

6コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団

2022年05月01日 08時52分47秒 | コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団

6コロナの嘘 マイク・イェードン博士 コロナ倫理医師団


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Boosters and Antibodiesブースターと抗体

The practise of “boosting”—giving people dose after dose of poorly-designed agent, ostensibly to reinforce their immunity—has no immunological basis.


No genuine immunity wanes in a few months, or sometimes even in a few weeks.


The perpetrators have exploited the public’s understanding of the annual influenza vaccine to somehow normalise something that is both dangerous and ineffective.


I also noticed that early on, in discussing immunity, antibodies were the discussion topic, whereas T-cells were an “extremist plot”.


This is another absurdity.


I can assemble expert witnesses who will attest alongside me that blood-based antibodies are relatively unimportant, potentially irrelevant to infection by respiratory viruses.


This is because the virus infects the air side of the airways and blood-based antibodies cannot leave the blood and enter this “compartment”.


Blood antibodies and respiratory viruses never meet except under unusual circumstances.


On the contrary, T-cells leave the blood and migrate through infected airway tissue, removing infected cells.



Ferguson Track Recordファーガソンの実績

Professor Neil Ferguson at Imperial College has a poor record of modelling and predictions.20



poor recordのアドレス




Prescient Testimony先見の明の証言

A former WHO staffer, Jane Bürgermeister, shared frighteningly prescient testimony in 2010.


Her understanding was that respiratory virus pandemics will be used to force near universal vaccination and that this had sinister motives.21



near universal vaccinationのアドレス



I dismissed this the first time I saw it.


Many of us turn away instinctively from evil because we cannot or do not want to believe that other humans are capable of that which our logic tells us is happening.


I now no longer reject it.


It fits far too well with the totally independent Paul Schreyer documentary.11






More Prescient Testimonyより先見の明のある証言

Another doctor, Dr. Rima Laibow, made similar claims.22



similar claimsのアドレス



This testimony speaks of population rejection, and like Jane Bürgermeister, locates the fraud in a conceptual world government.


Again, one can reject it, or consider it alongside other pieces of information.






I think it’s worth developing the theme of turning away from evidence of sheer evil, and I have to say more, because it is THE pressing issue today.


The evidence I set forth makes it perfectly plain that the entire world is being lied to in ways that led— predictably—to huge suffering and death.


Given that none of the “measures” imposed could have mitigated illness and death from a respiratory virus, the only outcome was to be the fracturing of civil society and damage, potentially fatal, to the economy and financial system.


I emphasise again here that WHO scientists had conducted a detailed review of control measures for respiratory virus epidemics and pandemics as recently as 2019, and they concluded that no imposed NPI measures make any difference at all.23



review of control measuresのアドレス



The claims made for control in Wuhan are not credible.




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The stakeholders who must have approved this action own or control the majority of the world’s capital and assets.


Their motivation cannot be for money, for they stand astride the money-creating apparatus in the central and private banks.


Equally, it cannot be to obtain gross control over the population, since they already demonstrably have that.


This is what leads me inexorably to propose that the motives behind this are terrible—


at the very least, to secure totalitarian control through mandatory, digital IDs


(in the guise of useless “vaccine passports,” useless because none of these so-called vaccines reduce transmission, the only possible justification for them).


Add to this a “financial great reset” with withdrawal of cash and introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and we have a wholly controlled population, controlled automatically without human intervention on the ground.



All that’s needed is to require the population to show their health passport or else they will not be allowed to cross a regulated threshold, like accessing a food store, or make a transaction using digital money unless the AI algorithm permits it.



If those operating this takeover of humanity wished then to eliminate a portion of the population, with plausible deniability, I doubt a more propitious starting point could be had.



I do not believe it’s a fault in those who fall for the narrative that they cannot see the lies.


People want to believe that governments and experts, for all their well-known flaws and occasionally uncovered corruption, are trying to do the best they can.


