

【建築再生・文化継承に賭けた魂魄 竹林寺探訪-6】

2023-03-15 05:45:55 | 日記



English version⬇

The soul that bets on architectural revival and cultural inheritance: Exploring Chikurinji Temple-6
The core of Japanese cultural inheritance revealed by the deep business motives of those who commission architects. The soul that revitalizes even a society with a declining population. ...

Now that I have seen the "ossuary" architecture designed by Yasutsugu Horibe, winner of the 2016 Architectural Institute of Japan Award for Best Work, I have been thinking about the existence of Chikurinji Temple, the entity that commissioned such an architect.
 Why did they commission the design of such a controversial building? Normally, one would think that the temple architecture should be maintained in accordance with tradition, but I was very interested in the motive of commissioning an up-and-coming architect such as Mr. Yasutsugu Horibe.
 The world is now facing a declining population, and Japan is at the forefront of this trend. In such an era, architecture also needs to move away from new construction and toward renewal. I have a strong interest in how to stimulate the momentum for architectural revitalization, based on my own experience as a member of the Hokkaido Government's Housing Policy Council. The administrative side's approach is generally to design systems from a technical standpoint. While that is natural, I believe that it is far more important to "enliven the motive".
 With these thoughts in mind, I visited this Chikurinji temple and found interesting attempts everywhere. The statue of Shakyamuni is dressed in a novel "costume," and the framed picture inside the main hall depicts Nasu Yoichi at the Battle of Yashima. I wondered why a temple in Kochi called Chikurin-dera depicted the Battle of Takamatsu/Yashima, but I came to the conclusion that it was largely due to the temple management aspect of "understandability" and "topicality.

 This building is called "Funaoka-do. According to the history of the temple, Yoshinobu Funaoka, the abbot of Chikurin-ji Temple, which had been deteriorating and falling into disrepair since the Meiji Era, made efforts to rebuild the building and restore the temple's management. In 1897, the Chikurin-ji building was in such a state of disrepair that it would have cost about 2 billion yen in today's terms to rebuild it.
 As a result of the "restoration and promotion" activities that were carried out throughout the country to reform such a situation, the prosperity that we see today was created. This is reminiscent of the monk Shigen of Todaiji Temple, who made a nationwide pilgrimage to restore Todaiji Temple, which had been burned down by the Taira clan during the Genpei uprising.
 The spirit of this monk is what motivates us to commission him to design buildings that are still talked about in the modern age. Today, we are moving away from the construction of new buildings and toward the regeneration of architecture. I strongly believe that the spirit of Mr. Shigen and Mr. Funaoka needs to be shared throughout society.
 In the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple, rare artists such as Unkei were created, which also created the atmosphere of a new era. I believe that Japanese culture has been properly inherited through the continuous repetition of such architectural revival rather than new construction in Japanese society. We have much to learn from this experience.


