


2023-12-30 04:10:58 | 日記



English version⬇

The One That Connects Lives - Kusado Senken 2023 Revisited - 16
It is the last day of work for the year. I am very much thankful for your hard work. Even in such a situation, childbirth, childcare, and life continue. From Senken Kusado to today and tomorrow. The last day of work for the year.

Yesterday was the work launch day for Replan members who share an office building.
 Although I have changed my status from "representative" to "advisor" for a certain period of time, it is a different company. I was greeted on my way home by a member who had somehow come to the office. I felt that everyone's expressions showed that they had experienced the big change together with me. Above all, I was pleased to see that everyone was looking forward to the future with all their might. Deep emotion.
 One of these members had finally returned to work after childbirth and childcare, and since I was remote during the morning meeting, I was able to see her cute child's face through the screen. Japanese society is experiencing a declining birthrate, but systematically, there has been an evolution in the direction of making it easier for female workers to participate in society. It may mean that companies are also being requested to take part in such a sense of social responsibility.
 In the past, the burden of child rearing and childbirth was basically borne by the "family," and two or three generations worked together to pass life into the future. However, the nuclear family has reached its ultimate stage, and society has been further transformed into an "individual unit.
 Despite these trends, however, society as a whole must protect the children who bear the future. Even a small part of the female staff's efforts to raise their children may mean that the company can also play a part in supporting them. I felt infinitely healed by the carefree, "spaced-out" expressions on the children's faces.

This is the final installment of the Kusado-Senken series, but what comes to us across time and space is a sense of humanity and cousinliness.
 The city received fresh vegetables from the surrounding villages, and the monks who played a leading role in the temple town where this medieval city was established were also able to sustain their lives thanks to the fresh vegetables. The latest research, however, indicated that traces of "inu" eating had also been discovered in Kusado-Senken. In the search for the truth, we are still trying to understand the Japanese "Honne to Tatemae" (honesty and tactfulness), and the unknown aspects of the medieval people's food culture are deepening....
 However, the town and its houses have firmly supported this way of life. As trading centers, Kusado-Senken, Onomichi, and Tomonoura were probably connected by a deep mutual network. My direct ancestors continued to pass the family baton in the Seto Inland Sea trading area, which is located near Onomichi, a port next to Kusado-Senken. As a merchant family, it is easy to imagine the various interactions that must have taken place between the Kusado-Senken and its successor trading post.
 Imagining this, I kept imagining that if only time and the fate button had been a little different (laughs). I am grateful for the many insights I have been given.

