

北美作业代写:Corporate bank deposit reconciliation

2018-07-12 17:03:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Corporate bank deposit reconciliation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的银行存款对账。银行存款对账是规避和防范货币资金管理风险最基本的方法。通过企业银行存款对账可确保银行存款的安全和会计核算的准确性,能及时查出一些会计账务处理错误的问题,重视财务银行存款对账管理,可有效提高货币资金管理质量,避免不必要的经济损失。

Fund is the enterprise survival and development of the "blood", is the enterprise value maximization, monetary funds and enterprise exists in the process of production and business operation in the form of currency's most liquid assets, it is occupy, divert, the greatest risk of corruption. In the face of increasingly severe financial security risks, it is necessary to take the prevention of monetary fund management risks as the top priority in the financial management of enterprises.

Bank reconciliation is the most basic method to avoid and prevent the risk of money and capital management. Through the enterprise bank deposit reconciliation to insure the safety and the accuracy of the accounting on bank deposits, timely find out repeated errors such as books, books amount accounting treatment error problem; The collection of empty cheques and filling in wrong bank notes lead to the withdrawal of funds that cannot be entered into the accounts. Artificially inflated decreased bank deposits, illegal personnel fraud, corruption and embezzlement, attaches great importance to the management of finance bank account reconciliation, which can effectively improve the quality of monetary fund management, avoid unnecessary economic losses.

Bank reconciliation is the last line of defense to test the safety of funds. In the management cases of capital occupation, misappropriation and corruption, most of them are caused by the absence of internal control and control system for the management of corporate bank deposits. Enterprise accounting, cashier responsibility unknown, one cashier is responsible for the fund transfer and bank deposit reconciliation, non-existing, accounting audit or accounting payment one operator is responsible for bank reconciliation at the same time, are easy to conceal financial management loopholes.

Bank provide the bank statements for the enterprise, fill out the optional the gender is big, bank statements and corporate banking account information not corresponding to the subsidiary ledger, increased the enterprise the account reconciliation for bank deposit the same amount of balance of payments. In the process of reconciliation, accountants often check the same amount by fuzzy reconciliation, which is difficult to achieve the real reconciliation between the enterprise and the bank's deposit account.

At present, the enterprise information software USES mostly bank deposit reconciliation or spreadsheet program to complete, most of the bank reconciliation information software on reconciliation function design are according to the value of the function of the fuzzy automatic reconciliation, this method is prone to reconciliation "mistakes" but can't find. Overdraft group enterprises implement zero balance management, daily spending account settlement, fuzzy reconciliation to illegal personnel provided with empty closed empty business no hook for opportunity, but also not easy to find the above bank deposit reconciliation audit personnel hidden violations, illegal behavior in the process of reconciliation.

Bank deposit reconciliation result is reflected in the bank reconciliation, the ascertain of the causes of the formation of accounts, must check that weaves JinZhangChan according to accounting voucher and bank, but for more enterprises, bank deposits of zhang phase that weaves through checking the workload is big, long-term of accounts to verify is not solid, is not found in time of balance in the concealment of embezzlement and corruption.

Enterprise should according to "the enterprise internal control basic norms" reform of incompatible duties separation system, setting up reasonable accounting, cashier and related jobs, accounting can't each other part-time cashier, shall not be handled by one person all monetary fund circulation process, it is strictly prohibited by a person takes care of the payment all the seals and the UK. For key accounting positions, mandatory leave may be implemented and job rotation shall be carried out within a maximum of three years.

Enterprises shall establish strict examining and approving system for funds business, clear approver authorized capital business in much the same way, authority, responsibility and related control measures, the area of responsibility of the agent to handle the monetary capital business and work requirements, financial personnel in strict accordance with the examination and approval procedures for money to pay, bank deposit reconciliation work done before we settle, find and solve problems in a timely manner.

Enterprise and bank accounts reconciliation balance of business, the biggest problem is the same amount if reflect conducive to enterprise in the bank statement reconciliation of identity, such as tag enterprise make network name, JinZhangChan according to the code, such as enterprise when dealing with accounts to enter JinZhangChan identification paper, the software design of accurate reconciliation, according to the same enterprise bank deposit reconciliation problem will be solved.

