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2013-01-16 14:10:18 | 日記


Keyword (Wikipedia) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/wikipediamobile/%90%ED%91%88%94%C6%8D%DF which is a - end with the war crimes

■ War crimes
An act (law on belligerence violation) to violate law about the war in a narrow sense means treason (act advantageous to the enemy by the pacifist in a strategy place, the occupied territory) in the wartime, and the war crimes mean the concept that I add it to law on belligerence violation in a wide sense and included a crime for a crime, the humanity for the peace in.

Specifically, I set an aggressive war for other countries and am to give an enemy, a captive the non-humanitarian treatment. In addition, it is said that an act and the behavior causing induction of a dispute and the confusion including a massacre, exile, the arrest for the private citizen and the expansion of retaliation feelings are war crimes.

▽Establishment of the concept in modern times

It was only an international law (international law in time of war) violation said to that it must be protected in the wartime including "the Hague land combat treaty" that forbade "Geneva Convention" that forbade captive abuse and the use of the non-humanitarian weapon what was defined as war crimes once.

After World War I end, it was discussed globally that the victorious nation judged the leader of the defeated nation, and the United States of America, U.K. France Italy, Japanese allied powers side which were the victorious nation decided that I hung it for the trial by the judge of then allied powers five countries for the reason of having turned over the kaiser Wilhelm second in international morals. But I was not tried because I refused delivery of the Wilhelm second whom the Netherlands which was a neutral country took refuge in. In addition, the opinion pointed out as the guilt for the first time for defeated nation Germany has "the crime for the humanity" in Paris peace conference of this time.

In the middle of World War II, the allied powers side criticized a cruelty of Germany many times and strongly warned it of a thing for the punishment of the person in charge after the war end. However, it was only international law violation in the wartime that was brought into question without catching criminal acts such as the Holocaust of the Nazis only in the range of the definition of previous war crimes at this point in time.

But the declaration that you should ask until the responsibility of senior officer and the government leader who should take responsibility for the criminal act was started without treating the barbarity to the private citizen of the Nazis in particular as normal war crimes, and it being, and, in 1942 London, the punishment to the main war criminal of the Nazis and Zion erasure plan offender was declared in the United States of America in October, 1943, the following day, the U.K., the Soviet Union, the Moscow declaration by each foreign territory aspect talk of the Republic of China by Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, allied powers side nine countries of Yugoslavia.

