

The government's words

2020-09-21 18:49:45 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 --The government's words,文章讲述一切都结束了。是的,作为消费者,即使您一直为此做好准备,噩梦还是会再次发生。据报道,上海沪西食品有限公司一直在向麦当劳和肯德基等餐饮连锁店供应过时的肉。上海沪西食品有限公司是伊利诺伊州奥罗拉的OSI集团的子公司。食品安全已成为全球性问题。尽管技术和科学取得了巨大进步,但人们实际上为食用健康食品付出了巨大的代价。为了扭转这种局面,各级政府必须承担责任,并通过制定和实施法律法规来确保我们的食品安全。基于电影食品公司中出现的食品安全问题,本文试图指出政府对确保食品安全负有责任。本文将探讨政府在应对食品安全问题中的作用,为什么政府应该在这场斗争中处于最前沿,以及政府在确保食品安全方面可以做些什么。



It is all over again. Yes, as a consumer, the nightmare reoccurs even though you have always prepared for this day. It is reported that Shanghai Husi Food Co Ltd has been supplying out-of-date meat to restaurant chains, including McDonald’s and KFC. Shanghai Husi Food Co Ltd is a unit of Aurora, Illinois-based OSI Group. Food safety has been a global issue. Despite the fact the technology and science have advanced enormously, people actually pay a great price for eating healthy food. To reverse this situation, the government at all levels must shoulder their responsibility and keep our food safe by putting laws and regulations in effect and in place. Based on the food safety problems revealed in the film food inc, the essay tries to point out that the government is held accountable for keeping our food safe. The essay will explore what role the government plays in combating food safety issues, why the government should be in the front line of this fight and what the government can do in ensuring food safety.


As revealed in the film food inc, food supply is mainly in the hands of only a handful of businesses that put profits ahead of consumer health. Contaminated food puts people’s heath at great risk. Due to monopoly and lack of effective supervision by the government, problems are hard to be taken control of and once something goes wrong at the head of the supply chain, it can spread to all links of the production, finally finding its way to the body of consumers without the awareness on the producer’s part. The film also points that the government has a lot to do with this situation. For one thing, its policy favors those big multinational corporations, leaving small farms and companies alike being elbowing out of competition. For another, the government agencies that overlook the food industry are actually in the hands of those who used to work in one of those multinational companies. Therefore, the government is still the most decisive and influential player in the food industry.


Food safety issues has been bothering the world for several decades. Things are not showing signs of getting better despite that it is been talked about for so long. The heart of the problem is that the government should take the issue seriously. According the film food inc, it is the big companies that are heavily subsidized by the government. Having a large amount of capital and favorable policies, these food tycoons can produce food in a large quantity and at a cheaper price, while famers that produce healthy and organic food at put at a disadvantage. As the food industry has been dominated by that a few, the small-sized ones hardly stand no chance of making the way to the supermarket, where consumer get to choose what they eat every day. On the other hand, fast food has become an integrated part of people’s life. The reason for this is that fast food is cheap and basically affordable for people from all walks of life. And still, the reason behind these fast growing fast food restaurant chains is that meat plants provide them with cheap materials.


The net of the food industry is indeed complicated and there are too many powers involved. Consumers, the last link of the supply chain, are often left at a venerable position. For example, they have no idea what is contained in the food they buy and they eat; vegetables and food in the supermarkets are a lot of times too pricy for low-income families, who would trade their health for something that they can afford to eat but will damage their health in the long run. At the end of the day, the health care system in the country suffers because a large amount of people get down because of diabetes, obesity and other types of illnesses. The problem is serious and worsening, but on closer examination, the government can be engaged in every stage of the food industry.


To ultimately reverse the atmosphere of the food industry, the government must ensure laws and regulations in place to deal with malpractice in the food industry. Furthermore, the government should crack down on companies that have a bad record in processing food. The production line should be closely watched and controlled. Regular inspection by government agencies or watchdogs is supposed to keep the food producers on vigilance. “FDA, among other federal agencies responsible for food safety oversight, needs to address gaps in enforcement and collaboration to enhance the oversight of food imports” (United States Government Accountability Office, 2012). Besides, the balance of the subsidy from the government should be tilted more to small farms and self-employed companies that aim to provide healthy and wholesome food to the public. The most important of all, consumers should be educated. The government is supposed to keep the public informed that what kind of food is good for their health and what kind of nutrition should be included in everyday meal. Campaigns should be launched to encourage consumers not to eat fast food by pointing the risks and health harassment. The project of promoting healthy eating nationwide or even worldwide is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time, but the battle is worth its while.


