


2022-08-11 06:22:39 | 日記




English version⬇

Azumahaya, Tsumagoi of Nihonmuson - Exploring the "Jomono Clan"-2
JR's advertising strategy of stimulating the travel fever of the mature demographic is correct (laugh). Romance tale in the origin of the kun reading of Azuma. Japanese people put their emotions first. ...

〜On his way back from an expedition to the east, Yamatotakeru no Mikoto remembered his deceased wife.
He turned to the east and grieved. He called the land to the east of Usuhizaka
Azuma," he called the land to the east of Usuhizaka. Later, the area east of the slopes of Ashigara Pass on the Tokaido Highway and Usui Pass on the Higashiyama Highway was called "Banto.
The area to the east of the Tokaido Ashigara Pass and the Usui Pass on the Higashiyama Road came to be called "Banto. ~.
There are several theories as to the location of this story.
There are several theories about the location of this story, but the area surrounding the Higashiyama Pass, which was an ancient road that led from Gunma Prefecture to Shinano, is called
There are also place names such as "Tsumagoi" and "Azuma" in the area surrounding the Higashiyama Road, which runs from Gunma Prefecture to Shinano.
Nihon no Musunon himself is also a man of indistinct outline, but he was a member of the Yamato court.
However, considering the Yamato court's policy of territorial expansion in the east, there must have been a fact of an expedition to the east.
However, there is a solid theory as to why the kanji for "east" is read as "Azuma" in kun (Japanese).
There is no solid theory as to why the Chinese character for "east" was read as "Azuma" in kun. The riddle is deep.
According to the Kojiki, when the Japanese god Takemikoto crossed over from Sagami to Kamisusa, the god of the sea at Sosui (Yokosuka City) caused the waves to rise up.
The ship was in a difficult situation. The ship was in a difficult situation.
The waves calmed down and the group was able to cross safely to the Land of Kaminoso.
The group was able to safely cross over to Kisarazu, where they stayed for a while and wrote a poem in memory of Ototachibana Ehime.

The photo above is from JR's "Otona no Himitsu Club - What I want to do when I grow up" campaign.
The photo above is a poster of Sayuri Yoshinaga with Omuro Kofun as a stage.
It is not an association with "Azuma" Otomotachibana Ehime, the Japanese goddess of war (laugh).
Somehow, this kind of romanticism in the origin of the reading "Azuma" is
I think it is a Japanese way of prioritizing emotion over logic.
Regardless of the origin, it is interesting to note that this kind of romance tale became widespread and universal in the course of subsequent changes in Japanese history.
It is perhaps more interesting to note that this kind of romance tale became widespread and universal in the course of subsequent Japanese history, regardless of its origin.
And then, as we come to the Kofun period
The Kamomono clan established control over Gunma Prefecture in the Kofun period.
The Kamimono clan's background overlaps with the tale of the conquest of the eastern part of Japan by the Japanese warrior warrior Takemikoto.
A clan that originated in what is now Sakai City
The family originated in the area around Sakai, and moved eastward to establish their power in this area.
The "civil engineering" device of a front-recession burial mound symbolizes the expansion of the Yamato kingdom's power.
And then there is the fact that there is also an Omuro Kofun Tumulus in Shinano, a place across the mountains along the Higashiyama Road.
I feel that the bottleneck between the world of mythology and the facts of archaeological excavation is vaguely evident.

In a place like the Omuro Kofun Tumulus Museum, I was stimulated by my late arrival as a "Sayurist" (laugh).
I didn't expect this kind of surprise attack here, so
We were caught totally by surprise.
JR's advertising strategy of stimulating the travel fever of the matured generation is absolutely right (laugh).

