

【梅雨最盛期 「濡れて福岡」探訪】

2024-06-28 05:30:57 | 日記


English version⬇

Wet Fukuoka" in the peak of the rainy season
The trip to Fukuoka, which was not of my own volition but of my wife's, was an opportunity for me to see myself from a slightly objective point of view. I'm just grateful for that. I am very thankful.

The photo shows the main shrine of Miyajitake Shrine in Fukutsu, Fukuoka Prefecture. Miyajitake Shrine in Fukutsu City is known for one of the largest sacred straw ropes in Japan, which attracts approximately 1.5 million worshippers every year on the first three days of the New Year. The large shimenawa is 11 meters long, over 2 meters thick, and weighs 3 tons.
 For some reason, I traveled to Fukuoka Prefecture with my wife yesterday. We arrived at about 2:00 p.m. and based on Kami's research, I was the driver of the rental car and asked, "Where are we going next?" I was the driver of the rental car. I feel like a suspect being taken from place to place, but I don't mind being a suspect in such a situation. Sometimes I leave everything to the direction of an entity other than myself, and obediently follow its instructions, which brings me to a kind of restful state of thought, a state of "absentmindedness" or "absentmindedness.
 I was prepared for this in Kyushu during the height of the rainy season, and although I encountered heavy rain in the car on the way to the hotel in Fukuoka City at the end of the tour, I managed not to run into too many difficulties during the walking trip. Thank goodness.
 So, the suspect who was taken around was brought out before this God.
 I had already given up on the idea, so I prayed to the god in a calm manner for his innocence, and it seemed that the god's will was understood and my wife was smiling at me. Thank God.
 I was very happy to see her "I must like it here" judgment as she moved from place to place following Kami's order without any prior knowledge of the place. It has the advantage of allowing me to analyze things a little more objectively, in the sense of a dialogue with myself.
 The main deity is Empress Jingu, and the shrine has a history of more than 1,700 years. The main deity is Empress Jingu, and the history of this ancient shrine is over 1,700 years old. The approach to the shrine is via a path called "Hikari no Michi," and the appearance of the shrine is in keeping with the history of Empress Jingu, who commanded overseas military operations.
 Many "kofun landforms" can be observed in the Fukutsu City area. The fact that this was a very important region for the ancient "Yamato Royalty" can be felt even while driving in a car. If you take the Sea of Japan route from the Genkai Sea to the sea, perhaps Izumo is like a "neighbor" to you.
 The Kitakyushu area, which was the main window to the Korean Peninsula in ancient times, is a treasure trove of history. The plane ride was in the clouds for a long time, but for the last moment we were able to look down from the sky at the red roof tiles of the shrine of the Munakata God floating on the sea. It was quite a divine moment.
 So, following the round trip to Asahikawa and back, I made a trip to Kitakyushu. I would like to travel in a mysterious way, obeying the instructions and orders of Kami, the Goddess of Awesome, in my exploration of God. Thank you.