They cannot accept the truth, that there is a group of powerful people who regard the ordinary members of the public as surplus to requirements.


They want to deny evil because it makes them feel bad, sad, and uncomfortable to think about the world this way.


They want to deny reality; that’s their coping mechanism, which is being exploited by the perpetrators of evil.

彼らは現実を否定したいのです。 それが彼らの対処メカニズムであり、悪の加害者によって悪用されています。

It gives a cloak of invisibility to those who want to commit mass murder, quite literally, since so many people are so willing to imagine that it is not happening.



It is not clear to me what to do with the information I’ve gathered here.


I believe that a calm review of the summary that I call “The Covid Lies” will result in any open-minded person agreeing that we all have been subjected to a monstrous fraud with lethal consequences, and that there is overwhelming evidence of long-term planning and deliberately injurious acts.


There is no easy way to say that, but it could be represented objectively and taught, in the manner of a workshop, so that participants get to derive their own conclusions (albeit being led by the evidence).



I doubt just talking to a group of people who hold the dominant narrative view as “true” would respond at all well to this, delivered as a lecture.


Nobody wants to accept that they’ve been fooled, even if the blow is softened by telling them that this has been brought about by highly experienced professionals in the covert services and has required huge amounts of money to buy off several groups.


On the positive side, an increasing number of people have detected that fraud is ongoing.


A particularly good example comes from the financial analyst community and refers to life insurance claims among many other pieces of evidence of wrong-doing.24



life insuranceのアドレス



Ignoring this and hoping it will go away is naïve and very dangerous for us all.


The perpetrators have not gone away and will likely return in the fall.


I expect this year or the next will see them assume totalitarian tyranny, if we have not, before then, “inoculated” important stakeholder groups to understand what has happened so far and cautioned them to be alert to the many potential presentations of the next fearprovoking episode.


Best wishes and thanks for reading.




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About Dr. Mike Yeadonマイク・イェードン博士について

I am an experienced life sciences R&D professional, with 32 years in commercial R&D.


There is no reason for me to be saying the things I do, other than that I believe them to be true.


I have never campaigned for or against anything in my life, and I had never made public comment on anything outside the narrow confines of my professional roles, prior to Covid-19.


I hugely enjoyed my years with Pfizer.


They were a good employer, and I left on excellent terms as they shuttered their UK R&D base.


Evidence of this is that I formed a business partnership with Pfizer the year after I left (2012), and we worked together on an ultimately successful venture, which concluded profitably for all in 2017.25



successful ventureのアドレス



I am the most highly- and broadly-qualified scientist speaking out about this alleged fraud.


I have no financial or other conflicts of interest, unlike most of those who I assert are deceiving the public, everywhere.



Professional Profile専門プロファイル

・Currently Chief Scientific Advisor to America’s Frontline Doctors and to the Truth For Health Foundation.


・Former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech acquired by Novartis (2017).


・Former VP and worldwide head of Allergy & Respiratory Diseases research at Pfizer, UK (1995–2011).


・Independent consultant to over 30 biotech companies, mostly U.S. (2011–2021).


・PhD in respiratory pharmacology (1988) and double 1st class honours degree in biochemistry and toxicology (1985).





  1. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1503112014700285953.html
  2. Max Blumental. “Foreign Agents #10 – Covid and mass hypnosis w/Dr. Mattias Desmet.” https://rokficom/stream/9705/Foreign-Agents-10--Covid-and-MassHypnosis
  3. “Mass psychosis – How an entire population becomes mentally ill.” After Skool and Academy of Ideas, Aug. 14, 2021. https://rumble.com/vl52me-mass-psychosishow-an-entire-population-becomes-mentally-ill-by-after-skool.html
  4. Catherine Austin Fitts. “Control & freedom happen one person at a time with Catherine & Ulrike Granögger.” The Solari Report, Feb. 11, 2022. https:// solari.com/deep-state-tactics-101-part-i-with-catherine-austin-fitts/
  5. Catherine Austin Fitts. “Deep state tactics 101 Part I with Catherine Austin Fitts.” The Solari Report, May 18, 2019. https://home.solari.com/deep-state-tactics-101part-i-with-catherine-austin-fitts/
  6. “The Trusted News Initiative – A BBC led organisation censoring public health experts who oppose the official narrative on Covid-19.” The Exposé, Aug. 29, 2021.