It is no doubt that the government should not be all the blame. After all, food choice is a matter of personal preference. The government, indeed, cannot control what food consumers actually put into their mouths. The thing is, what the government chooses to do does have a positive effect on consumer food choice. Remember that the scene when the family has to give up on vegetables simply because the price of the green food is too much for a family of four? If the government helps to make the vegetables cheaper than meat, consumers who do not have much extra to spare might vote vegetables over processed meat. Or if the government helps the farms that grow organic food, making their products more accessible to the consumers, all parties, perhaps meat plants excluded can be benefited from the deal.


The government is of vital importance in dealing with food safety problems. If the government does not step up its efforts to put the production of the food industry in order, people’s health is at great risk. The government should take more effective measures to ensure food safety. Ways include regulations and law, education and so forth. “During 2007-2010, the highest percentage of calories from fast food was consumed among adults who were aged 20-39 or non-Hispanic black or obese” (Cheryl D, 2013). Unhealthy eating and obesity is closely related nowadays. To prevent the problem from going worse, the government should deliver its promise to people without delay.


Works Cited


Cheryl D, Fryar. Caloric intake from fast food among adults: United States, 2007-2010. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2013.

United States. Government Accountability Office. Washington, D.C., 2012.

Food inc. (2008). Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2014).




Research Paper on System Engineering & Industrial

2020-09-21 18:47:24 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的Paper代写范文 -- Research Paper on System Engineering & Industrial,文章讲述各种各样的课程已经设置供学生选择,并且让学生正确选择真正符合自己兴趣的课程变得越来越困难,如今,学生自己迫切需要对他们的课程进行研究。首先是自己的专业,以便他们最终可以选择自己喜欢的专业。只有这样,他们才能在事后全心全意地学习它,并因此而取得巨大的成就。通过这种方法,可以避免这种现象,即他们选择了自己甚至没有丝毫兴趣的专业,而只是在一开始就误解了。

    Widespread are the kinds of curricular that have been set up for students to choose from and increasingly difficult is it for students to correctly select the one that is really of their own interest, nowadays it is an urgency for students themselves to conduct a research on their own major at the first place so that they can finally choose the one that is their likes. Only in this way can they learn it whole-heartedly afterwards and can accordingly make great achievements, through which the phenomenon can be avoided that they choose a major that they do not have even the slightest interest and they choose it just by misunderstanding in the beginning. Therefore the following will be the research paper on industrial & system engineering from my own perspective, during which there are several questions that will be answered in the meantime.

    First and foremost come the classes this major requires to take. As for the classes this major asks to take part in, they are mainly courses related with manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems engineering and design of production systems as well as the physical sciences, mathematics, humanity and social science courses. What classes this major requires to take is, from my perspective, just the detailed content for what I should carefully study to prepare for it. The courses having been elaborately listed, we can have a fair knowledge that the kind of homework students have to finish are right the ones that are assigned for those courses in order to study this major well.

Specifically speaking, this major mainly means to repair and build various things in our daily life varying from a truck to the bathroom tap, from which we can naturally draw a conclusion that the tasks that can be carried out by a certain engineer are extremely extensive as well. Apart from the superficial completion of tasks, it further refers to be in possession of a thorough knowledge of physical and social sciences and mathematics together with an ability to apply them for the improvement for human life at the same time. The improvement of human life being stated, this major has been closely related to our lives in that it has now developed to be inclusive of many fields, such as anatomy, aeronautics, botany, geology, genetics and physics. Also its association with our lives lies in that it can deal with the provision of the needed products or services for human use. Thus why choose this major can not be too obvious as it can be summarized as for the construction of a better and more harmonious society for all the human beings.

    Then what has to be especially appointed out is that there are many types of engineering, which primarily can be divided into civil engineering, mechanical engineering, mining and metallurgical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering and industrial engineering. All these engineering majors are right what the students should pay immediate attention to when they make up their decision. As for the differences between industrial engineering with other engineering majors are the projects and professions for the specific engineering. To put it another way, it means different kinds of engineering will only be responsible for what it is specialized in but taking no regard of other parts. However this major are in turn related to other engineering majors in that the essence of them are all engineering and they can swift easily from one another as long as the items of engineering change. So it is just those other engineering majors that will be helpful for the students both as graduates and masters of higher degrees in this major more or less.    

    Taking about the available jobs that are made for the students from this major, they are mostly technicians, engineers and production workers. There is no doubt that the average of this major’s undergraduates, graduates and masters will vary one from the other, the salary of it ranging from $22,000 to $68,000 while the average, or median salary being equal to $35,000.