When manually checking, modifying and adjusting the deposit reconciliation data of enterprises and Banks, it must be approved. Bank reconciliation in handling some special business software, are set up artificial manual reconciliation function, manual reconciliation function will be the risk of bank reconciliation, as a result, software design, the artificial operation review must be monitored.

The reconciliation of bank and enterprise data should be left behind. Through bank deposit reconciliation software check finished, the system automatically generate enterprise accounting data one-to-one correspondence with the bank statement data table, the table clearly shows the whole process of bank deposit reconciliation, audit personnel to constantly review on bank deposit reconciliation process.

In order to strengthen the management of internal control, internal control system in strict accordance with the set positions, urged strict performance of the internal control system of post responsibility, to carry out the financial position are incompatible containment system, is an effective method to reduce the financial risk.

Bank reconciliation process management is the key to bank deposits, accurate reconciliation, carefully check the financial personnel bank deposit reconciliation hook of the situation, to prevent inconsistent information check, circulate tick, tick, virtual hook, etc.

Bank deposit reconciliation of accounts must check that weaves JinZhangChan according to accounting voucher and bank, analysis, and discriminant of accounts in the enterprise accounting errors, bank notes, not to zhang, inflated decreased Banks, or corporate data, illegal personnel fraud, corruption and embezzlement and other illegal illegal items, timely find out of the causes of the formation of accounts.

Bank deposit reconciliation management is an effective means to ensure the safe use of enterprise funds and improve the efficiency of funds. Enterprises must tap the potential of internal control management, refine the regulatory process, and give full play to the key role of bank reconciliation management in preventing operating risks.


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Assignment代写:Financial management of IT enterprises

2018-07-12 17:03:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Financial management of IT enterprises,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了IT企业的财务管理。财务管理目标,就是企业从事财务活动时所要达到的预期目标,其代表着企业财务管理活动的最终方向。IT信息产业在进行财务管理时,要坚持盈利和发展并重,不仅要提高利润水平,还要为企业的未来发展留足空间,以推动其可持续发展。IT信息产业还需深刻的发现财务管理存在的问题,并分析原因,从而采用有效地措施来解决。

In today's world, IT information technology is changing with each passing day. As the main body and representative of the current high-tech industry, IT information industry has great development potential, and its role in economic and social development is becoming more and more obvious. The development level of IT information industry not only represents the comprehensive national strength of a country, but also represents the main driving force and important foundation of future economic growth.

Compared with other industries, IT information industry has a "marginal effect", that is, when the high fixed cost investment is successful, the marginal cost of investment in industrial development can be ignored. The reduction of the cost of science and technology will inevitably bring the decline in profits. The pace of science and technology in the 21st century is changing rapidly every day. The cost of technology is getting lower and lower, and the price of most products and services with information technology content is decreasing, which has become a basic trend. The functions of various products in the information industry are constantly integrated, providing more and more convenience to people's life, work and even entertainment.

The information industry is basically a strategic industry without pollution and can play an important role in improving the national economy, education and quality of life. Since the 1990 s, the country to invest heavily in information industry, each county cable network throughout the country, the national cable networks, such as the national strategy of development on the basis of telecommunication network, has produced several world-class telecom companies, such as China telecom, China mobile, etc. The initial infrastructure of information industry needs huge capital, but the "marginal effect" of the cost of information industry determines the prosperity of this industry.

In many developed countries, the information industry has already occupied an important position in the national economy. The information industry of the United States is the leading one, and has become the industry with the highest proportion of the GDP of the United States. A country without a strong information industry does not qualify as a world power. China's information industry already accounts for more than 7 percent of China's economy and is playing a significant role in the national economy.

Financial management goal is also called financial management goal, which refers to the expected goal that enterprises should achieve when they engage in financial activities, and it represents the final direction of financial management activities. The function of financial management objectives is mainly embodied in four aspects, namely, guiding function, incentive function, cohesion function and assessment function.

When conducting financial management, the IT information industry should attach equal importance to profits and development. IT should not only improve the profit level, but also leave enough space for the future development of the enterprise to promote its sustainable development. Therefore, corporate financial management objectives should be divided into two levels: the highest goal and the basic goal. The highest goal of financial management should focus on the profitability of enterprises. The basic goal should focus on the survival and development ability of enterprises. So, the discovery of IT information industry still need deep problems in financial management, and analyzes the reason, to use effective measures to better play the role of financial management, finally achieve good combined with IT technology, make the enterprise develop more quickly.

