

Why does China make products for America

2020-09-16 17:14:33 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Why does China make products for America,文章讲述在国外旅行时为心爱的人选择礼物成为中国人的头疼事,原因在于在国外商业区的购物区,您会惊讶地发现,从玩具到自行车,几乎所有东西一应俱全。美国虽然是世界的领导者,但并未“逃脱”这一案件。


Choosing gifts for your beloved ones when traveling abroad becomes a big headache for Chinese, the reason lies in the Shopping in the business district abroad, you will be amazed by the astounding fact that almost everything, from toys to bicycles. America doesn’t “escape” from this case, though being the leader of the world.

The products made by China in America mainly lie in the light industry field, which includes the .articles for daily life, tools, machines, mobile phones, etc. These products rush into American’s life immediately and are like the air which can’t be lost in American’s daily life. Just as Sara Bongiorni said in her book (A year without “Made in China”--One Family’s True Life Adventure in the Global Economy) : “I was surprised to find that we are occupied by products made in China, and the life without Chinese products bring much inconvenience” Indeed, almost all products except drugs, juvenile products and high-tech products , belong to the category of “Made-in-China”. It seems that Chinese products stand their way firmly in the American markets and have won the campaign of fierce competition even at abroad. Faced with the fact, we, Chinese people always can’t help be proud of our development and even hold that we must have gained much profit from the products. Is the case really as it appears to be? Are the American leaders so stupid that they allow Chinese products “invade” in their markets and “claim” the ownership of their local markets? Why don’t Americans produce products by themselves? What are the advantages and disadvantages for China to produce for America? We must first figure out the questions remained before we go a step further.

Is it the American government so generous that they allow Chinese products to compete with their own products and gain profits so easily? Of course not, everything has its own reasons, this case is of no exception. The reasons are buried under the surface. As we all know, the tax is really a burden for the companies in America, which includes the income tax, consumption tax and real estate tax. Besides, the tax for the luxury is much lower than that of the the articles for daily use. Thus, American businessmen seek for the solution to fight against the deadly enemy--tax. China, as a result of the policy and low exchange rate, is of course the dreaming place American businessmen long for. What’s more, civil rights are greatly worshiped by American people, and the civil law endows the workers with opportunities to ask for their legitimate right when they are suppressed by the greedy boss. As a result, extra work needs to be paid, workers can enjoy the vacation with pay and the working time is shortened to the minimum with a considerable income, which please the workers but reduces the company’s profit. What’s more, to develop manufacturing we need some machines and resources like coal etc, will undoubtedly result in the environmental pollution. The rivers will be polluted by the sewage produced by the plant, so the fish will die because of the toxic chemicals it contains; The air will be filled with poisonous gas like sulfur dioxide, which is a invisible killer for our human beings; The forest will be cut down to provide materials for manufacture; Natural resources will dry up in the long run. To avoid all those mentioned above, Americans decide to transfer the manufacturing industry to those developing countries where factories have the ability to produce what Americans design.

The question enters into our mind naturally --- which country is the ideal place for Americans to transfer their manufacturing industry? Surely, that will be China. You may wonder why I say so and why China becomes a big produce country? The reasons, as I see it, may be listed as follows: Firstly, China has a large population and can provide with abundant labor with low pay. “Perseverance, untiringly struggle for one’s future and plain living” these are the long-carved personalities worshiped by the society, so Chinese people tend to work harder with less demand. Working overtime is a common phenomenon in China and no one actually asks for their own rights for fearing that they will lose their hard-gaining job. Fierce competition in the job-hunting market puts everyone in the panic of job-losing. To please their boss, they work harder and harder though they are paid less and less. Thus, the efficiency and yield are guaranteed, the massive profits flow into the employer’s pockets. Secondly, As China joins in the international market, it introduces policies which encourage the national companies to go out onto the international arena and the international companies to enter into our national market. The Export Rebates is a powerful example for the series polices implemented by our country. Thus, more international co-production is witnessed, and manufacturing industry thus rapidly expands. Thirdly, the exchange rate for our currency is lower than that of some developed countries while at the same time the infrastructure and technology is ensured for manufacturing in China. Producing in China will costs less for some companies in developed countries, and most importantly, China, as an rising power in the developing world, can provides convenient transportation and other infrastructure so the goods produced can be transported safely and immediately without delay. The technology used for manufacturing is also guaranteed, this accounts for why Americans don’t choose other countries where low cost is available. The skilled workers and hi-tech will make the products with high quality. At last, raw materials and supply chain can be well provided, which are the core of the manufacturing products. When producing a product, manufactures can buy what they want in the neighborhood and they don’t bother to import the raw materials. Besides, the products they produced can be sold in the local market or be transport without efforts at a high speed, so why do they not choose China as a ideal place for manufacturing and China will, with all the advantages mentioned above, will ultimately be the first in the manufacturing industry.

