


2023-11-25 06:21:40 | 日記


English version⬇

[I have a mild cold from physical exhaustion, but...]
I am a man of action, and I like to move from place to place. This leads to the accumulation of physical fatigue. Now, how do I control this personality? I...

It has been snowing in Sapporo since yesterday, and the picture shows what it looked like this morning.
 Last weekend, I was on a business trip to visit the Japan Home Show at Tokyo Big Sight and other events, but since I had to walk from place to place, my daily pedometer showed that I took more than 10,000 steps a day. That also takes a toll on my legs and back, as Tokyo's public transportation system is full of staircases going up and down. On the other hand, I am aging steadily. However, I am still aware of my physical condition as a young mother, and this has accelerated the accumulation of fatigue.
 So, I had been experiencing muscle fatigue and throat discomfort since the end of my business trip, but around the 22nd, I began to feel a slight cough and sore throat, and by the night of the 23rd, I developed a fever. However, since it was a holiday, I could not go to the hospital, and finally went to the hospital on the 24th. This was my first "outpatient fever clinic" in a long time since the spread of infectious diseases.
 Naturally, since I was going to attend the Japan Home Show, which was attended by an unspecified number of people, I was worried that I might have a fever, so I first took a PCR test. After about 10 minutes, I was assured that I had neither corona nor influenza, which was a relief.
 The doctor who has always taken care of me gave me a prescription that included Chinese medicine. I was impressed by the progress of clinical research. In response to such consideration, after returning home, I just took the medicine, lay down, and went to sleep to recover my strength. I worked hard to recover my strength. When I woke up around midnight, I suddenly felt a sense of "recovery. It was a bit dramatic recovery.

 It has been a long time since I had a cold, but as I reflected on this "cold," I realized that any action that does not take into account the decline in my physical strength due to aging will surely result in repercussions. When I go on a business trip, my traveler's high mentality comes into play, and I tend to overdo the scope of my activities, saying, "What the heck. I am always greedy, saying, "Since I've come all this way, I want to go here and there too.
 Then, the winter scenery arrived for the first time since yesterday.
 The weather seems to be telling me to stay quiet because there is nothing to do.
 However, I start to think about my action plan. I have already changed my winter tires, my car was serviced by the manufacturer yesterday, and I am fully prepared for the trip. I'm still thinking about how I can handle my life in a relaxed manner while making the most of my action-oriented personality.