According to relevant research data, only 6% of China's annual research and development funds are spent on basic research, and the total investment in basic scientific and technological research is too low, which directly restricts the development of China's scientific and technological undertakings. Basic science and technology research is the driving force and source of national science and technology development. The weak basic research of science and technology will inevitably lead to the lack of strength in China's science and technology development, which is not conducive to the healthy, long-term and stable development of China's science and technology.

At present, many IT there is a widespread financial management confusion, enterprise management personnel quality is low, the lack of a system specification assets control and asset appraisal business accounting system, lead to financial decision-making errors appear repeatedly. Take giant group as an example. It was a comprehensive interactive entertainment enterprise integrating research and development, operation and marketing. However, with the continuous development of enterprises, managers begin to implement diversified management strategies, and invest a large amount of capital in the real estate industry. As a result, capital cannot be returned in time, and capital turnover is in trouble. At the same time, the giant group in the real estate development and construction, in the case of knowing that there are insufficient funds do not apply for a loan from the bank, miss the opportunity of reasonable use of financial leverage to improve management lead to corporate debt, financial crisis in the end. In addition, the imperfect financial management and accounting systems of enterprises are also the main reasons for the difficulties in listing and financing.

At present, many enterprises lack financial management mode. In this way, the operation and management mechanism of enterprises cannot be well established and improved, so as to strengthen the operation and management ability of enterprises. This is because some companies calculate the cost of human resources in the project based on the salary and benefits of the project personnel, and do not use reasonable labor rates. There are also problems in the way of recognition of project service income, which is not recognized in a reasonable way. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish and perfect a financial management model.

Investment budget is the premise and basis of cost accounting. Enterprises can reasonably control costs through investment budget, and improve service quality while reducing costs. However, most IT enterprises have not yet realized the importance and necessity of strengthening investment budget, which leads to the inefficiency of their financial management. In addition, when making financial management, lack of necessary communication and coordination each department, the budget process design is unreasonable, the lack of effective professional guidance, lead to the budget of the investment unsustainable stability.

For a long time, many IT the enterprise financial management accounting process is relatively chaos, managers fail to effectively control in the financial management of a lot of change, causes the inefficient accounting, accounting the effect is not ideal.

In most cases, the enterprise only pay attention to the IT department the leadership of the financial management of data, rather than with the products and services linked to financial statements, financial management information analysis is not comprehensive, prone to asymmetric information problems.

In addition, the "fire-fighting" management mode of IT enterprises determines the capital flow of enterprises. When all departments need funds, enterprises will allocate funds to the departments that need support most by means of analysis and evaluation. Although this practice ensures the stable operation of enterprises, it also causes insufficient funds for technological development and hinders the improvement of their scientific and technological innovation level.

In recent years, internal service billing has become a major development trend in IT industry, and more and more enterprises begin to conduct independent accounting for IT departments. This measure can not only strengthen the cost consciousness of users and influence their consumption behaviors, but also facilitate the realization of IT value, which is in the long-term interests of enterprises. , however, the majority of enterprises in the internal service billing to know there is misunderstanding, just as a kind of internal financial statements on the Numbers game, did not see its potential value and the function of the impact on user consumption. Even if some enterprises have implemented service level monitoring measures, there is a general problem of unclear service billing process.

As is known to all, government technology allocation, bank credit and enterprise self-financing have been the main financing methods for IT enterprises in China. Today, the government's funding capacity is significantly reduced, unable to provide more funding for business development; Some commercial Banks are reluctant to provide too much financing services for enterprises due to credit risks, and the limited assets of enterprises cannot meet the requirements of mortgage loans. Most IT companies do not meet the capital requirements of listed companies, so they cannot be successfully listed for financing. In general, the financing channels of IT enterprises are relatively simple and difficult at present, while the financing costs are high, which directly restrict the further development of enterprises.

Macro-control can not only reduce blind investment and low-level redundant construction, but also effectively support the development of high-tech industry and promote the optimization and upgrading of its industrial structure. For private enterprises, macro-control has few negative effects. Moreover, macro-control has brought new development opportunities for IT enterprises and laid a solid talent foundation for them. Therefore, IT enterprises should make full use of the current policy environment and make scientific development strategies. Given IT technology can't very good and the combination of financial management, the existing part of the enterprise internal set up a professional finance manager IT, as IT is responsible for the development, maintenance, head of the financial management IT cost management system, which is beneficial to the combination of IT technology and financial management, to better support the development of enterprise financial management.

