


2023-05-15 05:30:15 | 日記

English version⬇

Exploration of the Predecessor's House that Preserves the Soul of Hokkaido - Rinzo Mamiya's House of Birth - 1
Rinzo Mamiya was a late-Edo period ancestor who achieved an accurate understanding of the geography of the island of Hokkaido. As a local resident, this is a unique experience like visiting the residence of a benefactor. ...

Since I began my schooling in Hokkaido as a young boy, the names of people such as Rinzo Mamiya, Tadataka Ino, and Takeshiro Matsuura had been ingrained in my mind a priori, so to speak. Although the names may have been taught in schooling, they had a strong sense of immediacy for someone who was born and raised in Hokkaido.
 They were not strangers to us, and we felt that we were descended from their souls. They were like giants who made the Japanese people fundamentally aware of the regional consciousness of Hokkaido. Perhaps this is what shook the souls of many of the educators and teachers who were involved in the education of boys. I believe that it "seeped" into us as impressionable boys.
 Ever since the horrific events of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I have felt this kind of awareness rising up from the depths of my own being. One of his predecessors, Rinzo Mamiya's birthplace is located in the suburbs of Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and is open to the public. As it happened to be near where I was on a business trip, I decided to visit the house to explore the space between my own boyhood and the reality of my life, the part of my soul, so to speak.
 Although I am a person who has long since passed away, as I approached the site, I couldn't help but be filled with feelings of nostalgia. The image of the person I had felt in my boyhood was under my consciousness, and the far-off memory area must now exist in my brain with a nostalgic atmosphere. I was also slowly becoming interested in the structure of human consciousness and its historical generative process. A psychology unexpected even to myself.
 A statue of Rinzo Mamiya stood facing the house where he was born.
 As someone who has worked for a long time in the human-environmental field of housing, I felt that being confronted with this kind of arrangement was a real challenge to my awareness. Yes, human beings are imprinted with unlimited nostalgia for the spatial environment in which they were born and raised. Rinzo Mamiya, reduced, so to speak, to his spirit, simply continues to gaze at his home. I naturally felt a strong interest in the house, wondering what kind of thoughts and feelings were arising in his mind.
 This interest, which was as vivid as that of a residential interview, led me to observe the details of the house where Rinzo Mamiya was born and raised, while conversing with him. As a person who has usually covered the relationship between various people and their homes, I was able to create such an imaginary setting with a sense of virtual reality.