China, as the rising star in the world, not only shines in the manufacturing industry. With the improvement of the educational level, more well-educated people contribute to the development of technology and have make a difference. Since China is equipped with high technology and the talent-pool, why does the Americans still chooses to design by themselves and then produce in China? Actually, the majority of the profit of the good is attributed to the one who design it or who has the patent right or the intellectual property. So, although Chinese people pay enormous time and effort to produce products, they can only gain little profit. Americans, on the other hand, gain the major part with little effort, so they must design the products by themselves. What’s more, Americans don’t believe the fashion taste and the creativity of Chinese people. The prejudice upon Chinese people has been established for a long time, though China has made a step further and can speak loudly for themselves on the international arena. Americans think Chinese people are lack of creativity and they only copy others and haven’t formed a sense for intellectual right, so they will design by themselves instead.

Though with a little profit, China still becomes the place for manufacturing. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages for China producing products for America?

As for advantages, firstly, China can enhance the international fame in this way. All the products produced by China will be tagged with “Made in China” , people, no matter where they come from, will encounter a China-made here and there, so they will be impressed by China’s identity and get the idea that China is developing rapidly and its products are sold all around world. The international influence of China is thus produced. Secondly, so many people are losing their jobs everyday in China and some of them even starve to die and commit crimes to gain some money. Producing for America will provide some job opportunities for the job-seeking people, though they may earned little with the job provided, they can avoid starving. Many people will be rescued from the abyss of joblessness, the crime rate will be largely reduced, and the society will be more harmonious as a result. Thirdly, producing for Americans will attract more foreigners with large asset to come into China and enjoy the real charm of China. They will be given a chance to be absorbed in Chinese great changes and the society, and they may find that the China’s market is so promising that they want to try their hands at. What’s more, the exchange between Chinese and the foreigners will surely bring some spark in the art, business circle, educational circle etc. These will all bring more everlasting benefits than simply gaining some profit. At last, producing for America will bring some profit to China. As a study figure out, “In 2000, the Chinese manufacturing goes beyond 30000 hundred billion yuan, which account for more than 34% of the total gaining.” (2008, 50) The profit gained will be invested to some areas which will promote the development of China in all aspects.

As for the disadvantages, I think, mainly lies in the profit distribution. We all know that China gains a little in the producing while America gains the most part with little effort. In other words, Chinese people are now working hard to make profit for the Americans. What an astonishing and regretful fact it is! We are helping make other countries better instead of bettering our own country! “So, we must try to gain the added value of our products and tighten up the legal system to protect the intellectual rights, so a society where every one can feel assured to create something and no copies will find a place in the market.” (1993, 225) Secondly, we produce for America means we rely on America to some extent. As I analyzed above, Americans actually provide job opportunities for our country and a part of our fiscal revenue comes from Americans, so when their economy breaks down, we will be influenced badly, and by that time, so many people will lose their jobs again and our economy will undergo a hard time, which will destroy the society’s harmony and the development of the society.

Producing products for America has its own disadvantages and advantages. We, Chinese people must work out ways to avoid the disadvantages and make use of the advantages to make our country outshine in the international market.