The financial management model has great influence on the management accounting and operation management of enterprises. Among them, financial management mode, as the core of enterprise management accounting, directly affects its management level. Therefore, enterprises should formulate unified and standardized management standards, clarify the scope of management personnel's work, and strengthen their sense of responsibility and quality. In addition, enterprises should actively standardize financial management and optimize the design of management procedures.

In view of the current market situation, IT is urgent for large and medium-sized IT information enterprises in China to innovate financial management mode, establish and improve their operation and management mechanism, and strengthen their operation and management ability. Represented by Henry's behavior in school of management, advocating humanistic management, and emphasizes the technical process management is not a simple matter, but a complex social system, the requirements in respect of the personality independence and personal dignity under the premise of establishing the dominant position of people in the production and business operation. IT enterprises must be fully considered in the management of important features, set up appropriate financial management mode, to realize the optimization in the process of enterprise operation management organization, implementation of democratic management, and establish implementation and assessment of culture.

With the continuous improvement of information technology in China, the core competitiveness of enterprises has been significantly improved. IT companies in growing Numbers are beginning to realize the strategic significance of information technology development, and actively increase investment in hardware facilities, in order to enhance the level of its profits and achieve sustainable development goals. However, practice has proved that advanced technology and sophisticated equipment will not necessarily create tangible benefits for enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should actively out of "information paradox" swamp, formulate scientific and effective management policy, phased information development plan, and carries on the summary and reflection in a timely manner, to ensure the implementation of results.

With the continuous improvement and improvement of China's traditional financing methods, a fourth financing method, venture capital, has emerged in China. Compared with China, some developed countries abroad have established a mature venture capital system as early as the 1980s, and established a sound risk guarantee mechanism. Venture capital has obvious risk characteristics, high profit level and more risky financing methods. Venture capital relies on high risk to generate profits, and its return on capital is high.

The electronic information industry is favored by venture capital investors because of its high penetration and high popularity. A typical example of this is the communications industry. Compared with other high technologies, communication technology is more practical, more applicable and more acceptable to the public. Just look at the speed at which our phones are being updated. Expressions such as the fifth media and the thumb economy reflect the great influence of the communication industry on people's lives, which is increasingly becoming a part of our lives. As a result, industries with widespread influence, such as communications, are more likely to be the hot spots for venture capitalists.

The main problems in financial management of IT industry in China are the weak foundation of national macro-control. Lack of financing channels for enterprises; Chaotic internal financial management; Enterprises lack financial management model, investment budget, accounting, service billing unreasonable. All these problems lead to the low level of accounting and financial management in China's enterprises as a whole. Therefore, this paper breaks down the above problems one by one and puts forward several measures, such as state support, establishing a perfect financial management model through investment budget and accounting. These measures can contribute to the development of IT information enterprises.


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2018-07-12 17:02:02 | 日記

writing assignments一般会有下面这五种类型:

1.Research papers(研究论文)——正如其名称提示的一样,这些assignments要求你投入到完整的历史学调查研究。你需要阅读大量的文献资料,对其进行思考和解读,让这些阅读材料为自己需要回答的问题服务。不过research papers并不是大学历史课程上最常见的作业。

2.Response papers(心得报告)——心得报告在调查性课堂出现的比较多,主要要求学生对给定的阅读材料、电影、或者课堂主题做出反馈回应,或者对其某些方面进行讨论、评估。需要花费较多的时间与精力,做足充分准备才能说明自己的思路。

3.Exam essays(考试论文)——考试论文和心得报告有比较紧密的联系。考试论文对该课程的基础知识和学生思维都会进行检测,既需要做足准备,掌握课堂要点,也需要加以个人思考和分析,展现观点。

4.Book reviews(书评)——书评根据课程要求不同,作业的标准也不同。但总的来说所有历史书评,都需要对书本的主要论点进行解读,对论点的优劣之处进行评价。这里的评价包括对作者使用论据、方法、组织结构、风格等方面的评估。导师还可能希望你能够将该书放置到具体的历史地理上下文语境中去,检验该书与其他领域作品的联系。

5.Historiographical essays(历史地理论文)——这类论文一般出现在高年级课堂。重点要关注的是学者对具体的历史事件的解读,而不是事件本身。希望学生能对该学科各种思想流派有所区分和认识。

下面是一篇historiographical essay如何进行论点陈述的例子:

The historiography of the American Revolution can be primarily seen as a shift between various Whig and Progressive interpretations. While Whig historians are concerned with political ideology and the actions of powerful people, Progressive interpretations generally examine the social causes of the Revolution.

