

Develop the industry by improving competitiveness

2020-09-21 18:41:02 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The creed of journalists,文章讲述竞争者可以分为直接竞争者和间接竞争者。在直接竞争对手方面,还有其他一些具有类似功能的类似应用程序,以便客户可以使用它在城市中找到满意的酒吧并提供一些相关服务。相比之下,就间接竞争对手而言,可能会有一些应用程序还提供娱乐服务。例如,它可能提供有关KTV或游戏场所的信息。即使与酒吧无关,它也可以竞争这个行业,因为客户可以通过多种方式来满足自己的空闲时间。


The competitors can be divided into direct competitors and indirect competitors. In terms of the direct competitors, there are also some other similar apps which have the similar functions so that customers could use it to find their satisfied pubs in the city and provide some related services. By contrast, in terms of the indirect competitors, there might be some apps which also provide the entertainment services. For example, it might provide the information about the KTV or games places. Even though it is not something related to the pub, it also could compete for this industry because customers have a variety of ways to fulfill their free time.


In terms of this industry, it should be successful because it provides enough functions for the customers. For example, “Each venue will have a profile that you can view. The venues profile will tell what kind of drinks they have, their prices, the location, and the type of entertainment they offer. “At the same time, it satisfied the customers’ motivation which means that customers want to find the related information about the bars. For instance a venue with live music will tell you who may be performing that night or what kind of performers they typically have. A venue that has karaoke nights will tell you what evenings those are. This as well as comments and revues from other users will provide a clear picture of what you can expect when you arrive.


 In terms of the costs components, it seems that the advertising cost should be the biggest one. It should be realized for a large number of customers so that customers would like to try it and use it.  Also, the operating costs should also be realized because for the knowledge workers, they need to utilize their knowledge to research this innovation and they should be paid a lot due to their contributions for this app. Moreover, the marketing costs should be emphasis on as well because it is important to realize the demand of the customers which means what is the most popular pattern when people want to hang out, when people want to get together and get some related information.


However, there are lots of barriers during the whole process in this industry. For example, another feature of the application is the VIP option. While downloading the app is free for a fee a VIP experience is possible. This feature will allow you to reserve VIP rooms, request bottle service, and accesses to a personal driver for the night. While the VIP feature allows for the more affluent users to have access to exclusive services the pendulum swings both ways. There will also be a discount offer made available to our users through our endorsed bars. When a user enters the bar or club they can show the bartender or waitress the application on their phones are receive special deals. That is to say, we need to spend a lot of time and money to make this function be realized by many customers. However, it is not as easy as we expected. Sometimes, there is no any result after we have put many energies and dollars on this.  Another barrier is that we might be beaten by our competitors which mean that we have to keep the competition during the whole process.


In terms of SWOT analysis, something important should be paid attention to. At first, the strengths should be realized. In this case, it showed many functions which mean that other similar app might not as specific as it. For example, it is available for all smartphones and devices. By downloading the app and signing in with your Facebook account you can begin your quest to find the perfect bar or club the evening. You will create a personal preference profile by answering questions and then ranking how important that aspect is for you. Then you will give suggestions based on your answers and taste. However, the app is much more versatile than a one-time suggestion. Moreover, it always establishes a search tab on the application. From the search engine customers can type in hash tags based on your preference for the evening.


For the weaknesses, something special should be designed because even though there are a lot of functions, many other apps also enjoy these functions so that it seems that it may not as competitive as possible.


For the opportunities, globalization seems to be a opportunity because it means more people would like to travel all over the world to enjoy the different lifestyles. It is important because their customers improved from the local people to the people all over the world. Furthermore, with the development of the living standards, more and more people would like to enjoy their life rather than only stay at home or the office to work to earn their lives.


For the threats, with improvement of technology, many competitors appear. It means that this app should be more and more competitive and establish a competitive status in terms of these fields which is not as easy as expected.


In order to be more competitive, five aspects should be paid attention to ---they are product, distribution, price, promotion and advertising. In terms of product, something new should be created rather than just follow the others because the innovation is something that attracts the customers best. In terms of the distributions, the direct and indirect distribution channels should be established so that more customers could be reached. In terms of price, it is believed that the lower the price is, the more competitive it would be with the similar quality and services. In terms of the promotions, marketing survey should be done specifically because customers demand should be realized before we design this product.  In terms of the advertising, it should be focused on because it is inevitable and necessary if we want make more customers realize this product.




