


2023-05-22 05:48:13 | 日記


English version⬇

Hokkaido and Sakhalin further to the Heilongjiang River estuary area - Mamiya Rinzo's birthplace - 7
The scientific rationality of territorial grasp and geographical recognition was established as the basis for territorial domination of the northern part of Japan. From this achievement, Mamiya Rinzo further advanced into northern diplomacy. ...

For a modern state, understanding the geography of its territory is important fundamental information that ensures the legitimacy of its governance. Without accurate geographical awareness, the overall effectiveness of the exercise of power is impossible. It is the basis for "land rule," including the defense of the territory and its transportation, as well as the development of industry, population growth, and the promotion and securing of settlement.
 It can be said that Japan's Edo shogunate had a very correct understanding of the international common sense that such "civil administration" is the very essence of the modern concept of the state.
 The Edo shogunate system was quick to promote the surveying of Hokkaido Island as the basis for territorial determination, and later, in preparation for border disputes with Russia, it promoted exploration of Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, and other areas.
 Rinzo Mamiya made a huge national contribution in this survey of Sakhalin. He established internationally that Sakhalin and the continent of Northeast Asia were not connected to the land, but were islands, and this led to a breakthrough in world map information. The "special national missions" were carried out and were considered "state secrets" under the Edo Shogunate's policy of national seclusion. In the case of the "leak" of state secrets to the Dutch physician Siebold, the Shogunate imposed a maximum penalty on the Japanese informant and had Siebold deported from Japan.
 However, as the above map information was shared with the Western world by Siebold, it was recognized that Japan's political structure had the basic requirements of a modern nation that respected such accurate information. This was very effective for the national interest at the time. At the very least, it was one of the grounds for the West to recognize Japan's superiority in the Russo-Japanese "war" regarding information. Perhaps it was the recognition that Japan possessed the basic qualifications of a modern nation, different from other Asian nations. Japan could defend its independence to the death. It can be said that the efforts of the Edo shogunate and the explorers of the Northern Territories in the "national intelligence power" saved Japan from the Meiji era onward.
 I believe that Ryotaro Shiba's repeated exploration of the Japanese in this period leading up to the Russo-Japanese War was based on his respect for this kind of background.
 After discovering the Mamiya Strait, Mamiya Rinzo also engaged in "northern diplomacy" toward the region at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, the northeastern tip of the Asian continent that Karafuto faced. He organized local residents living in the Sakhalin region to cross the strait and explore the estuary and basin areas of the Heilongjiang River, which had previously been called "Shantan" or "Tadatoku.
 Japanese historical records are scant on direct negotiations with these regions. There is barely a fragmentary record of a visit by a family member of the head of the Abe clan during the period of Abe rule before the Oshu Fujiwara clan. However, the fact that the Oshu region occupied a unique position in "trade" with the central power regions of Japan for a long time must have been based on such exchanges with the northern regions. Mamiya Rinzo's diplomacy must have had some aspect of reaffirming the relationship with these regions.

