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List of plot theories - Wikipedia

List of plot theories

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Please connect the source with a description using footnotes. (June, 2011)

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The list of plot theories made the example of the main plot theory a list. The claim that, by the way, they operate a phenomenon or did that the commoner does not see with a constant intention is a plot theory, but an individual with strong power to a group take up an in that well-known example. In addition, the person concerned insisted with a plot theory like "a willow article lake case" and "Japanese abduction issue by North Korea" in each example at first, but there is the thing that a true thing was confirmed later. On the other hand, there are a lot of things that only falsehood abused as propaganda and the evidence that, in fact, it is convenient for misconception and a view were comprised of (cherry picking). Therefore attention is necessary about the original or an imitation because the close claim is included in an urban leg end.


The organization which was based on of 1 plot theory
1.1 Jewish plot theory

1.2 Cannan, Phoenician plot theory

1.3 New World Order plot theory

1.4 Financial combine plot theory, Royal Family plot theory

1.5 Plot theory concerning Soka Gakkai and the Korea Korean residing in Japan

1.6 Witch

1.7 Communist

Plot theory about 2 world order rebuilding
2.1 World united government plottheory

2.2 Method of the world united government establishment

Plot theory about 3 technology
3.1 Plot theory about the alien

3.2 Berri tip plot theory

3.3 Plane remote control

3.4 Plot theory about the tap water fluoridation

3.5 Food storage plot theory

3.6 Project Apollo plot theory

3.7 HAARP plot theory

3.8 Earthquake weapon

3.9 Weather weapon

3.10 Kem trail plot theory

3.11 Global warming plot theory

3.12 Gene combination plot theory

3.13 DES plot theory

3.14 Plot theory about the medical technology

Plot theory about 4 social systems
4.1 Central bank plot theory

4.2 World Great Depression plot theory

4.3 Electronic money plot theory

4.4 FEMA plot theory

4.5 Electronic voting system plot theory

4.6 Nobel Prize plot theory

Plot theory about the event in 5history
5.1 Revolt plot theory of Hirotsugu Fujiwara

5.2 Cold War make-believe theory

5.3 Emperor pickpocket substitute theory

5.4 Plot theory about the Imperial line

5.5 Hidden asset plot theory of the imperial family (lily plot theory of the money)

5.6 Russo-Japanese War plot theory

5.7 World conquest plan of Great Japanese Empire

5.8 Nazis plot theory

5.9 Holocaust forgery plot theory

5.10 Anti-whaling thought and animal incarnation color prejudice root theory

5.11 Day emperor feng shui plot theory

5.12 Cold war between the East and the West, global warming plot theory


Plot theory about 6 war
6.1 Plot theory about the Pearl Harbor attack

6.2 Coventry air raid

6.3 Japan-China War, the Pacific War plunge is a plot theory by the Comintern

6.4 8.15 Miyagi case camouflage coup d'etat theory

6.5 Atom bomb throwing down prior known opinion

6.6 Dispute plot theory in Georgia

6.7 Iraqi War plot theory

Plot theory about 7 cases, accident
7.1 Lincoln assassination plot theory

7.2 Plot theory about the John F. Kennedy assassination

7.3 John F. Kennedy, Jr. assassination theory

7.4 Diana former Princess of Wales assassination scandal

7.5 Oklahoma City federal government Building blast case plot theory

7.6 Synchronized terrorist attacks case plot theory in America

7.7 Lusitania sinking incident plot theory

7.8 Titanic submergence accident plot theory

7.9 Plane crash plot theory

7.10 Plot theory about 8 other plots theory epidemics in Japan

