

2 CHDオフィットの利益相反は現実であるRFK Jrがチメロサールに関して正しい理由

2023年10月19日 13時30分38秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

2 CHDオフィットの利益相反は現実であるRFK Jrがチメロサールに関して正しい理由


Thimerosal impairs immunity — The impact of thimerosal on our immune system

チメロサールは免疫力を損なう — 私たちの免疫システムに対するチメロサールの影響


Recent research has shown that a substance called thimerosal, which is sometimes used in vaccines, can mess with an important part of our immune system.


This part is called ERAP1, and it’s like a helper that makes sure our immune system is working the way it should. When ERAP1 isn’t working well, our body’s defense system can get out of whack, making us more likely to get sick.

この部分はERAP1と呼ばれ、免疫システムが正常に機能していることを確認するヘルパーのようなものです。 ERAP1がうまく機能しないと、私たちの体の防御システムが正常に動作しなくなり、病気になりやすくなります。


One study, published in a science journal called ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, found that thimerosal can actually stop ERAP1 from doing its job.

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters という科学雑誌に掲載されたある研究では、チメロサールが実際に ERAP1 の機能を停止させる可能性があることが判明しました。

This is a big deal because it could mean that our immune system won’t respond as well as it should when we’re exposed to germs.


Another study, this one in the journal BMC Immunology, also found that thimerosal can interfere with the same protein.

BMC Immunology 誌に掲載された別の研究でも、チメロサールが同じタンパク質に干渉する可能性があることがわかりました。

This study reported that ERAP1 helps control inflammation in our bodies.


When ERAP1 isn’t working right, we can get more inflammation, which is a sign that our body is struggling to fight off something harmful.


Inflammation is known to be involved in chronic illnesses such as autoimmunity, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.


This means that we should be truly careful about putting substances like thimerosal into our bodies, especially when they can mess with something as important as our immune system.


Society should expect that someone like Offit, who is in charge of educating people about vaccines as a major, would not only know about these risks but he would also discuss them openly.




CDC studies fall far short



It’s also worth noting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) list of studies claiming to exonerate thimerosal has been critically analyzed and found lacking in methodological rigor.


Many of these studies rely on highly adjusted models without proper model selection criteria, leading to unwarranted generalizations about vaccine safety.




Paul Offit’s conflicts of interest



When evaluating the credibility of any claim by persons involved in a scientific debate, it’s essential to consider potential conflicts of interest that could bias their opinions.


Offit, often cited as an authority on vaccine safety, has several financial ties that are worth noting for a balanced perspective.


Offit is the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and the director of the Vaccine Education Centre at CHOP.


He also holds a consultant position with Merck, a major pharmaceutical company.


Notably, Merck funds his research chair at CHOP to the tune of $1.5 million.


Offit has also received a $350,000 grant from Merck for the development of a rotavirus vaccine in the past.


In 1998, Offit was part of the CDC advisory board that approved the use of a rotavirus vaccine for the National Vaccine Program.


At that time, he held a patent for a competing rotavirus vaccine produced by Merck, from which he stood to gain financially.


The first approved rotavirus vaccine was later found to be harmful and was withdrawn from the market, leading to a government investigation into the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s and CDC’s policy decisions.



The investigation concluded that these agencies did not adequately enforce conflict of interest rules.


Offit did not recuse himself from the discussion of RotaTeq with his peers before the final vote.


In 2006, when Merck’s rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq was approved, Offit received patent rights along with his co-inventors.


This entitled them to ongoing royalties, amounting to millions of dollars, from institutions to which they ceded their inventor rights.


These financial gains raise questions about Offit’s impartiality in matters related to vaccine safety and efficacy.


This information was brought forward in Kennedy’s book, “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak.”

この情報は、ケネディの著書『チメロサール: 科学に語らせよう』で紹介されました。

Showing how Offit misrepresents the facts to mislead, here’s the exact quote from that book:


“In a 2008 Newsweek article, Offit acknowledged receiving a portion of the $182 million CHOP earned by selling its interest in future royalties for the vaccine; an investigation by Age of Autism estimated the minimum amount received by Offit as $29 million.”