    Last but not the least will be the benefits when studying in this major. As far as I am concerned, I can personally own the capability to tackle those technical failures and make it take effect soon, as will in turn help cultivate my confidence and increase life happiness index. Speaking of the benefits toward others, on one hand, students of this major have set good examples for them to learn from in order that they can also become one through their own efforts; on the other hand, students of this major have just done everything and they can directly share the outcomes of their efforts, convenient and beneficial a lot from within. So after a long period of time with each and every one’s doing their own bit to the society, it will undoubtedly lead to the successful construction of a society that is more harmonious and stable, in which human beings are ready to help others through the use of their engineering knowledge.

When people see the endless benefits of this major, it is easy to predict that this major will be prosperous in the future with more and more people dedicate themselves to this major so as to bring out that great benefits to themselves and the generations to come. That is to say this major will be developed quicker and quicker under the support of all walks of the society. And we can imagine that this major will work better more or less in the United States when compared with China in that the U.S. is a country that always advocates the manipulative ability of students when implementing education in a great scope while China tends to focus more on the theory part. At the final last of this paper, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere hope that each and every student can all know clearly about the major by them through research and then make a decision that is proper and worthwhile.




Elsayed, EA. 1999. “Industrial engineering education: A prospective.” “European Journal of Engineering Education.” Taylor & Francis Ltd: Abington, England. Pp 415-421.

Moore, Pam. 2004. Industrial Engineering Technician. Ann Arbor, MI. Prakken Publications, Inc. Pp 26-27.

 Suresh P, Sethi. 2012. Industrial engineering: Innovative networks: annals of industrial engineering. Springer.




The significance of internal racism education

2020-09-21 18:43:13 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The significance of internal racism education,文章讲述内部种族主义是指压迫性的结构,意识形态和系统,教有色人种惧怕自己的力量和差异,剥夺了为自己和人民创造想要的东西的能力。许多人认为,内在的种族主义仅仅是有色人种的自卑感或自恨感。但是,这种解释解释了内部种族主义的症状,而不是其真正含义。


Internalized racism refers to the oppressive structures, ideologies and systems that teach people of color to fear their own power and difference and deprive their ability to create what they want for themselves and their peoples. Many people believe internalized racism is merely a sense of low self-esteem or self-hatred own by people of color. However, such an interpretation explains more of the symptoms of internalized racism than the true concept of it. As Donna Bivens mentioned in her paper “Internalized Racism: A Definition”:

Internalized racism is the situation that occurs in a racist system when a racial group oppressed by racism supports the supremacy and dominance of the dominating group by maintaining or participating in the set of attitudes, behaviors, social structures and ideologies that undergird the dominating group's power.

The sad fact is that people of color may support white supremacy when making decisions and try to meet the Eurocentric standards set by white people. That’s probably because they think white people know more about what needs to be done for them than they do. In today’s society, with the great effort done by racial equality advocacy groups, the awareness of racial equality among white people is largely raised. However, the deep-rooted internalized racism within people of color themselves are usually ignored.

We have to understand that internalized racism is ubiquitous; even the most committed anti-racist white people must continue to fight with their own and other white people’s racism. In this paper, I will focus my study on internalized racism in education. Since children and teenagers are the most sensitive groups and are extremely vulnerable to exploitation, they can be easily affected by external environment factor, when setting up values about racism.

As internalized racism is always generated by unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy, it is believed that schools play a significant role in instilling and perpetuating internalized racism within students of color.

The best approach to locate the potential causes of internalized racism is to examine the racism in schools from three main perspectives: Teachers are the essential role in schools and education. Their pedagogy can greatly impact the development of students and the way they perceive themselves and things around them. In those culturally-diverse communities, there are apparently more white teachers than teachers of color. As Lindsay Perez Huber explained in the book Naming Racism: A Conceptual Look at Internalized Racism in U.S. Schools, “88 percent of 35,000 full-time faculties within university education departments are white; thus the majority of teachers in this country are not receiving any teacher education from Professors of Color” (9). In this case, the educators are likely to develop teaching method that serves the dominant culture. Or even worse: to privilege whiteness and perpetuate societal norms of white supremacy within students unconsciously. It’s worth noting that even well-intentioned teachers can perpetuate the structural racism if they are not conscious and do not take active steps to address their own biases, and recognize how those biases can possibly affect the teaching practice and decision-making. For example, since it’s inevitable to use a standard language in the time of globalization, English is seen as the standard tone used in classrooms around the world. If students of color fail to either comprehend the courses taught in English or express themselves in English, the teacher is likely to be frustrated. Therefore, students of color may develop the idea that English has more value than their mother language or culture. In this case, the teacher has created linguistic hierarchies unintentionally.

Meanwhile, teachers of color consistently try to unpack internalized racism and strive for racially just classrooms. But a considerable number of teachers of color chose to give up half way. A 2005 University of Pennsylvania study by Richard Ingersoll found that teachers of color left the profession 24 percent more often than white teachers: “The declining numbers of Black and Hispanic students majoring in education is steeper than the overall decline in education majors”. Richard Ingersoll also found that “minority teachers leave teaching at higher rates than white teachers do.” The failure of retaining teachers of color in schools no doubt creates more obstacles to eliminate internalized racism within students.