To begin a historiographical essay, you will first read multiple works on the same topic, such as the American Revolution. As you would for a book review, you will then analyze the authors’ arguments, being sure to avoid simple summaries. You can organize your essay chronologically (in the order that the books on the topic were published) or methodologically (grouping historians with similar interpretations together).

Some questions to consider as you write a historiographical essay are: How has the historiography on this subject evolved over time? What are the different schools of thought on the topic, and how do they impact the interpretations of this subject? Why have different scholars come to different conclusions about this topic? You may find some of the information in our handout on literature reviews helpful.


STEP 1:回忆历史和写作之间的关系。历史就是EDUCATED GUESS ABOUT THE PAST,即对过去进行的学术性猜测。进行写作的时候,要展示出自己对过去有一定的了解,能够引用适当的知识来回答某个具体问题。

STEP 2:以写作要求为标准来阅读。写作之前必须要进行的就是阅读。不管你读的是什么内容,都可以问自己:这段文本与课堂讨论/论述主题有什么联系?这段文本讲了什么?为什么这么说?我读完之后的问题是什么?如何向他人解读这个观点?

STEP 3:解剖问题。对问题进行解读,将其当作展现自己知识存储的机会,使用总结、纲要、评论之类的关键词;或者当作展示个人思考深度的机会,对为什么、怎么样、分析、评价这样的部分重点展开;总而言之,通过对问题的解剖要明确自己的大体方向与重点。

STEP 4:对自己了解和想到的东西简短记录下来,这能够帮助发展出合适的论点。记录清单可以划分为了两类:一类关于事实,一类关于个人思考。

STEP 5:提出论点。这是文章最为关键也最有价值的部分,根据既有信息与材料,从他人有价值的观点吸取经验,也从自己平时的观察思考总结,一个有谈论价值的论点。

STEP 6:组织。提出的观点就像原材料,需要恰当的架构才能搭建起美观实用的房屋。组织架构最重要的是逻辑关系,条分理析,让读者以最清晰最简便的方式吸收你的要点。



Paper代写:Financial innovation

2018-07-12 17:01:37 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Financial innovation讨论了金融创新。金融创新,就是在金融领域通过各种要素的创新性变革和重新组合来引进或者是创造一种新的事物。金融创新既包括金融工具、金融制度、金融市场和金融组织的创新,还包括金融经营理念和经营方式的转变。而制度创新则是整个金融创新的核心,制度创新的存在决定着其他创新所能达到的高度。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Innovation refers to "change in the production function", "new combination of factors of production" and "change in economic life from internal innovation". As for financial innovation, it means to introduce or create a new thing in the financial field through innovative reform and recombination of various elements. Financial regulators or finance? C) development activities and creative changes in institutional arrangements, financial instruments, types of business and institutional arrangements in response to various benefits considerations. Financial innovation in a broad sense includes not only innovation of financial instruments, but also innovation of financial systems, financial markets and financial organizations.

Financial innovation in a narrow sense only refers to the innovation of financial instruments and financial services. The financial innovation of commercial Banks refers to the commercial Banks in the profit maximization goal, under the guidance of the concept and system of bank operation and management, financial products and technology and organization form and the development of organizational structure, etc, to change, adjustment and so on a series of financial activities and the floorboard of the economic competition. Financial innovation of commercial Banks includes business innovation, system innovation and management concept innovation. Business innovation refers to the commercial Banks operating in the original basis of a series of innovative activities, usually refers to develop new products and services, business innovation is the core of financial innovation, the other in the field of financial innovation activities are around for the business innovation, business innovation because of commercial Banks increased market share, and profit growth and controls the risk characteristic and value by each big commercial bank.

System innovation is the commercial bank management mode, system arrangement, the organization structure and the China banking regulatory commission regulatory content innovation, system innovation is the premise and guarantee for business innovation, it can lay a good development foundation for the commercial Banks and the market environment. The financial liberalization brought by institutional innovation can provide a broader stage for the innovation of financial services and financial products. The innovation of business philosophy includes the innovation of value criterion, enterprise spirit and financial consciousness, which is the precondition of business innovation and system innovation and an important part of the whole financial innovation. Changing the old management concept and creating a new one can ensure the steady and orderly development of financial activities.