  • [1] Amiti, M.,S. Wei."Fear of services outsourcing. Is it justified?". Economic Policy. 2005
  • [2] Smith, Adam. An Inquire into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 1776
  • [3] Swamy, P.A.V B. "Efficient inference in Random coefficient Regression models". Econometrica. 1970
  • [4] Tomiura, Eiichi,Ito, Banri, Wakasugi, Ryuhei. "Cross-regional Variations in Offshore Outsourcing Choices: Evidence from Firm-level Data". RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E -029. 2008
  • [5] Trefler, Daniel. "The Case of the Missing Trade and Other HOV Mysteries". 1993




Why are languages dying out

2020-09-16 17:11:02 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Why are languages dying out,文章讲述语言是人们寻找生活的方式,也是他们相互了解的交流方式。如果自第一次谈话以来我们每天所讲的语言消失了,将会发生什么?您能想象我们生活在一个寂静的世界中,而不是彼此交谈并兴奋地分享我们的感觉吗?这可能是一个艰难的世界,我们会尽力表达,但是没有像语言那样强大的工具,也许我们会习惯的,但是目前,我们很难放弃强大的工具。


Language are the ways by which people to seek explain the world they live in, and a communication way to understand each other. What would happen if the language which we speak every day since our first talk disappears? Could you imagine that we live in a silently world instead of talking to each others and share our feeling excitedly? It could be a difficult world to live, we try our best to express, but there is not a powerful tool like language does, maybe we will get used to that, but at present, it is too hard for us to give up the powerful tool. However, more than half of all languages in the world are in danger of disappearing according to the estimation of the experts. The young generation give up to inherit the traditional language pouring into city to learn modern language and even some governments suppress the native language. Maybe the consequence is not that we do not communicate with each other, but in a world spread language, like English or Chinese, the consequence is that with the disappearing of a language, the culture that it stands and much of the knowledge of the native community may lost with it. Such as information about the natural world will lost when language disappearing. Language disappearing is a tough problem we need to face and solve.

There are two reasons that a language is disappearing. In modern world, because of the fast speed urbanization, many young people pour into the city, leaving the old who speak native language at home or they just refuse to speak native language, which cause the disappearing of language.“Younger people leave their native communities to get jobs in cities where they use only the language of the majority. Wars, floods, lack of rain, or loss of land to development can force members of a communities to leave their traditional homelands.”(1) here we can see there pursue of the modern society, better lives lead the young generation do not inherit the language.  “The welsh language is dying out as young people are afraid to use it, research has found,one half of 16-24 year-olds consider themselves fluent, compared with two-thirds over 60s, and only a third of the younger generation use welsh with their friends.”(2)Young people’s not often use of the language definitely cause the continue of the native language gradually.

Additionally, some government policies also lead to the disappearing of the language. “During the last century, government suppression of native languages was common around the world, including the United States...It said American Indian children should be taken from their homes and sent to live in government boarding schools where they would speak only English.”(1) At that time, American Indian children were sent to boarding school where only English was allowed. For fifty years, thousands of Native American children were sent to these schools to live, work and be educated in English. By the late nineteen thirties, many of the schools had closed. But their effects on American Indian languages continued. like Mrs Andrew says“When I was at school we were not allowed to speak Cook Islands Maori, as soon as we hit the school grounds we were punished for speaking it.”(3)It is obvious that those two major factors contribute a lot to disappearing language.

The disappearing of language not just means a kind of communication ways between certain group, it means the disappearing of certain culture, some of which are valuable to human history, such as some information about natural world, some plants which can heal hurts."Every time a language disappears that means the whole cultural knowledge of that people disappears. For example all of their traditional medical knowledge, all of their traditional historical knowledge, all of their family history, everything can disappear with the language if the community is not careful.”(4)“Many are afraid this represents not only the loss of a dialect, but also the loss of the local culture,The variety of dialects in China are important culture relics and should be preserved. If Shanghai dialect becomes extinct one day, Shanghai will lose its special character.” (5)Therefore, as you can see, these loss of language with the death of the old generation and young people’s unwilling to inherit the language is serious problem. Nowadays, with more and more people’s realization of language protection, lots of efforts have been done. "One elderly Inughuit tells me this is our last chance: 'We inherited our language from our ancestors. If we lose it without record, future generations will know nothing about their rich past.'"(6)

Generally, the two major reasons I mentioned above lead to the disappearing of language. Young generation is unwilling to speak the native language, the language will disappear with the death of the old when there is not suitable protection measures about the endangered language. In modern society, when English becomes the most popular language in the world, it seems there is a trend that people give up their own dialects, turn to languages which are more widely used to make themselves more competitive or suitable to the modern society. Government policies which limit the use of native language seem to work. Thus the culture which are involved in a language will disappear at the same time, let alone those valuable heritages or information. Luckily, more and more people have realized that the endangered language should be protected, more and more institutions are built and more experts are dedicating themselves to language protection.



