toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )


Today's Saying

2015-07-31 19:59:06 | ことわざ

One misfortune comes on the neck of another.

( 不幸は別の不幸のすぐあとにつづいてやってくる。)~泣き面に蜂~


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Unknown)
2015-08-01 07:54:20
Just after the big tsunami, explosion of Fukushima nuclear power plant, followed by melt down of the reactor. A great number of people had to evacuate, having to abandon their houses, farm land, live stocks etc,etc.
Today, it is the brightest news that the prosecution inquest panel of civilian voted for the three former TEPCO executives to be dragged into court again, who could run away from being judged as the stupid prosecutors of dirty and coward government employee helped them to be freed.
Unknown (Mr. Lazy)
2015-08-01 07:54:47
Just after the big tsunami, explosion of Fukushima nuclear power plant, followed by melt down of the reactor. A great number of people had to evacuate, having to abandon their houses, farm land, live stocks etc,etc.
Today, it is the brightest news that the prosecution inquest panel of civilian voted for the three former TEPCO executives to be dragged into court again, who could run away from being judged as the stupid prosecutors of dirty and coward government employee helped them to be freed.