Curriculum is a fundamental component for academic learning. Curriculum not only shapes teaching method, but also decides the structure and pace of teaching process. It is essential that curriculum does not perpetuate the ever present force of racism in our society. In a lot of cultures, schools use standard textbooks as required by government or relevant organizations. Some of these textbooks can be indifferent to crucial racial issues, others, might revolve around Eurocentric standards. Under this circumstance, students are more likely to adopt a white supremacy value since they don’t really have a chance to get a deeper understanding of other cultures. For example, as Leon F. Burrell and Robert L. Walsh point out in their report, “many white students are barely exposed to African-American history throughout their schooling”. They can hardly develop interests at the very beginning when the curriculum is silent about race. In American textbooks, words like African American, Native American are usually mentioned. But no special words refer to majority white people. Though considerable amount of U.S. population consists of African American and Native American, they are still regarded as the minority groups. The frequency occurring of words like African American can create a psychological hint among students of color that they have fundamental difference with white people. And the sense of being segregated might be further reinforced by the environment later in their lives. Cheryl A. Renninger in his paper ‘Black-White Color Connotations and Racial Awareness in Preschool Children’ points out that the Negro child may also be acquiring the black is bad, white is good concept in early childhood under the circumstance that words like African American frequently occurs. (Renninger, Cheryl A., and John E. Williams, 784)

Schools whose student populations are majority white have been proven to have richer resources than schools with more non-white students. Many poor and minority students are attending under-resourced schools that are not only separate and isolated, but that are also just as unequal as they were in the mid-20th century. Graduate students from those majority white schools are more likely to enjoy better facilities and opportunities. Thus, the obvious difference can create internalized racism among students of color who fail to enter a better school. Federico Echenique notes that school segregation in the light of the skin color causes much pain to the black and has bad effect on the social values in the paper ‘Is School Segregation Good or Bad’. (Echenique, Federico, Roland G. Fryer, and Alex Kaufman, 265-267)

The internalized racism in education can evolve an acceptance of inferior education among student of color. More importantly, this value can be transferred to any other fields in their later lives. Other consequences caused by internalized racism in education include:

A hostile campus racial climate will spread out with the internalized racism. In fact, when students of color see themselves as inferior to others, they maintain and reinforce a racial hierarchy on campus. In Robin Nicole Johnson’s study The Psychology of Racism: How Internalized Racism, Academic Self-concept, and Campus Racial Climate Impact the Academic Experiences and Achievement of African American Undergraduates, 117 African Americans are sampled and both survey and focus groups were used to understand their academic experiences (29). She finds that internalized racism negatively impacts academic self-concept, and disrupts grade performance as well. Additionally, the study reveals that a hostile campus racial climate contributes to internalized racism and can create conditions that make African Americans vulnerable to stereotype threat.

Scholars around the world started to study the impact of internalized racism in education decades ago. In 1939, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark, PhD conducted a doll experiment of internalized racism in America at a time when black and white children were segregated. During that time, public schools were racially segregated. The result of Kenneth and Mamie Clark’s research showed that black children indicated a clear preference for white, (17) Most of the black children around five years old being tested were aware of the “inferior status” caused by their skin in contemporary American society. It’s shocking how children of such a young are able to tell the status according to people’s skin color. Illustrations or pictures on books where light-skin person appear much more often as the “standard” image of people might be the reason why young children of color can feel the facial unjust subconsciously. Though the experiment was conducted 75 years ago, and the current situation of racial inequity is largely improved. The early childhood experience of children of color may not change much comparing with before. Although a larger number of children’s books and paintings include images of children of color, children of color still show eagerness to become light-skin. After all, we all notice that few Disneyland movies or cartoons actually have dark-skin princess. In this case, there is a great chance that children of color develop internalized racism in the way that they regard themselves as “off-standard”.  