The existing financial innovation model is the government-led financial innovation model and the market-oriented financial innovation model. The so-called government-led financial innovation model is to promote financial innovation through legislation and promulgation of relevant financial management regulations in the implementation of capital flows and monetary policies. For example, the reform of the interest rate regulation, the amendment of the regulations on deposits and loans, the amendment of the central bank law and other financial innovations. The government-led financial innovation model, in which the government is in a dominant position, can determine the degree of financial deregulation, the allocation of financial resources, and the formulation of development strategies. This pattern of financial innovation can be compared to a centrally planned economy you, the government can through the market monopoly or administrative command means to ensure that Banks conform to the will of the reform to achieve the required financial innovation.

The government regards commercial Banks as a tool of its own policy, and fully protects the Banks to weaken the sense of competition between Banks and Banks. In terms of banking system is often complex professional division of labor, including inside and outside the division of the business, have a time limit the length of the division of labor, division of the size of the service object and service industry and the regional detailed division of labor, each bank's business scope is strictly defined at the time of the bank to launch a new innovation must be approved by the government. When market conditions or operating condition changes, there will be the emergence of new financial instruments, but if the configuration and flow in the low efficiency of funds can appear when the money to the high benefit of local flow through new financial instruments.

At this time, market-oriented financial innovation emerged. Under the mode of this kind of financial innovation, almost all Banks is a private enterprise, the role of government is to reduce the unemployment rate, only to promote the development of economy, to maintain price stability and a moderate amount of macroeconomic regulation and control. This mode the bank has the right of a lot of independent innovation, can undertake corresponding innovation by understanding the needs of customers, according to the market changes constantly adjust the policy, standpoint and roots belong to the market. The aim of a series of financial innovations by Banks is to maximize profits. It is worth mentioning that market-oriented financial innovation is mainly represented by the United States and a few developed countries such as the United Kingdom. The United States is the main place and important market for financial innovation. Almost all financial innovation is directly or indirectly related to the United States.

Because of financial innovation is a systematic engineering, tool innovation and technological innovation belongs to the micro level, easy to imitate and introduction, although work is faster than western countries income in our country are less, investigate its reason, mainly because of China's financial system innovation is far behind the technology and tools. System innovation is the core of the whole financial innovation. The existence of system innovation determines the height of other innovations. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out institutional innovation in China. First, to actively promote the reform of interest rate liberalization and accelerate the reform and innovation of commercial Banks on the issue of interest rate liberalization.

By redividing the market share, the financial innovation of commercial bank marketization is promoted. Two is on the innovation of the financial regulation, practice the examination and approval system on financial business in our country, the enumeration method of financial business varieties of legal definition, enumerating method will not be able to list all of the financial business, has a certain limitation. Although financial regulation supports financial innovation, as financial innovation increases the difficulty of regulation, higher regulatory requirements have been put forward for the supervision capability. So we need to according to our country national condition, work out appropriate and reasonable system of financial regulation, fundamentally guarantee and support the development of financial innovation, so as to promote the development of long-term economic stability.


Essay代写:Stumpf's theory of psychology

2018-07-12 16:49:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Stumpf's theory of psychology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了斯顿夫的心理学理论。斯顿夫原为哲学家,后来因为哲学的兴趣而成为心理学家。他也有着音乐家的天赋,所以又把这些兴趣服务于心理学。就个人成就而言,他是一个赞同实验主义的意动心理学家和音乐心理学家。斯顿夫认为心理学的对象是机能,同时又企图调和意动心理学和内容心理学的对立。

About, philosophy and psychology point of view, has a lot of evaluation, alston, often claim to be a philosopher, he was study psychology, philosophy of interest and the young music talent in psychology, small achievements. Stumpf and feng te, the father of experimental psychology and the pioneer of the constructivist school of psychology, were of the same period. Wundt in leipzig university in 1879, founded the first psychological laboratory in the world, as the direct competitors of wundt mainly was in Berlin in 1894, university of the expansion of the original psychological laboratory. In the course of discussing with you stenton and his psychological theory, this paper has deeply understood his contribution to psychology and realized the charm of stenton and his music psychology.