(1)Marilyn Christiano .More Than Half of All Languages in the World Are in Danger of Disappearing. Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:

(2)Hayley Dixon.Welsh language is dying out, research finds.Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:

(3)Anne Cornish.Cook Islands language disappearing.Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:

(4)N.d.Chinese Minority Languages in Danger of Disappearing. Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:

(5)N.d.Shanghai struggles to save disappearing language.Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:

(6)Thair Shaikh.Scientist lives with endangered tribe to save disappearing language. Retrieved on 19th November ,2014 from:




My Community service

2020-09-16 16:39:43 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- My Community service,文章讲述在本学期的上半年,我参加了三次社区服务。社区服务是在波士顿唐人街的Wang YMCA中进行的。我来这里的目的是帮助11至13岁的孩子进行作业检查,并教给他们新的有意义的知识。大部分作业是关于数学和写作的,而我所教的新知识主要是阅读理解的基本技能。对于这三遍,每次持续了将近3个小时。这些孩子的父母忙于做生意,他们无法教孩子。他们所能做的就是给孩子们所要求的钱,但这能代替爱与关怀吗?事实是那些父母还能做什么?由于这种现实情况,我尽全力以爱心,责任感来辅导他们,以帮助他们学习和生活,而且,我第一次把那些可爱的孩子当作我的朋友。


During the first half of this semester, I have taken part in three times of community service. The community service was done in Wang YMCA, the Chinatown of Boston. I came there for helping children aged at 11 to 13 with their homework checking and teach them new and meaningful knowledge. Most of the homework are about math and writing, while new knowledge I taught were mainly basic skills for reading comprehension. For those three times, each time lasted nearly 3 hours. These children’s parents were too busy to do their business, and they could not teach their kids. What they can do is to give them money the kids asked, but can that replace love and care? The fact is that what else can those parents do? Due to this real situation, I tutored them with love,responsibility,as much as I can to assist them both in learning and life, what’s more, I regarded those lovely children as my friends after the first time.   

Although we’ve studied together for only such a short period, I found myself had acquired something or got more insights on the real world. Simultaneously, I could find that they were making progress too. However, there were still some difficulties occurred which caused me to learn more, not only the knowledge taught in the classroom,but also some issues that can help one to learn more about the human beings. For example, what are the major factors that inhibit their learning,the state of their mind or their cognitive ability, or both? And how can I do to help them? This is what this paper mainly concerns, putting forward my idea of giving them an assistance, coming up with a better way to educate students from several perspectives, such as the psychological point of view, from the pedagogical viewpoint and from the perspective of sociology.

Finally, integrating what literature I had reviewed with my experience there, I try to analyze the circumstance as what aspects are supposed to improve and what people of the whole society should work together. The final part of this paper is an conclusion through the analysis. The conclusion refers to a better method for kids at their age to learn.





Kinship project report

2020-09-16 16:31:42 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Kinship project report,文章讲述在这个亲属关系项目中,我选择了二十岁的男性Luuly作为我的受访者。 Luuly的父母,他56岁的父亲Giap和57岁的母亲Hue共有四个孩子。 Luuly在孩子中排名第二,其中有一个叫Thuong的哥哥,一个是Tuy的哥哥,还有一个叫Buv的妹妹。 在父系一方,卢利(Luuly)有两个叔叔和一个姑姑,他们所有人都已与丈夫或妻子结婚。 他们的每个家庭都有一个孩子。


  1. Introduction

In this kinship project, I chose Luuly, a male of twenty years old, as my interviewee. Luuly’s parents, his 56-year-old father Giap and 57-year-old mother Hue, have four children in total. Luuly, ranking the second among the children, has one older brother named Thuong, one younger brother, Tuy and a younger sister whose name is Buv. In the patrilineal side, Luuly has two uncles and one aunt, and all of them have married with their husbands or wives. Each of their family has a child. Luuly has one patrilineal parallel cousin and two patrilineal cross cousins. Since Luuly’s mother is the only child descended from his deceased matrilineal grandparents, there are no matrilineal cousins of Luuly. Xin, aging 87, is the only grandfather of Luuly at present.

