

5コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団

2022年05月01日 08時49分48秒 | コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団

5コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団


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Again, all of the Covid narrative was lies. Not mistakes.

繰り返しますが、コロナの物語はすべて嘘でした。 間違いではありません。

Many of the politicians who repeated others’ lines might try to offer as defence that they relied on experts to inform them.


U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Rochelle Walensky recently did just that when she said that the CDC made vaccination recommendations because CNN published Pfizer’s press release saying that their Covid-19 vaccine was 95% effective. (You can’t make this up.)


However, the true subject matter experts who promoted the false narrative from the public health departments— such as Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance in the UK and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci in the U.S.—knew their statements were untrue.

しかし、英国の主任科学アドバイザーであるサー・パトリック・ヴァランスや米国の国立アレルギー感染症研究所(NIAID)の所長であるアンソニー・ファウチ博士など、公衆衛生部門からの誤った物語を宣伝した本当の主題の専門家は知っていました。 彼らの発言は真実ではなかった。



The Question of Motive動機の問題

The question of motive has to arise. What possible motive might there have been to create this state of fear?


Who must have been involved to have granted authorisation to do it?


I have tried to find benign explanations and have failed to do so. The logical conclusions I’m drawn to make for very disturbing reading.

私は温和な説明を見つけようとしましたが、失敗しました。 非常に不穏な読書のために私が描く論理的な結論。

I look forward to discussing them with you and indeed with anyone.


Although it’s unlikely I am correct on every point, what I am sure of is that the overall picture is one of extreme deception and a highly-organised fraud.


Moreover, I am not alone in reaching this view.


For example, in an essay titled “if I were going to conquer you,” one author walks us through what the perpetrators would do in order to take over the world through a simultaneous “coup d’état” of the liberal democracies.7



would doのアドレス



Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. summarised a plausible explanation in a speech in Milan in November 2021.8






I appear to be the ONLY former executive-level scientist from big pharma anywhere in the world speaking out.


I have invested two years pro bono in identifying the key elements of the fraud, in the sincere hope I can connect with upright individuals who can help bring this to wider attention and, ultimately, to a halt and to justice.


As a result of these efforts, I can describe a global fraud operating for two years at tremendous cost in lives, the economy, and the very structure of human societies, which could only have been undertaken by powerful people, organised for a purpose that is not to the benefit of ordinary people.




Additional Observations追加の所見

Though not all central, there are a large number of ancillary points that reinforce my conclusions.


I have assembled some of them below. This list is not exhaustive and may be added to.

私はそれらのいくつかを以下に組み立てました。 このリストは網羅的なものではなく、追加される場合があります。


Fraud Assessed詐欺の評価

In a series of five short videos,9 you will find remarkable similarities in a Canadian team’s interpretation of the same fraud.


Note, in particular, the second film (3.5 minutes) on non-pharmaceutical interventions.10



five short videosのアドレス



second filmのアドレス




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Fraud Rehearsed詐欺のリハーサル

German investigative journalist Paul Schreyer shows that this fraud was rehearsed for many years, increasingly, with all the stakeholders now running the alleged Covid-19 fraud.11

ドイツの調査ジャーナリストであるPaul Schreyerは、この詐欺が何年にもわたってリハーサルされ、すべての利害関係者がCovid-19詐欺の疑いをかけていることを示しています11。






Why were autopsies strongly discouraged worldwide in 2020 and still today?


My conclusion is that this was to cover up the lack of Covid-19 deaths.


After vaccination, a large fraction of deaths have been judged to be due to the vaccines, and the lack of autopsies covers them up, too.12



After vaccinationのアドレス



PCR Test PCRテスト

The Nobel-prize-winning inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, stated definitively that PCR must not be used to diagnose viral illnesses.13

ノーベル賞を受賞したPCRテストの発明者であるKary Mullis博士は、ウイルス性疾患の診断にPCRを使用してはならないと明確に述べています13。


must not be used to diagnoseのアドレス

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXm9kAhNj-4 (Youtubeにより削除されています。)


On what basis, therefore, were “cases” determined purely by the results of this one test, much disputed as to its appropriateness?



