

【読書する人もいる奥行きの空間 「竹林寺納骨堂」-3】

2023-03-12 06:06:41 | 日記



English version⬇

[A space with depth where some people read books "Chikurinji Ossuary"-3
I don't think death is "gruesome. A place like the boundary between life and death is a place where the mind can be self-reflective. An environment that produces a richness of mind. ...

When the Chikurinji Ossuary received the Architectural Institute of Japan Award, the jury conducted an on-site review. At that time, the jury witnessed an experience in which a visitor happened to be reading in the ossuary.
 The jury was surprised by this and highly praised it, saying, "There is not a trace of insidiousness in this ossuary. However, I dare say that I wondered about the sense of evaluation expressed in the word "gruesome. Of course, I think the evaluator may have used the word as a metaphor to convey the ordinary senses of the general public.
 The words of the designer, Mr. Yasutsugu Horibe, are reported here. Nowadays, we are losing the opportunity to feel death in our daily lives. Rather than avoiding the dead as something to be feared, I thought about how architecture should be like a path that connects life and death.
 I feel a natural sensitivity and a strong sense of kinship with the person who is reading in this space while quietly facing his or her inner self. Human existence is an impermanent state of affairs, and life and death are just one scene in the flow of life and death. In fact, the act of reading, which is akin to prayer, is very much suited to this kind of space where life and death are blended together in a wondrous way. When reading, a person "talks" with a text written by another person as his or her counterpart, as his or her own true spiritual being. This is a very personal realm of experience, and one that is far removed from any intervention from others. In other words, we are in a firm place of inner freedom.
 When someone close to me, a parent or sibling, dies, I make a memorial service for them and lay their ashes in a grave. I think it is natural for many people to experience a dialogue with eternity there. The place where one's relatives are laid to rest for eternity cannot be a gruesome place. It is a place where we can deeply feel the connection with the dead by deeply facing our hearts.

 I thought about the word "environment" yesterday, but in short, I strongly feel the environment in terms of the soul, humanity, and society. This is due in large part to the fact that the Chikurin-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple, but the environmental theory is significant as a part of "deepening" the basic goal of Hokkaido housing in terms of technology to cope with the climate environment, such as high thermal insulation and airtightness.
 Hokkaido has the advantageous condition of being in dialogue with the abundant nature. I have high expectations for the evolution of housing in this way.


