


2022-08-02 05:37:06 | 日記

2019年2月には東京国立博物館で特別展「顔真卿 王羲之を超えた名筆」



English version⬇

[People who are "fed up" with their own cosmocentric and Chinese ideology.
I felt the power of culture and art in the calligraphy of the National Palace Museum of Taiwan and the Chinese Emperor Yan Zhenqing, but unfortunately I could not sympathize with the CG of the Forbidden City architecture from the Beijing government. ...

The "World of NPM" exhibition is currently being held at the Tokyo National Museum.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.
The exhibition is being held as a "proof of friendship" in the field of culture and art.
In February 2019, the Tokyo National Museum held a special exhibition, "Eon Shin-kyo: The Master Brush beyond Wang Xizhi"
was held at the museum. It exhibited the "Festival Niece Manuscript" and other works on loan from the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and
The exhibition was so popular that visitors lined up for more than an hour even on weekdays.
I went to the Tokyo National Museum as a matter of habit, and found that almost all of the visitors were from mainland China.
I was so impressed by the long line of visitors, almost all of whom were from mainland China, that I decided to go to the Tokyo National Museum to see the exhibition.
I was not that interested in the calligraphy of the great Chinese master, so I was surprised at the long line and left the museum.
I was surprised by the long line and left the museum.
I was surprised by the line and left the museum, because I was not that interested in the book.
I thought that the style of writing in which he wrote about his feelings of grief and indignation was very moving to the people of China.
The Chinese people are said to be so moved by the brush strokes that they are eager to see it at least once before they die.
It is true that I could strongly feel such psychological fluctuation in his brush strokes, and it was as if he had sunk deep into the Chinese mind.
I was able to infer that there must be something precipitated deep in the mind of the Chinese people.
And since the National Palace Museum in Taiwan preserves these works as national treasures, or rather as the pride of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Therefore, the Chinese people on the mainland have an extremely high barrier to visit the museum.
The fact that it was exhibited in Japan, a third-party country, attracted many Mainlanders to the exhibition.
The people's hearts and minds transcended national borders and were sympathetic.
Of course, Japan does not have exactly the same kind of cultural and artistic works.
However, I was able to feel a sense of respect for their sentiments.

On the other hand, this exhibition was held at the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum in Beijing.
Most of the national treasures are in the Forbidden City in Beijing and the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, so there is a lack of such exhibits.
I had heard from some sources that there were not enough exhibits of such treasures in the Forbidden City.
I had been wondering what on earth would be exhibited.
I was curious about what would be exhibited in the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum.
The architecture of the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum are the best exhibits after all.
This must be the reason why they offered it as an exhibit at the National Museum of Japan.
The so-called "Chinese idea" is that the Chinese emperor sits at the center of the world like the North Star, the center of the universe.
The so-called "Chinese idea" is to make the people of the world bow down by declaring that the Chinese emperor is the center of the world, like the North Star, the center of the universe.
It is an idea that has little regard for how other peoples feel about it.
the psychology of other peoples.
Historically, what kind of relationship should Japan maintain with such a powerful entity?
It is clear that this has been a major undercurrent of history.

And as the recent Xi Jinping regime has taken dictatorship to the extreme, it is clear that Japan can no longer afford to show friendship to the Japanese.
I feel that the Xi Jinping regime has already lost the luxury of showing friendship to the Japanese people.
I have heard that the decision to hold the exhibition at the NPM was made in an inappropriate manner.
Although I felt some respect for the National Palace Museum in Taiwan
I think that many Japanese people have clearly expressed their intention not to visit the Beijing NPM exhibition.
I think that many Japanese have clearly expressed their intention not to visit the Beijing NPM exhibition.
I have never seen such a deserted exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum....

