Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記210115 Arai Yasumasa at grand prix of 2020 International U3A

2021-01-15 22:46:46 | 自分史

朝日記210115  Arai Yasumasa at grand prix of 2020 International U3A 


The First International U2As Online Art Award2020 (AIUTA)  F.Vellas会長から「理性の勝利」および音楽紙芝居作品への受賞の伝達がありました。

日本U3Aからの依頼で、この機会に これまでの作品40点の動画展示をいたします。御覧ください。下の絵の表示の左右にそれぞれ矢印が付いているのでこれで複数の絵をご覧ください。

Arai Yasumasa at grand prix of 2020 International U3A


 受賞作品 Victory of Reason 理性の勝利




  1. U3

○  27minutes


No475-Ongaku Kamishibai 2019Machida fest Brief 音楽紙芝居のご紹介

2019/09/14 に公開

No475-Ongaku Kamishibai 2019Machida festBrief


As Ongakku Kamishibai/Kaiga, the following two volume is presented as Monitor display. Larger size display, the  more preferable Each piece is able to  be download from YouTube is available.

  1. U6

○  8minutes


No.139富士太鼓Yassie arai collge~fuji-taikoPhotoStory1.wmv

2013/01/03 に公開

Fuji-Daiko ofKanze-Noh is placed here.

by courtesy of Dr.Yutaka Raizawa who composed

this flute solo in terms of;


  1. U16
  •  7 minutes




This collage is devoted to my mother in her past way.

S he was hundred and one years old. Thanks.


  1. Painting Kamishibai homage ‘She is smart 理性の勝利.’ See the next page.

You can use this in printing with a frame or Display show is available as your disposal.





本コンペは実弟の日本画 橘樹住香と組んで応募し、幸いなことに二人とも受賞しました。以下は橘樹住香の受賞ページです。御覧ください。

To Brother, Tachibanas page

    ↓  Click below;