Usually academic performance is hard to evaluate because loads of factors contribute to it. However, it is important to explore how internalized racism can play a role in the low achievement rates of students of color. Students of color who struggle at their schoolwork are likely to be labeled intellectually or culturally deficient. And accordingly, this stereotype would do no help but crack down the learning interests of students of color. Internalized racism in schools consistently transmits the message that students who are non-white are intellectually inferior to those who are white. Thus, students of color may accept or even welcome the idea that they are not as competent as their white-skin peers and set up a relatively low standard for themselves. Once they admit unconsciously that they are less intellectual due to their race background, they are even more passive towards their study and it gets harder to build up faith again. Robin Nicole Johnson in her paper ‘The Psychology of Racism: How Internalized Racism, Academic Self-concept, and Campus Racial Climate Impact the Academic Experiences and Achievement of African American Undergraduates’, she uses Critical Race Theory and Race Identity Theory as frameworks, investigates how internalized racism, academic self-concept, and campus racial climate impact the grade performance of African American undergraduates. The results of the study reveal that internalized racism negatively impacts academic self-concept, and disrupts grade performance as well. Additionally, the study reveals that a hostile campus racial climate contributes to internalized racism and can create conditions that make African Americans vulnerable to stereotype threat.( Johnson, Robin Nicole, 67-100)

Dropout usually refers to students who choose not to enroll in school or who choose to leave school halfway willingly. And these groups of students would not get the high school diploma or equivalent certificate. As mentioned before, students of color may reinforce the idea all by themselves that they are not able to perform as good as white students at schoolwork. Another factor is the sense of alienation and disengagement. That’s apparently the effect of internalized racism within students of color as well. These students consciously or unconsciously believe that because of their racial background they will not be able to succeed in school and, as a result, do not continue their education. Therefore, though the term “dropout” originally describes the situation where students leave school out of their own choices, the real case is slightly different. For some students of color, the deep-rooted reason for their choice can be traced back to internalized racism.

Admittedly, there is still a long way to go when it comes to eliminate the internalized racism in education. Governments and schools are supposed to cooperate to ensure a racially-equally-campus. But the vital factors here are the overall social environment and students themselves. Internalized racism exists everywhere. All different cultures in the world have once oppressed or being oppressed by others. When one party wins over the right of speech, they may create a system to instill their values and ideologies among others. Someone who is trapped once does not need to panic. But it’ll be truly sad if he dare not to face who he is. Someone who immersed himself in his psychological trauma is not better than exercise his own ability to define the work for his own communities and do it.


Works Cited

Burrell Leon F. and Robert L.Walsh (2001). “Teaching White Students Black History: The African-American Experience in the Classroom.” Journal of Higher Education and Economic Development 16(2): 31-32

Echenique, Federico, Roland G. Fryer, and Alex Kaufman. "Is school segregation good or bad?." The American economic review (2006): 265-269.

Hipolito-Delgado, Carlos p. (2010). "Exploring the Etiology of Ethnic Self-Hatred: Internalized Racism in Chicana/o and Latina/o College Students". Journal of College Student Development 51 (3): 319–331

Huber, Lindsay Perez, Robin N. Johnson, and Rita KoHLI. Naming Racism: A Conceptual Look at Internalized Racism in U.S. Schools Chicago: 2006, print

Johnson, Robin Nicole. The Psychology of Racism: How Internalized Racism, Academic Self-concept, and Campus Racial Climate Impact the Academic Experiences and Achievement of African American Undergraduates

Johnson, Robin Nicole. The Psychology of Racism: How Internalized Racism, Academic Self-concept, and Campus Racial Climate Impact the Academic Experiences and Achievement of African American Undergraduates. ProQuest, 2008.

Renninger, Cheryl A., and John E. Williams. "Black-white color connotations and racial awareness in preschool children." Perceptual and Motor Skills 22.3 (1966): 771-785.





Develop the industry by improving competitiveness

2020-09-21 18:41:02 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The creed of journalists,文章讲述竞争者可以分为直接竞争者和间接竞争者。在直接竞争对手方面,还有其他一些具有类似功能的类似应用程序,以便客户可以使用它在城市中找到满意的酒吧并提供一些相关服务。相比之下,就间接竞争对手而言,可能会有一些应用程序还提供娱乐服务。例如,它可能提供有关KTV或游戏场所的信息。即使与酒吧无关,它也可以竞争这个行业,因为客户可以通过多种方式来满足自己的空闲时间。


The competitors can be divided into direct competitors and indirect competitors. In terms of the direct competitors, there are also some other similar apps which have the similar functions so that customers could use it to find their satisfied pubs in the city and provide some related services. By contrast, in terms of the indirect competitors, there might be some apps which also provide the entertainment services. For example, it might provide the information about the KTV or games places. Even though it is not something related to the pub, it also could compete for this industry because customers have a variety of ways to fulfill their free time.


In terms of this industry, it should be successful because it provides enough functions for the customers. For example, “Each venue will have a profile that you can view. The venues profile will tell what kind of drinks they have, their prices, the location, and the type of entertainment they offer. “At the same time, it satisfied the customers’ motivation which means that customers want to find the related information about the bars. For instance a venue with live music will tell you who may be performing that night or what kind of performers they typically have. A venue that has karaoke nights will tell you what evenings those are. This as well as comments and revues from other users will provide a clear picture of what you can expect when you arrive.


