Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記180824 金足農野球に燃える夏 Summer Hot topic;‘KanaAshi ‘と今日の絵

2018-08-24 13:29:10 | 自分史


 朝日記180824 金足農野球に燃える夏 Summer Hot topic;KanaAshi ‘と今日の絵



 Two essays and three of drawings are placed here,Today.


Today's drawings:(Nagasaki xvii8) ( Insects of sounding) and (Morning landsacpe)

 (Nagasaki xvii8)

徒然こと 1 Summer Hot topic;KanaAshi highschool baseball highschool baseball,

 ·金足農「投手の玉砕」を賞賛する甲子園の病 いったい誰のための高校野球なのか?



The following page of Toyo-Keizai, is an article on a pitcher who is enthusiastic focused at highschool baseball tournament championship game. He had excellent and tough pitchings alone with more than eight hundreds pitching throws until the final match game, and so enduthiastically admired and hotly expected to win the final match, but……


 ( Insects of sounding)


 徒然こと 2 My comments;

 Anyway ,it was a shock game. It teaches us a symbolic matter of cruel against a brilliant high school boy; a pitcher of baseball game. The system has a high risk to causing him either to his physical or /and mental wreck. Yes, it would verbally come to throw him over to ' junk yard', with a tag written as ' once nationally brilliant boy as hero pitcher in Kohshien baseball championship'. But most of people is innocently to be standing off from fade of hot memory. This article is covering this matter which is in necessary urgent review of system improvement. I hope that they would reach to have smart resolutions . One point , we should remind ourselves is that they should be principally staying under spirits of pupils autonomy as school sports club. This is not to be any course for build up for professional players. If so, the system is to be separately classified So.it does not come to mean its dominance (supervisor) under (pro-like) manager, but it should be at minimun, placed as teacher adviser. Pupils own ingenuity and activity is payed to be most fundamental as spirit, and not for pro-baseball player production purpose. At the ending, what I talked above does not meant to hurt the particular name of person. I respect all of this tournament. They are brave and clever. I am further convinced hopefully in their brght future activities in life. I honestly add that I have been enjoying this tournament game for more than seventy years. Yes, I express thanks deeply all of now and old boys for my season enjoyment for my life so far. Then, I sincerely wishes them for happiness and luck in their own lives. Thanks.

(Morning landsacpe)

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