Cause of Death死因

A death from any cause, within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, is recorded as a “Covid death”.


It’s absurd—we have never assigned cause of death like this before, ever.


The effect of untrustworthy PCR tests and the arbitrary assignment of a dubious “positive” as somehow causative of death has been a very effective way to fool and frighten people.


Most do not know that there are literally scores of viruses, even common cold viruses, which can infect human airways, some of which—in elderly and infirm people—can give rise to severe illness.




Hospital Protocols病院のプロトコル

Hospital treatment protocols, where I have explored them, look designed to kill:



・In the UK, the pathway starts with everyone being tested with untrustworthy PCR tests, which are applied repeatedly for an inpatient.


Given that 2% of hospital admissions end in a hospital death, repeated poor testing guarantees a lot of “Covid deaths”.



・A patient “diagnosed” as “positive” Covid is then placed in isolation, and visitors are not allowed until the patient is moribund.



・A standard treatment involves intravenous midazolam (a benzodiazepine used for sedation) and morphine from a syringe driver, at doses up to 10 times greater than advisable for a patient capable of breathing unaided.


This often results in respiratory failure and either immediate death or mechanical ventilation, accompanied by withdrawal of all care; of course, these patients then expire. It’s murder.

これはしばしば呼吸不全を引き起こし、すべてのケアの中止を伴う即時死または人工呼吸器のいずれかをもたらします。 もちろん、これらの患者はその後死にます。 それは殺人です。


In the UK, we have documentary evidence that the UK National Health Service (NHS) stockpiled a year’s supply of midazolam by ordering it normally but banning 2019 prescriptions.


By April 2020—over no more than two months—the entire supply was exhausted.


Another year’s supply was then bulk-purchased from a generics company in France, cleaning out their stock.



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Something similar occurred in U.S. hospitals, with ramped-up cash bonuses for each stage passed, up to and including mechanical ventilation.



Mechanical ventilation is rarely appropriate, because Covid-19 is NOT an obstructive lung disorder.


Blood oxygen desaturation is best addressed using non-invasive masks with elevated oxygen levels.


When hospitals tried this in Italy in February 2020, they ceased mechanical ventilation within a week, so stark were the differences in outcomes; that is, most ventilated patients died, while most masked patients survived.



Apparently, the method of treatment the Italian health care providers had been given from “colleagues in Wuhan” was what they called “the Wuhan protocol”.


In this, the guidance given was that the sooner they sedated and ventilated an agitated patient, the better the patient’s chances. This was a lie.

この中で与えられたガイダンスは、彼らが興奮した患者を鎮静化および換気するのが早ければ早いほど、患者の可能性が高くなるというものでした。 これは嘘でした。

Panicked patients needed anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs) and an oxygen mask, but instead, they were killed.



Experimental Vaccines実験的ワクチン

I have been incensed by the misuse of novel, experimental “vaccines,” particularly in Covid-recovered individuals, pregnant women, and children.



・Recovered individuals are immune, and the risks of adverse events are greatly increased because the body is already poised to attack any cells expressing spike protein.



・Pregnant women are not at greatly elevated risks from Covid-19 because they tend to be young and healthy.


NEVER, since thalidomide (1956–1962), have we approved the use of experimental agents in pregnant women, and certainly not without reproductive toxicology studies.


None of the vaccines have a completed “Reprotox” package (summaries on the reproductive effects of chemicals, medications, physical agents, or biologics).



I filed a short expert opinion in court with America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) on this topic.14



expert opinionのアドレス



The vaccine makers also didn’t complete something called an ADME-Tox (Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion-Toxicity) package.

ワクチンメーカーはまた、ADME-Tox(吸収 分布 代謝 排泄-毒性)パッケージと呼ばれるものを完成させませんでした。

Documents obtained in March 2022 through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests show that Pfizer was “planning to study” vaccination in maternity as of April 30, 2021—that is, after they had already manufactured and shipped close to 100 million doses.