 In terms of the costs components, it seems that the advertising cost should be the biggest one. It should be realized for a large number of customers so that customers would like to try it and use it.  Also, the operating costs should also be realized because for the knowledge workers, they need to utilize their knowledge to research this innovation and they should be paid a lot due to their contributions for this app. Moreover, the marketing costs should be emphasis on as well because it is important to realize the demand of the customers which means what is the most popular pattern when people want to hang out, when people want to get together and get some related information.


However, there are lots of barriers during the whole process in this industry. For example, another feature of the application is the VIP option. While downloading the app is free for a fee a VIP experience is possible. This feature will allow you to reserve VIP rooms, request bottle service, and accesses to a personal driver for the night. While the VIP feature allows for the more affluent users to have access to exclusive services the pendulum swings both ways. There will also be a discount offer made available to our users through our endorsed bars. When a user enters the bar or club they can show the bartender or waitress the application on their phones are receive special deals. That is to say, we need to spend a lot of time and money to make this function be realized by many customers. However, it is not as easy as we expected. Sometimes, there is no any result after we have put many energies and dollars on this.  Another barrier is that we might be beaten by our competitors which mean that we have to keep the competition during the whole process.


In terms of SWOT analysis, something important should be paid attention to. At first, the strengths should be realized. In this case, it showed many functions which mean that other similar app might not as specific as it. For example, it is available for all smartphones and devices. By downloading the app and signing in with your Facebook account you can begin your quest to find the perfect bar or club the evening. You will create a personal preference profile by answering questions and then ranking how important that aspect is for you. Then you will give suggestions based on your answers and taste. However, the app is much more versatile than a one-time suggestion. Moreover, it always establishes a search tab on the application. From the search engine customers can type in hash tags based on your preference for the evening.


For the weaknesses, something special should be designed because even though there are a lot of functions, many other apps also enjoy these functions so that it seems that it may not as competitive as possible.


For the opportunities, globalization seems to be a opportunity because it means more people would like to travel all over the world to enjoy the different lifestyles. It is important because their customers improved from the local people to the people all over the world. Furthermore, with the development of the living standards, more and more people would like to enjoy their life rather than only stay at home or the office to work to earn their lives.


For the threats, with improvement of technology, many competitors appear. It means that this app should be more and more competitive and establish a competitive status in terms of these fields which is not as easy as expected.


In order to be more competitive, five aspects should be paid attention to ---they are product, distribution, price, promotion and advertising. In terms of product, something new should be created rather than just follow the others because the innovation is something that attracts the customers best. In terms of the distributions, the direct and indirect distribution channels should be established so that more customers could be reached. In terms of price, it is believed that the lower the price is, the more competitive it would be with the similar quality and services. In terms of the promotions, marketing survey should be done specifically because customers demand should be realized before we design this product.  In terms of the advertising, it should be focused on because it is inevitable and necessary if we want make more customers realize this product.




Christ’s Humanity in Angels with Pietà

2020-09-21 18:39:17 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The creed of journalists,文章讲述本文旨在探讨卢卡·坎比亚索(Luca Cambiaso)的《圣母与天使》中的基督人性展览。本文详细介绍了油画的插图和说明,有趣地从整体角度欣赏了这幅油画,并且还着重强调了坎比亚索所描绘的四个人物:基督,圣母玛利亚和两个天使。它刻意讨论画家在其他时期所采用的技术和方法的差异,然后着重于坎比亚索的策略,并希望在画家的内心世界中挖掘出一些想法。通过与主题皮耶塔的绘画进行艰苦的比较,得出的结论是,坎比亚索的皮耶塔明显表现出其人性化倾向,而基督的人性是不言而喻的。参照基督教和文艺复兴时期的一些历史资料,本文设法挖掘出绘画变化的原因以及文艺复兴时期艺术家描绘宗教人物的方式。


This paper aims at probing into the exhibition of Christ’s humanity in Luca Cambiaso’s Pietà with Angels. Embarking on the illustrations and explanations of the oil painting in a detailed way, this paper interestingly appreciates the painting in an overall scheme and also lays considerable emphasis on the four figures Cambiaso has portrayed—Christ, Virgin Mary and two angels. It deliberately discusses the differences in techniques and methods painters in other periods has employed and then focuses on Cambiaso’s strategies and hopes to dig out some ideas in the painter’ inner world. Through arduous comparison with paintings in the subject Pietà, it reached a conclusion that Cambiaso’s Pietà has conspicuously evinced its humanization inclination and the Christ’s humanity is self-evident. Referring to some historical materials of Christianity and Renaissance, this paper manages to excavate the causes of the changes in painting and in the way Renaissance artists portray religious figures.


