deity Okuninushi.
 The second hall, Shoseiden (Ietomiko-no-okami): Ketsumiko - Susanoo.
 Third Hall: Naka-gozen (Goko-Hayatama), the deity of Kumano Hayatama Shrine.
 Fourth Hall: Nishigozen (Kumano-Osumi no Mikami) This is Izanami no Mikami.
 Fifth: Wakamiya (Amaterasu), the deity Amaterasu.
 The sixth hall, the eight main shrines (八社殿) (天神地祗), are the deities of the eight million other shrines.

In 1163, when the Heike clan welcomed Hōnō Go-Shirakawa to Nachi and made their first pilgrimage to the temple, he took his family along with him as an escort and prayed for good fortune at the two waterfalls known as Nyoirino-Taki. This is a description of the Heike family's power within the Imperial Court.
 It is clear that behind the strengthening of the power of the Heike clan within the Imperial Court, there must have been a careful approach to the imperial lineage and accompanying maneuverings such as this. This is a clear evidence of how the Kumano faith was utilized.
 The pictorial record also shows that the emperor rode in an ox cart, while Kiyomori rode on horseback along the pilgrimage route. Are we beginning to see a synchronization between the world of the Jindai and the medieval world of power and intrigue (laugh)?