  1. Analysis of Assignment of Analytical Tools

In luuly’s mind, there are sixteen family members considered in his family, including his two parents, his two brothers, his sister, his grand parents, his uncles and aunts together with their children, and himself. Since his parents Giap and Hue are husband and wife, and the four children are all immediate family members. Thus the six members in his family have blood relationship with each other. There are no other people whom Luuly considers to be “kin”. The parents have given birth to Luuly himself and his brothers and sisters. Obligations and responsibilities also exist in the process of raising them up and giving them education.

Seeing from the family tree of Luuly, it is a nuclear family where Luuly lives. In the circle he draws, there are only his parents and the unmarried children living together. Therefore, this is a family where there are only two generations and that is why it is a nuclear family. In Luuly’s family, there are all together six family members, his father and mother, his three brothers and sisters, and he himself.

In Luuly’s kinship group, all children of his generation live with their own parents in their homes. Luuly’s father and mother were both born in Hu Zhi Ming City of Vietnam, but moved to live in Marietta, GA for their children’s education. And Luuly and his siblings also live there together with their parents. When they first moved to the U.S., they did not have a house to live in, for that reason, they lived with his uncle for about five years. There are no obvious difference between the settlements of the male children and female children. Except for Luuly’s family, where there are four children, all other families of his cousins have one child only. On patrilineal side, there are more family members, except Luuly’s father; there are also two uncles and one aunt with their spouses and their children. On matrilineal side, on the contrary, things are much different. With the mother of Luuly being the only child of his deceased grandparents Dao and Hoac without any brothers or sisters, there are no uncles or aunts of Luuly as well. In Luuly’s immediate family, his parents are all in their middle ages, and the children are in their teens or early twenties, it is quite likely that the children are still studying in their high schools or just begin their university years.

Luuly’s father and mother are both assembly line workers, and it is likely that the parents in the family shoulder the main burden and responsibility of raising the whole family. There is no family business in Luuly’s family, neither is there any pressure or obligation for children to follow their parents’ occupation food steps. The whole family atmosphere is harmonious and free, since Luuly’s father and mother and other siblings never give him any pressure and other intervene on job seeking matter. What is more, the parents of Luuly will not give any pressure and obligation to him to help to raise his siblings, and it is enough if he can take care of his own things well. However, in the deep heart of Luuly, there is a sense of responsibility for him to help his family, since his father and mother have spent so much money on him and raised him up through many years’ struggle and hard work, he is determined to repay them and take care of them especially when they are not in good health conditions. The situations in the families of Ann, a cross cousin of Luuly, and Soc, a parallel cousin of Luuly, are quite similar. In his parallel cousins’ families, however, in the other parallel cousin’s family, where the child Nham is already 35 years old, it is quite possible that he has already married and composed his own family. All the kin members in Luuly’s big family are in good relationship and well contacted with one another, and every member in Luuly’s family will take the responsibility to contact with other family members, and they often writer letters and send greeting cards together.

As for the inheritance, the custom in the family of Luuly is that when parents pass away, their estate will be inhered by their children. Since there are all together four children in this family, the estate of Luuly’s parents will be devided into four parts in the future, and Luuly will inhere one of the four parts. However, he does not except anything to be inhered from his grandparents. There are also rituals in Luuly’s family, when ne new year comes, all the family members will get together in his grandmother’s house to enjoy the family reunion, and this is often organized by his aunts and uncles.