Pietà with Angels is created by Italian painter Luca Cambiaso in 1575. Pietà is an Italian term generally used to call a subject of the sorrowful figure of Mary mourning over her dead son Christ. The Pietà is often represented in sculpture and paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Forsyth (1953, 177) points that ‘it seems to have had its origin in the contemplations of the mystics. Wilhelm Pinder was the first to show’.


At the very beginning, it is imperative to make it clear the mechanism of seeing and perceiving a painting. In Baxandall’s (1972, 29) opinion, ‘an object reflects a pattern of light on to the eye. The light enters the eye through the pupil, is gathered by the lens, and thrown on the screen at the back of the eye, the retina on the retina is a network of nerve fibers which pass the light through a system if cells to several millions of receptors, the cones. The cones ae sensitive both to light and to color and they respond by carrying information about light and color to the brain’. Therefore, it is at this point about human equipment for visual perception ceases to be uniform, from one man to the next.


This to some extent accounts for the various interpretations of a work and it is remain uncertain whether it is consistent or divergent from the fact the painter intends to show. Friedrich Nietzsche once said ‘there are no facts, only interpretations’. Facts and interpretations are familiar to people. In common sense, fact is fundamental and in a dominant position while interpretation is generated from the former one and in a subordinate position. In addition, to some degree, interpretation complements fact and turns it from abstract concepts into concrete items.


In Cambiaso’s Pietà with Angels, there are in total four figures in the oil painting—Christ, Virgin Mary and two angels. Mary, with her head slightly leaning left and her eyes looking upward, sits straight in the central of the whole frame, wearing a red robe and brown mantle. Her facial expression seems profoundly compassionate and sorrowful and fraught with a sense of helplessness as well as interrogation. She may be questioning aimlessly why this cruel thing could ever happen to her beloved son. The head of Christ is laid on Mary’s left thigh. His hands are crossed in front of his body. With his side face shown, his eyes serenely close. On the right side of Mary stands an Angel with white wings and brown long hair, shedding tears and silently wiping them with her little left hand. Another angel half kneels at Mary’s feet. This angel interlocks her fingers and leans her head against her hands. The background of the oil painting is dimmed by the gradually deepened brown color from the floor to the higher position so that it is difficult to recognize the actual situation where these figures are, creating a depressed and subdued atmosphere. In general, Cambiaso’s Pietà with Angels has successfully constructed a melancholy, forlorn and lamenting atmosphere after the  death of Christ. Observers are touched by the beauty of humanized figures which express profound emotion without restraint in posture, gestures, and facial expression.


The solemn composition, flattened figures, and rigid, symmetrical drapery folds in the Pietà, as well as the iconography of the central group of the upright Virgin who embraces her dead Son and gently leans her head against His, ‘have general stylistic analogies to Byzantine painting and specific iconographic analogies such Italo-Byzantine and Italian examples as the early fourteenth-century Pieta’ (Coor 1961, 20). However, in Cambiaso’s work, it is apparent that he has sagaciously adopted a novel perspective and new techniques to deal with an already existing subject. In terms of Virgin Mary, it is easy for visitors to galleries and churches to recall that they have had many experience of seeing what can sometimes appear to be endless numbers of image portraying the Virgin Mother and her child. In Williamson’s submission, ‘the traditional and typical representation of Christ’s mother, usually dressed in her blue robe, enthroned, with the Christ-child on her knees, or shown half-length, holding the child in her arms, is an absolute staple of Christian art’ (2004, 16). However, Cambiaso’s work contradicts a great deal the soft, wild and lustrous image of Mary. The complexion of Mary in this oil painting is near dark, maybe influenced by the inner gloom and despair, indicating her extreme sorrow and grief. The blue robe and white veil are replaced by darker red and brown one. Assembling symbolic series of the colors is a late medieval game still played in the Renaissance. ‘St. Antoninus and others expounded a theological code that white represented purity, red charity and yellow-gold dignity’ (Baxandall 1972, 81). From this angle, the use of darker color here is conducive to the expression of emotion and mental movement of the figures.