Asanikki210122 International Art Comp, Arai Brothers are grand prix awarded


~~~~読者からのコメント~~~Comments from Readers ~~~~

Unknown (塚谷さん U3J日本代表)
2021-01-15 23:30:52
frrom Ms Ohtsubo, Midori (Yasumasa Arai)
2021-01-21 22:43:22
昨夏オリーブ象虫の蝕害でなくなってしまったオリーブの後に、年末に趣の異なる雑木に来てもらいました。ハウチワカエデというとてもほっそりとした雑木です。元々は和風の木なのでしょうが、和とも洋ともつかない小庭(おにわ)にもきっと馴染んで私のNew Normal を作ってくれると、楽しみにしています。

寒さも今暫く! お元気でお過ごしくださいませ。
A3J塚谷理事長からメッセージ (塚谷U3J日本代表)
2021-01-22 21:16:06
美術の部で、優勝したのは、凄いです!!私も、入賞されると思っていました!!私達も、名誉な事で、会員に知らせます。U 3Aの世界中の中から選ばれたのですよ!凄いことです!スミカさんも、入賞したのですよ!!すみかさんも、入賞したのですよ!両方とも入賞して凄いことです。こちらも、U3A J apanとして、鼻が高いです!!
Unknown (Suzuki Takahiro and Coco, my daughter couple)
2021-01-25 22:16:42

From My daughter couple Takahiro and Coco Suzuki
Congratulations! on the International U3As Online Art Awards

Congratulations on winning the award!
What a remarkable accomplishment!

It was with great pleasure that we learned you had won the Best Expression of Abstract Awards(drawing)

We believe the award resulted from your amazing passion、 tireless creativity and rich imagination.
We hope that you will continue to enjoy drawing, and that you will continue to be active and healthy.

You have a bright future.
Best wishes for further success and happiness!
Sincerely yours,

(From Yasumasa to Suki couple)
Thank you, Takahiro san and Coco san.
Don't you think it is amazing that some very smart men organized the world scale of old persons clubs. It started at UK and France, and now international organization, with Japan. This competition is in the terms of International U3A Online Art Award 2020, the very first held at a venue of Uhtai City , Santong Province, China.
Winners are presumed to be invited to there, but physically difficult of transportation as you now.
So, they have switched the different form of exhibition by means of computer net. Winners original work are supposed to display and stored at the Uhtan Museum of Senior People. (Very smart of diplomatic idea, isn't it?)
Sumio, my brother ,professional painter of NihoYamatoWe , has also got the Silver medal. So we are double awardees of this competition.
I have heard .Madame Hiroko Tsukatani, President of Japan side U3A, head office located in Ohasaka, is so proud and glad to this winnings.
Thank you for your message, thank you again.
Keep care of both of your health, guarding against the virus.
From Dad 2021/01/25
corresponding 2 (Takahiro and Coco)
2021-01-26 12:49:10
from Takahiro and Coco to Yasumasa

We think it's even more impressive that both siblings won awards!
If it wasn't for CORONA, you would have gone to China, but online is very interesting in this day and age.

This is the first time we learned that there is an intellectual institution called U3A.

We respect the fact that you have been actively challenging yourself in many ways.
That is a wonderful thing in itself.
Please keep up the good work and take care of yourselves.
Congratulations again.
We very proud of you
(^∇^)( ´∀`)

Just viewed your No. 441694 and very lovely indeed. Love all.. (Beth Gordon)
2021-01-29 22:48:39

Your brother’s art is stunningly beautiful. The roses in the oriental vase look almost real. Very talented family you have. Can understand why you both received awards, a great honor for you both I am sure. Congratulations to you both..
Just viewed your No. 441694 and very lovely indeed. Love all the flowers and fruit but others as well are lovely. Will search the others a little later as I can only hold neck in this position for limited time. Thank you so much, as so happy we are friends and get to see all this talent and to know you.🥰
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6 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Just viewed your No. 441694 and very lovely indeed. Love all.. (Beth Gordon)
2021-01-29 22:48:39

Your brother’s art is stunningly beautiful. The roses in the oriental vase look almost real. Very talented family you have. Can understand why you both received awards, a great honor for you both I am sure. Congratulations to you both..
Just viewed your No. 441694 and very lovely indeed. Love all the flowers and fruit but others as well are lovely. Will search the others a little later as I can only hold neck in this position for limited time. Thank you so much, as so happy we are friends and get to see all this talent and to know you.🥰
corresponding 2 (Takahiro and Coco)
2021-01-26 12:49:10
from Takahiro and Coco to Yasumasa

We think it's even more impressive that both siblings won awards!
If it wasn't for CORONA, you would have gone to China, but online is very interesting in this day and age.

This is the first time we learned that there is an intellectual institution called U3A.

We respect the fact that you have been actively challenging yourself in many ways.
That is a wonderful thing in itself.
Please keep up the good work and take care of yourselves.
Congratulations again.
We very proud of you
(^∇^)( ´∀`)

Unknown (Suzuki Takahiro and Coco, my daughter couple)
2021-01-25 22:16:42

From My daughter couple Takahiro and Coco Suzuki
Congratulations! on the International U3As Online Art Awards

Congratulations on winning the award!
What a remarkable accomplishment!

It was with great pleasure that we learned you had won the Best Expression of Abstract Awards(drawing)

We believe the award resulted from your amazing passion、 tireless creativity and rich imagination.
We hope that you will continue to enjoy drawing, and that you will continue to be active and healthy.

You have a bright future.
Best wishes for further success and happiness!
Sincerely yours,

(From Yasumasa to Suki couple)
Thank you, Takahiro san and Coco san.
Don't you think it is amazing that some very smart men organized the world scale of old persons clubs. It started at UK and France, and now international organization, with Japan. This competition is in the terms of International U3A Online Art Award 2020, the very first held at a venue of Uhtai City , Santong Province, China.
Winners are presumed to be invited to there, but physically difficult of transportation as you now.
So, they have switched the different form of exhibition by means of computer net. Winners original work are supposed to display and stored at the Uhtan Museum of Senior People. (Very smart of diplomatic idea, isn't it?)
Sumio, my brother ,professional painter of NihoYamatoWe , has also got the Silver medal. So we are double awardees of this competition.
I have heard .Madame Hiroko Tsukatani, President of Japan side U3A, head office located in Ohasaka, is so proud and glad to this winnings.
Thank you for your message, thank you again.
Keep care of both of your health, guarding against the virus.
From Dad 2021/01/25
A3J塚谷理事長からメッセージ (塚谷U3J日本代表)
2021-01-22 21:16:06
美術の部で、優勝したのは、凄いです!!私も、入賞されると思っていました!!私達も、名誉な事で、会員に知らせます。U 3Aの世界中の中から選ばれたのですよ!凄いことです!スミカさんも、入賞したのですよ!!すみかさんも、入賞したのですよ!両方とも入賞して凄いことです。こちらも、U3A J apanとして、鼻が高いです!!
frrom Ms Ohtsubo, Midori (Yasumasa Arai)
2021-01-21 22:43:22
昨夏オリーブ象虫の蝕害でなくなってしまったオリーブの後に、年末に趣の異なる雑木に来てもらいました。ハウチワカエデというとてもほっそりとした雑木です。元々は和風の木なのでしょうが、和とも洋ともつかない小庭(おにわ)にもきっと馴染んで私のNew Normal を作ってくれると、楽しみにしています。

寒さも今暫く! お元気でお過ごしくださいませ。
Unknown (塚谷さん U3J日本代表)
2021-01-15 23:30:52

