

【土地計画・ムラの「掟」の発現 日本列島37,000年史-18】

2022-11-18 06:22:44 | 日記




English version⬇

Settlement and the emergence of the Mura "code" 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago - 18]
Rational solutions to food scarcity, garbage disposal, infectious disease response, and human relations problems. Land use planning and village rules. Visualization of Jomon. The Jomon Period.

Jomon humans, and the "visualization" of their "social" development.
Subsequently, the foundation of society after the Yayoi period was laid during this Jomon period, which lasted over 10,000 years.
The depth of the Jomon period, when considered as the spiritual history of the archipelago's society, makes one shudder.
It is gratifying to see that modern exploration is reaching into this area.

Settlement is an epoch that completely separates the pre and post Jomon periods.
The National Museum of Japanese History exhibit is a very innovative look at this stage of history, which has traditionally been only touched upon in a cursory manner.
The exhibit at the National Museum of History and Folklore presents a very innovative exploration of this historical stage, which has been only briefly touched upon in the past.
For me personally, the impact of my baptism into leftist ideology in my youth, and the
The basic imprint of the scientific development of human society, "primitive communist society
The concept of a utopia, one of the main concepts advocated by Marx and Lenin, is nothing more than a "myth" at all.
I believe that it is now being "scientifically" elucidated that it is nothing more than a "myth" at all.
I believe that we are now able to accept it.
By calmly elucidating the development of human society using archaeological methods and carbon dating
I believe that we will be freed from such a "spell" if we continue to elucidate the development process of human society using archaeological methods and carbon dating.
I believe that we can free ourselves from such a "spell" by using archaeological methods and carbon dating to understand how human societies developed over time.
The rules and regulations of society were naturally established.
In the mobile life, the solution to the problem was to "escape from the place.
Food shortages, garbage disposal, infectious diseases, human relations problems, etc.
The need for society to take firm measures to deal with these problems has increased.
As shown in the figure above, the first step was to establish rules for land use.
The stockpiling function of food was expanded, and the "village community" emerged as a way of creating a communal living area.
Rules were established for garbage disposal sites, and communal decisions were made regarding infectious disease control.
Naturally, the development of the community was greatly influenced by the "knowledge" gained during the mobile life stage.
Until then, the main activity was to "search" for the best space for one's goal from the outside world, but now, people are more actively engaged in "creating their own space.
The act of "searching" for the best space for one's goal from the outside world until then was replaced by the more active act of "creating one's own space.
A paradigm shift from passive adaptation to active modification of the environment.

The above diorama is the result of such activities.
The explanation was that it was a reconstructed image of the "Tokyo Shimo-Yakubu Ruins.
It is said to be a site that developed in Tamako-cho, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo.
〜The research to date has uncovered many remains and artifacts dating back to the late Jomon Period (approximately 4,000 to 3,000 years ago).
The remains of the river flow at that time revealed facilities made of wood, a large amount of Jomon pottery and stone tools, unmade round wooden boats, round wooden bows, decorative bows, and wooden bows and arrows.
Wooden products such as round wooden bows, decorative bows, wooden containers, and knitted goods, as well as bones of deer and wild boar, which tell of the diet and natural environment of the time, were also found.
Deer and wild boar bones and plants such as horse chestnut and walnut were excavated in large quantities. 〜The site has been in the area for more than 10,000 years.
Over a period of more than 10,000 years, the human beings of the archipelago created such settlements and village societies.
The next generation of "agricultural" Yayoi society was accepted as an extension of this kind of living area formation.
On the other hand, what was the spirituality of integration in this kind of social life?
Spirituality as a social norm, witchcraft, and rituals must have had a strong basis.
We can also see the establishment of a unified metaphysical norm of ritual government. ...