・The misuse of these agents in healthy children has, without question, reverse risk/ benefit: the injections kill far more children than the virus could.



The whole thing stinks of a purpose different from public health, because if it was a legitimate public health effort, we definitely would NOT do any of these things.


When I co-authored the world’s first treatise explaining some of these concerns, officials lied on the nationally broadcast BBC and other media outlets, smearing me and others like me who were raising questions.


Note that the petition in question, filed with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), was co-authored by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the public health doctor and minor politician from Germany who stopped the fraudulent “swine flu pandemic” in 2009.15

欧州医薬品庁(EMA)に提出された問題の請願書は、2009年に不正な「豚インフルエンザの流行」を阻止したドイツの公衆衛生医でありマイナーな政治家であるWolfgang Wodarg博士によって共同執筆されたことに注意してください。





Revised Definitions改訂された定義

I observed two strange occurrences.



First, the WHO altered the definition of “immunity” from “that obtained after natural infection or vaccination,” only mentioning vaccination and excluding “natural immunity”.16







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That meant that only vaccination could accomplish the goal.


They eventually changed this back, but for many, the damage was done, leaving non-experts not trusting natural immunity, even though it is superior to that from vaccination because the body has been exposed to all parts of the virus and will, therefore, respond to any part of it if reinfected.



The definition of a “vaccine” was also changed, so that it wasn’t necessary to prevent infection or transmission, whereas traditional vaccines almost always do this.


They do so because they prevent the development of clinical illness and, in the case of respiratory viruses at least, lack of symptoms renders the person all but incapable of infecting anyone else.



In addition, the WHO changed the definition of “pandemic.”


Previously, “pandemic” meant the simultaneous spreading across many countries of a pathogen, causing many cases and deaths.


The definition was changed to eliminate the need for many deaths. (See Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg [at 45 min, 50 sec], interviewed on UK TV in 2010 after the exaggerated swine flu pandemic, which I now believe was something of a rehearsal for the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.)17

多くの死者の必要性を排除するために定義が変更されました。 (誇張された豚インフルエンザのパンデミックの後、2010年に英国のテレビでインタビューされたWolfgang Wodarg博士[45分50秒]を参照してください。これは、2020年のCovid-19パンデミックのリハーサルのようなものだと今では信じています。)17





This is a critical point, because PCR can be designed against any pathogen, and protocols can be adopted such that a large number of false positives appear.


This grants bad actors the ability, relatively easily, to create the illusion of a pandemic, almost to order.


Dr. Wodarg recaps his 2009 experiences and shows interesting similarities with recent events in an January 2021 interview.18



similarities with recent eventsのアドレス



Many people simply don’t believe experts when they talk of a “very high fraction of positive test results being false positives”.


I assure you, however, there have genuinely been a number of events where the entire suspected epidemic was an illusion, and 100% of positives were false positives.


In 2007, the New York Times reported on an example of “an epidemic that wasn’t” which, when I first read it, gave me a crawling sensation.19






I wonder if it was this genuine event—a false alarm in which experts admitted placing “too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray”— that birthed the method for exaggerating (or even fully faking) a pandemic such as the one we are currently living?




Bizarre Statements奇妙な声明

I noticed early on that Bill Gates said, “We won’t return to normal until pretty much the whole planet has been vaccinated”.


This is a bizarre statement from a person with no medical or scientific training (or indeed a college degree in anything).


It is never necessary to vaccinate the entire population, when only the elderly and infirm are at serious risk of death if infected.


Note, too, that the median age of deaths from/with Covid was the same or even older than the median age of death due to all causes.


For his part, former UK prime minister Tony Blair insisted that vaccine passports would be essential to restore confidence.


Again, this was absurd, especially once we learned that these vaccines do not prevent transmission.


Once this became clear, the case for coerced vaccination vanished, and this is still the present position.


Yet, my unvaccinated relatives may not enter the U.S.


If you fear infection, the safest person to be around isn’t a vaccinated person but a person who is fit and well, with no respiratory symptoms.



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