From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, it was the beginning of western psychology. We can find the root of the research orientation of scientific psychology and humanistic psychology here, but there are few studies on the pioneering period in the history of western psychology. At that time, the importance of humanistic psychology was far lower than that of experimental psychology, and the evaluation of brentano and stonoff was far less than that of feng te and fechner. To this end, has always been about psychology can be seen in the starting period of the research literature, the research of humanistic psychologist is less than the experimental psychologist research, studying the bren napolitano is less than the study of wundt. In the study of human psychologists, stenton was even more neglected, becoming "almost forgotten psychologist" in German psychology. The main reason for this was the destruction of the manuscripts and related documents of stonoff's works during the world war.

As a theorist of psychology, he made great contributions to the theory and research of music psychology on the basis of his music accomplishment. He tried to prove music from a psychological and physiological standpoint, based on helmholtz's theory of hearing. Winston's most influential book is the music psychology, this would be consistent with his lifelong pursuit of music, the study of music let he made in the field of hearing in his second only to the status of the helmholtz, this is as a pioneering work in music psychology research. In the music psychology, revision of the concept of psychological physics has made great contribution to the philosophy and phenomenological theory and concept of the introduction of music psychology in the study, and puts forward and on the basis of the theory.

There are similarities and differences between the functional psychology of stangoff and that of the ideodynamic psychology proposed by brentano in the psychology of empirical view. Stumpf focused on the problem of "phenomena". In this context, stumpf proposed his own functional psychology. In order to distinguish the phenomenological psychology, four psychological positions were pointed out.

Now, 90 years after the publication of his paper, emotional cognition theory has become the core of emotional paradigm research, the relationship between cognition and emotion, and the core of theoretical discussion. Stoner's contribution to emotional psychology goes far beyond that. He not only developed a more clear theory of emotional cognition-assessment than contemporary theories, which completely replaced existing cognitive theories.

Suppose Winston's point of view and his teacher napolitano and consistent views of husserl and contemporary philosophers, mood is essentially a conscious or merely beliefs and desires of the performance of the mental state. If this hypothesis is correct, it could have profound implications for the nature of emotional states. However, the significance of emotional intentionality has only received a cursory attention from contemporary psychologists and has not played a role in recent cognitive-emotional discussions. May be due to the most contemporary psychologists, even psychologists assumption of cognitive orientation intentional meaning is not inherent but derived, that is to say, the mood of this trait to most entities only related to their cognitive assessment. Although the emotional intentionality that stumpf is now proposing has yet to be resolved, it will receive more attention given the importance of cognitive-emotional theory.

First of all, he was a philosopher, and he became a psychologist for his interest in philosophy. He has a gift for musicians, and he serves these interests in psychology. He became an experimenter because of philosophical beliefs, not temperament. While working as director of the Berlin laboratory, I devoted myself to the cause of experimental psychology, such as the establishment of recording archives and the establishment of the association of child psychology. In terms of personal achievement, he is an experimental ideo psychologist and music psychologist. In his opinion, the object of psychology is function, and at the same time, he tries to reconcile ideodynamic psychology with content psychology. His ideas are the forerunner of quelper's dual psychology of content and function, and the theoretical basis of phenomenology and gestalt school, where kohler and kofka set up experiments.

Secondly, while writing his treatises on music and acoustics, stenton also collected records of original music around the world, and established a research center on this basis. He has published articles and books on the theory of emotion in an attempt to restore emotion to sensation. As a result, stenton is a German psychologist who, in addition to feng, is trying to expand the study of psychology.

Again, in form and conation psychology school of thought is consistent, exclude phenomenon beyond the psychology, and change into the suspicion of phenomenological within, but that is not the case, he introduced phenomenology in psychology, for the successor was founded based on the experimental psychology new gestalt psychology. It also pioneered the phenomenological psychology, believing that the research object of psychology should be a complete psychological event created by individuals in a certain situation, rather than a method of decomposition. The functional psychology proposed by him is the inheritance and development of brentano's theory, and plays an important role in the development of western humanistic psychology.

Finally, there are some limitations in the functional psychology of stoner. First, he did not establish a complete psychological system like feng, nor did he form his own school. Second, he only classified the mental states of appearance, judgment and emotion, but did not further reveal their essence and relationship. It is hoped that this paper will be helpful to the study of stoner in the future.