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  1. el gato malo. “If I were going to conquer you.” Bad cattitude (SubStack), Mar. 4,
  2. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/if-i-were-going-to-conquer-you
  3. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Robert Kennedy, delivers a great speech in Milan 13 Nov 2021.” truth.exposed123, Nov. 23, 2021. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ wyFtd4mshFO8/
  4. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/pandemicalternative/
  5. “Non-pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs).” https://rumble.com/vv3xn6-nonpharmaceutical-interventions-npis.html
  6. “Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?” https:// wissen-ist-relevant.de/vortrage/paul-schreyer-pandemic-simulation-gamespreparation-for-a-new-era/
  7. Bhakdi S, Burkhardt A. “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination.” Doctors for COVID Ethics, Dec. 15, 2021. https://doctors4covidethics.org/on-covidvaccines-why-they-cannot-work-and-irrefutable-evidence-of-their-causativerole-in-deaths-after-vaccination/
  8. “Kary Mullis explains why his PCR test is not a diagnostic test.” https:// youtube.com/watch?v=rXm9kAhNj-4
  9. https://home.solari.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Declaration-ofMikeYeadon-fertility-signed.pdf
  10. “Dr Yeadon’s (former Pfizer VP) coronavirus vaccine safety petition.” Dryburgh.com, Dec. 4, 2020. https://dryburgh.com/mike-yeadon-coronavirusvaccine-safety-concerns-petition/
  11. “WHO changes definition of herd immunity.” Peter Byel [blog], n.d. https:// wordpress.com/2021/01/15/who-changes-definition-of-herdimmunity/
  12. “W.H.O. / Governments working in collusion with big pharma? | A necessary look back at the swine flu pandemic.” https://www.expandingawarenessrelations.com/ tag/wolfgang/
  13. “A conversation with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.” Pandacast, Jan. 2, 2021. https:// pandata.org/wolfgang-wodarg/
  14. Silviu “Silview” Costinescu. “NYT 2007: Faith in quick test leads to epidemic that wasn’t.” Silview, Dec. 26, 2020. https://silview.media/2020/12/26/nyt-2007-faithin-quick-test-leads-to-epidemic-that-wasnt/
  15. Don Via, Jr. “Neil Ferguson’s latest faux pas in a long line of fear-driven predictions.” COVID-19 Up, Aug. 18, 2021. https://covid19up.org/neil-fergusonfear-driven-predictions/
  16. “Jane Bürgermeister | Forced vax warning – February 15, 2010.” https:// com/watch/jane-bu-rgermeister-forced-vax-warningfebruary-15-2010_Con7FXMOCvgW8Or.html
  17. “Jesse Ventura meets Dr. Rima Laibow.” https://www.brandnewtube.com/watch/ jesse-ventura-meets-dr-rima-laibow_kL2AlRqtejqXMr1.html


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  1. World Health Organization. Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza: annex: report of systematic literature reviews. World Health Organization, 2019. https:// who.int/iris/handle/10665/329439. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
  2. “Bombshell: Naomi Wolf interviews Edward Dowd about Pfizer fraud & criminal ramifications.” https://rumble.com/vwjmjm-bombshell-naomi-wolf-interviewsedward-dowd-about-pfizer-fraud-and-criminal.html
  3. John LaMattina. “Turning Pfizer discards into Novartis gold: The story of Ziarco.” Forbes, Mar. 15, 2017. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2017/03/15/ turning-pfizer-discards-into-novartis-gold-the-story-of-ziarco/?




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