

【阿波から房総安房へ 徳島・三木家住宅スピンアウト版】

2023-01-30 06:35:10 | 日記




English version⬇

From Awa to Boso Awa, Tokushima, Miki Family Residence Spin-out Edition
The Awa Imobe clan developed the region of Boso, Chiba as a group. At first, they lived in caves and secured food through fishing, and gradually developed the region by promoting hemp production. The Awa Imobe clan lived in caves to secure food by fishing, and gradually developed the area through hemp production.

 I had the opportunity to visit Tateyama, located at the southern tip of Boso, last year, and I have been exploring the history of the area at a local museum and other places. It is said that hemp has been cultivated extensively in the Boso area since ancient times. When I typed in the word "Fusa-no-kuni" in a search engine, I came across the following description: "The Imobe clan of Awa in Shikoku rode the Kuroshio Current to the Boso Peninsula and cultivated the high-quality hemp of this region, which led to the name of the region as "Fusa-no-kuni" (the land of "So"). This is the description of the "Kami-sousa" and "Shimotsousa.
 In the series of articles, we learn that the Imobe clan, which had found a way to expand into the provinces after losing a power struggle with the Nakatomi clan (Fujiwara clan), was granted the development rights of the country of Boso. The name of the country, which has the same sound as "Awa" as well as "Kamisusa" and "Shimosusa," remains as the name of the region. The tradition of the sacred production style of the tribal clans of the area, which involved the preparation of clothing as a ritual for the imperial court, is clearly visible as a trace of history. The photo above is a diorama of the lifestyle of the earliest settlers in the Tateyama City Museum exhibit. In the early days of the Imobe clan's expansion into Boso, the settling of the area must have occurred in waves. The first settlers started from this kind of predatory lifestyle and cave dwelling.

 The family members who remained in their homeland of Awa must have continued to pray. The young generation was selected from among the tribe members and sent out with the hope of longevity. This kind of regional expansion in Japanese history has been experienced most recently by the people of Hokkaido. Although I am a member of the third generation after the regional expansion, my feelings for the faraway land of my ancestors are beyond the scope of an individual. Today, transportation has developed to the point where it is easy to move from one place to another, but in those days, people probably migrated after exchanging "water cups" and parting with each other in mortal combat. The younger generation of immigrants may have been excited by the prospect of a new land, or they may have repeated the same process of spreading the present-day human race.

Although I was not related to the Miki family in blood, however, I personally felt as if I was "destined" (laugh) to be led to the Miki family's house. It is likely that the Kanto region was also developed by these immigrants who moved into the area as Yayoi rice agriculture spread throughout society. In the case of the Japanese people, "public spaces" such as shrines were soon developed at the center of society. In particular, I believe that the Awa Shrine has played the role of symbolizing and fixing the memories of these tribal peoples. The fact that the cave traces are scattered throughout the shrine is a way of passing on the memories of the first phase of the clan's expansion. The caves must have also functioned as residences. Traces of our ancestors' way of life.
 I believe that the Miki family residence in Tokushima taught us from various aspects the basic role of a house and the need to maintain the core of human culture with pride.