III. Comparisons and Summary

There are many similarities between Luuly’s family and my own. To begin with, we both have a big family with many aunts, uncles and cousins. And most of the children in the family are still in school. Besides, the atmosphere in the family is happy and harmonious with many family get-togethers on holidays. However, what is the most unique thing in the information selected is that the family kinship structures are quite different between patrilineal side and matrilineal side of Luuly. Since there are more patrilineal branches but very few matrilineal branches, and that is where lies the biggest difference with my family. The structure of my family tree is just the opposite, with more matrilineal branches and fewer patrilineal ones. What is more, another obvious difference is that Luuly has three siblings, whereas I am the only child of my parents.

In conclusion, the kinship in Luuly’s family is quite clear. He has siblings in his own family and parallel cousins and cross cousins in his uncles’ and aunts’ families. The whole family is in good order and has a clear inherence custom. The children in Luuly’s family are mostly still in schools, and the main responsibility of raising the family is mainly shared by the parents. Luuly has many patrilineal relatives. On matrilineal side, however, there are no other relatives, since his mother is the only child of his deceased grandparents on his mother’s side. In Luuly’s family, all the family members are in good relation with each other, for they usually have close contacts on many holidays and other occasions. The grandmother links the whole family together, and when the new years come, the whole family usually get together in the grandmother’s house.




Italian neorealism in the film Bicycle Thieves

2020-09-16 16:28:45 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -Italian neorealism in the film Bicycle Thieves,文章讲述维托里奥·德·西卡(Vittorio de Sica)执导的电影《自行车盗贼》代表了意大利新现实主义的精髓,其历史可以追溯到第二次世界大战后的战后时期。顾名思义,意大利新现实主义在于以直截了当的方式再现社会中人们的真实生活,尤其是下层阶级的悲惨深渊。



Bicycle Thieves, the film directed by Vittorio de Sica, represents the essence of the Italian Neorealism, which can be dated back to the post-war period after the World War-II. The Italian Neorealism, as its name denotes, lies in reproducing the real life of people in the society in a straight-forward way, especially the miserable abyss of the underclass.

The idea of realism and the overall aesthetic penetrates throughout the production of the films of the Italian Neorealism, this film is of no exception. The idea of the Italian Neorealism shows it self in the following aspects:

Real shot is employed. All the scenes in the film are shot in the real environment instead of the indoor setting built by the crew. Thus, the living environment of the underclass is well represented in a plain way. Audience will be shocked by the toughness of the life of the protagonists immediately and some familiar scenes will undoubtedly arose the emotional resonance of the audience, and then the capture of the feelings, conditions and struggles of the poor people will be guaranteed.

 The skillful use of the long cinema scene and repeated shooting. Long cinema scene avoids the excess polishing by men, and the scene is followed with the action of the father without too much clipping, which enhances the realism of the film. In the film, the repeated shooting is used when the father wonders whether he should steal a bike, his hesitation and inner conflict are produced brilliantly, the audience will get the message and experience the struggle of the father, the representative of the common family, by themselves.

The unprofessional actor is employed as the protagonist. The father in the film is actually a normal person who loses his job in the post war period. The actor is not acting, he is, to some extent, living as he was used to. What he thinks, what he sees and what he says in daily life are re-presented truly enough. He is one of the jobless people who live in the abyss of the misery, and fights for his own future in the endless darkness. His yell for equality and bright future will be captured by the audience without effort for he is a common person living in poverty and the cruelty just like the audience themselves, instead of the actors or actress the audience can’t access. What’s more, the contradiction, the misfortune of the actor can be better performed and can better represent the common family’s life for the actor himself is from the common family and he knows what should be presented.

The linear and loose structure. The film begins with a jobless father who eventually gets a job and uses almost all he has to get back his bike, but the bike is stolen the other day, so he decides to steal a bike to live on, however, he fails and is beaten by others. The plain narrative pattern and the logical relationship between the incidents promotes the development of the plot naturally, though being lack of the intense contradiction and sudden turn, the film reveals the realism and the suffering of the seemingly plain life. The plainness, which resembles most people’s life, can make them find their own shadows in the film, so they will cry when the father is beaten, they will hesitate when the father is suffering from the contradiction, they will be pleased when the father first gains a job. They will be totally absorbed in the struggling the feelings of the common people with the help of the realism.