As for Christ, one breakthrough of this painting lies in the nude of Christ, which is very rarely appearing in other Christian art. Kenneth Clark maintains that ‘to be naked is simply to be without clothes, whereas the nude is a form of art’ (Berger 1977, 53). According to him, a nude is not the starting point of a painting, but a way of seeing which the painting achieves. Thus, Christ’s human attributes can be felt for it is quite clear that the nude usually relates to sexuality which is abandoned and condemned in doctrines. The early stress on Christ’s divine status may explain why there are no records of what the human Jesus looks like. Compared with earlier visual representations of Christ which present him as a god rather than a man, Cambiaso has endowed Christ in his painting with more human characteristics and perceptions. In general, the classical Christianity image of Christ is a figure of a slim, pale, bearded, robed, long-haired, ethereal man, which has remained definitive to this day. Though this Jesus has a human face, it is no ordinary face. His expression is impassive, his gaze disconcertingly direct, his divinity signaled by an aura or halo, his power manifest in is bearing. He is usually located beyond the secular world in an empty, dimensionless golden space. Painters on this subject are apt to direct their meditation so intensely upon certain scenes of Christ's passion and even upon certain moments of a particular scene that they imagined themselves actually present and sharing in the suffering of their lord. Cambiaso felt Christ's suffering so keenly that he was portrayed with the holes on his hands and his feet. In compassion with those previous works, Cambiaso can be praised to have made a breakthrough in the presentation of Christ’s humanity without exaggeration. In Pietà with Angels, Jesus appears as human not only merely by virtue of his suffering, but in the vivid expression of the full range of human emotions by way of a solid, three-dimensional body of flesh and wounds. Even Cambiaso’s angels have feelings like Jesus’s devoted human followers they weep and sigh as they behold the death of Christ. The nakedness of Christ can be considered a mark that Cambiaso, as a painter of Renaissance art, has gone even further towards the humanization.  


Angels play a vital part in the humanity of Christ. ‘One of the central tenets of Christianity is the incarnation—the being made flesh—of Jesus Christ’ (Beth 2004, 15). The doctrine of the incarnation insists upon the dual nature of Christ that He is fully divine and also fully human and therefore insists on his real birth as a human being from a real human mother. The existence of Virgin Mary is just a proof of Christ’s own humanity and she is venerated on account of her motherhood of Christ. It is exactly the Angel Gabriel that links Mary and Christ. Angel Gabriel sent from God to Mary tells her that she has been chosen by God to be the mother of Christ. This event quickly became understood not just as the moment at which the Virgin became aware of her destiny as the mother of God, but also as the moment when the incarnation of Christ took place following her acceptance of this destiny. In this sense, angel serves as a messenger between the earth and the heaven, or between the human being and the God. It can be easily acknowledged that angels always keep Christ and Mary company and experience ups and downs. In Cambiaso’s Pietà with Angels, the two angels are humanized as two little children free from restrictions so that they can expose themselves to overt emotional expressions, namely, they can weep and lament over the death of Christ shown in the oil painting. Besides, the dress they are in resembles that of ordinary kids. But for the wings, the angles could possibly be noticed as an innocent secular kid. All of those can be the evidence of Cambiaso’s tacit inclination towards humanism.


Cambiaso received his training from his father, Giovanni, but the young artist’s early draftsmanship also reveals the dramatic impact the decorative style of Perino del Vaga made on Genoese painters. Olszewski (2000, 20) once commented that ‘of all Italian Renaissance painters, perhaps no body of drawings is more complicated by the presence of multiples, studio copies, and forgeries than that associated with Cambiaso. Cambiaso approached subjects for paintings by creating a variety of possibilities for himself, but compositions are also repeated as drawings for practice within his studio and as academic studies by later generations of artists’.


As a matter of fact, behind the humanized Christ Cambiaso deliberately chooses to present are actually correlated with the social circumstances. The art of any period tends to serve the ideological interests of the ruling class. What is being proposed is a little more precise is that a way of seeing the world, which is ultimately determined by new attitudes to property and exchange, finds its way in the oil painting and cannot have found it in any other visual art form. Berger (1977, 87) once proposed that ‘the oil painting did to the appearances what capital did to social relations. It reduced everything to the equality of objects’. It explains that an oil painting could speak to the soul by the way of what it refers to but never by the way it envisages. Oil painting conveys a vision of total exteriority. Oil painting distinguishes itself from other form of painting by its special ability to render the tangibility, the texture, the luster, the solidity of what it depicts. It defines the real as that which audience can put their hands on. This feature of oil painting to some degree greatly can make the distance between the figures in the painting and observers closer and closer inadvertently.


Images of Christ’s death encourage believers to mediate on his unique suffering, the sinfulness that has nailed him to the cross and the amazing love of the savior. As well as signaling Christ’s humanity, on another hand, such images have the effect of underlining his unique divinity.






Baxandall, Michael. Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.


Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, 1977.


Coor, Gertrude. The Original Aspect of a Painting of the "Pietà" in the Art Museum. Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, 1961, Vol. 20, No. 1:16-21.


Forsyth, William H. Medieval Statues of the Pietà in the Museum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, New Series. 1953, Vol.11, No.7: 177-184.


Olszewski, Edward J. Drawings by Luca Cambiaso as a Late Renaissance Model of Invenzione. Cleveland Studies in the History of Art, 2000, Vol.5: 20.


Williamson, Beth. Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.