「2008 年のニューズウィーク記事で、オフィットはワクチンの将来の使用料に対する権益を売却して得た 1 億 8,200 万ドルの CHOP の一部を受け取ったと認めた。 Age of Autism の調査では、Offit が受け取った最低額は 2,900 万ドルと見積もられています。」

The book cites The Daily Beast as the source of that admission and points to an Age of Autism article by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill for further information.

この本はその告白の情報源としてデイリー・ビーストを引用し、さらに詳しい情報としてダン・オルムステッドとマーク・ブラクシルによるAge of Autism の記事を指摘している。


But the ultimate source was the Newsweek article, which read:


“Offit isn’t apologizing. He acknowledges that he got a ‘small percentage’ of the $182 million Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia received when it sold its interest in future royalties for the vaccine RotaTeq. (He won’t give a precise amount, but says ‘It’s like winning the lottery.’)

「オフィットは謝罪していない。 同氏は、フィラデルフィア小児病院がワクチン「ロタテック」の将来のロイヤルティーの権益を売却した際に受け取った1億8,200万ドルのうち、「ほんの一部」を自分が得たことを認めた。 (彼は正確な金額は教えてくれませんが、「宝くじに当たるようなものです」と言いました。)

“And he has served as both a paid and unpaid member of a scientific advisory board at Merck, which makes RotaTeq.


Drug companies routinely hire experts as consultants, despite concerns by some that these relationships can undermine scientific credibility.”



Given these substantial financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry, it’s reasonable to question whether Offit’s advocacy for vaccines is influenced by factors other than unbiased scientific inquiry.


While financial incentives do not necessarily invalidate someone’s scientific contributions, they do provide context that should be considered when weighing the validity of their arguments.


While Offit is a prominent figure in the field of vaccinology, it’s important to note that he has had financial ties to vaccine manufacturers.


Transparency and acknowledgment of such ties are crucial for an unbiased scientific discourse.







It is essential to approach the topic of vaccine safety with scientific rigor and impartiality.


Logical fallacies and conflicts of interest have no place in this important discussion.


We call for more rigorous, unbiased scientific investigation into the safety and efficacy of vaccines, particularly concerning the effects of thimerosal on ERAP1.


Also, there’s a history related to the likely accumulation of inorganic mercury from thimerosal in the brain: It’s the point that Kennedy raised with Offit during their conversation that Offit could not address.


And it’s an important point that Offit failed to answer in his recent letter.



Originally published on James Lyons-Weiler’s The Kennedy Beacon Substack page

元は James Lyons-Weiler の The Kennedy Beacon Substack ページで公開されました。

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., is the CEO and director of IPAK, The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, and founder of IPAK-EDU.org, an online institution that has been helping the public empower themselves through knowledge since 2020. He publishes Popular Rationalism on Substack.

ジェームズ・ライオンズ・ウェイラー博士は、純粋応用知識研究所 IPAK の CEO 兼ディレクターであり、2020 年以来知識を通じて国民が自らの力を発揮できるよう支援しているオンライン機関 IPAK-EDU.org の創設者でもあります。 彼は Substack で Popular Rationalism を出版しています。


The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover.

ディフェンダーは、CHD とザ・ディフェンダーが定期的に取り上げている問題についてのケネディ氏の見解を特集した、Children’s Health Defense の非営利ミッションに関連したコンテンツを時折投稿します。

In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy who is on leave from CHD and is running as an independent for president of the U.S.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.

この記事で表明されている見解や意見は著者のものであり、必ずしも Children's Health Defense の見解を反映しているわけではありません。


James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

James Lyons-Weiler is the president and CEO of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, an advocacy group that pushes for accuracy and integrity in science and for biomedical researchers to put people’s health before profits.


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