

Lawyer Lin interviewed and recorded a memorandum

2020-08-13 16:49:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Lawyer Lin interviewed and recorded a memorandum,文章讲述十月的一个晴天,我在位于西雅图充满活力的唐人街附近的林丹律师事务所遇到了他。林先生五十多岁,是一个干净利落的人,他主动提出要与我握手,并在他看到我走进办公室的第一刻用广东话向我打招呼。他发自内心的热情举止立即减轻了我在第一次见面时的束缚,甚至使我怀旧。林先生出生于中国香港,然后在70年代中期离开美国进入大学。经过15年的苦苦挣扎,他最终设法在美国开设了一家律师事务所,而他最好的服务之一是为包括海外华人在内的移民提供服务,以在自己的律师事务所通过执业法解决他们的法律问题。

Lawyer Lin interviewed and recorded a memorandum

It was on a sunny day in October that I met Dennis Lam at his law office, situated in the vicinity of the vibrant Chinatown in Seatle. Mr Lam, in his fifties, was a clean-cut and well-mannered man, and he offered to shake hands with me and greeted me in Cantonese at the very first moment he saw me walking into his office. His heartfelt welcoming behavior immediately eased my inhibition at our first meeting and even brought me a bout of nostalgia. Born in Hongkong,China,Mr Lam,then, left for college in USA in the mid 70’s. After 15-odd years’ travails , he ,eventually, managed to open a law firm in the US, and one of his best service was to offer services for immigrants including overseas Chinese in solving their legal problems by practice law at his own law office. As a previous immigrant and a juris doctor of Seattle University, he has been flinging himself into creating a better life for all immigrants including his fellowmen .

Mr Lam, along with his co-workers, was preoccupied in the online application of the 2016 Diversity Visa Program/Green Card Lottery(DV-2016), of which the period is between Oct,1 2014 and Nov 3,2014.The registration time varies each year, but many phone calls regarding this VISA swam into Mr Lam’s Office almost everyday. Each applicants want to be one of those lucky 50000 people who will be authorized to work and stay in USA after getting a VISA through the green card draw. He said to me that what his colleagues and he were doing was to provide much information about the DV-lottery program run by the U.S. Government and helped candidates submit their application error-less, and helped them pass the immigration interview. Among all those applicants they have met, many have been resorting to them for several years. This is due a large to the randomized computer drawing,and no single country can receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year.That is why people call this VISA a Green Card Lottery.Everyone is hoping to ‘hit the jackpot’.

Mr Lam shows me a data sheet regarding those who get the VISA in the past 6 years,and emphasizes the randomness of the result. For candidates from TAIWAN, the peak of total happened in 2014, which was 723, and the lowest was 360 in 2013.

“Sometimes technical problems will affect the computer drawing ” ,Mr Lam says,”In 2011, due to a technical glitch, 90% chosen people were filtered through those who applied the first two days of the online registration. So when 20,000 out of the 1.9 million people were told they could have immigration interviews, they did not know God was playing a joke with them ”

Shortly after this incident, the Judiciary Committee in the House of the Commons drafted bills to cancel the Green Card Lottery twice, which,however,was vetoed by the Senate.

As far as I know, there are various ways to immigrate to America and become America's legal citizens, namely, family-based immigration Visa, investment immigration Visa, employment immigration Visa. They are the effective means to curb America’s aging society, and attract foreign labors and talents, to contribute to the development of America. Diversity Visa is one of them. Personally, diversity Immigrant Visa has a lot of drawbacks, and it can be boiled down to the following. Firstly, a lower threshold means more expense will be borne by the government, which in turn is paid by the taxpayer. America is indeed a land of democracy, and also a land of magnanimousness. For the underprivileged, America still leaves them the hope to be become a part of the America. This what the America is, and this is exact the American way. However, it still undeniable that there still tons of America on the state of unemployment. Immigrants are mostly committed and hardworking, and that is why they are well-received among employers, posing enormous potential threats to the native Americans. America is best known for protecting the interests of its people, and also for its diversified melting, heaven for immigrants worldwide. I think what America needs is a balance between its open immigration policy and protection. I suggest that America should be more inclined to the elite immigration. To be specific, candidates of this Visa need only a high school education or its equivalent and a two-year working experience should be given more chances, and reduce the quota for many, who don’t have. Become those with low education background probably will make less contribution to the society while posing threats native America’s employment .But what if we give those quotes to people with higher education?I think this will definitely give spur to the America’s economy.In terms of improving the economy competitiveness, we have every reason to give our priority to the skilled Immigrates and Doctoral Green Card.



I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying

2020-08-13 16:47:48 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying,文章讲述在《离群值》一书中,马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)评论了比尔·乔伊(Bill Joy)的成功,他说:“这是一个故事,讲述了特定领域的离群值如何通过能力,机会和绝对的优势相结合而达到自己的崇高地位”。此评论也可能是对迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)成功的非凡准确判断。

I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying
In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell has made a comment on the success of Bill Joy, he says, “It was a story of how the outliers in a particular field reached their lofty status through a combination of ability, opportunity, and utterly arbitrary advantage”. This comment can also be an extraordinary accurate judgment of Michael Jordan’s success.
Similar to Bill Joy, Michael Jordan was once an outlier. When he was in the high school Emsley A.Laney, he joined the school basketball team. However, due to his thin and short shape at that time, he was kicked out of the team. Then the dramatic change happened in his life in the University of North Carolina. When he was a freshman, he got a chance to fight for his school team in the NCAA. In the key moment, he got the winning goal, which became the bacon of his basketball career since this goal won him the earlier fame to prepare for his NBA career.
Despite the fact that Michael Jordan was an outlier in the beginning, he then got good opportunities to join the Chicago Bulls. But opportunity is not the only element contributing to his success. He actually nurtured great ability in playing basketball. He won many titles during his basketball career, such as the champion of NBA for six times, the renowned king of scoring, rookie of the year, two Olympic gold medals, members of the Hall of Fame, and so on, which are all the results of outstanding ability. From Jordan’s famous saying that “I can accept failure, but I can not accept not trying”, we can see that he pays special efforts to build up his basketball career by trying again and again, and he must have accumulated great skills in basketball. More importantly, his arbitrary inborn advantage should also account for his huge success. Jordan’s adipose possesses only 3% in his muscles. Usually, the 5% can be called the genius for sports, which means that Jordan is actually the more preferred genius for sports, thus his body declines slower and he has quicker speed than others.
Although Malcolm Gladwell says that the story of success is more complex, as facts enumerated above, it can be pretty sure that Michael Jordan’s success at least owes to his opportunity, ability and inborn advantage.



How does e-commerce change business?

2020-08-13 16:47:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- How does e-commerce change business?,文章讲述众所周知,随着著名的“ 11.11”音乐节临近,互联网一直是最大的购物狂潮之一。没有太多的互联网购买者,例如淘宝用户和京东的青睐,可以抵制在线购买的诱惑。在当今世界,随着互联网的发展,电子商务的广泛普及已经使我们的生活变得更加轻松和便捷。我们可以在去餐厅之前在线购买商品,订购飞机票,电影票以及订购晚餐-似乎我们可以在互联网上完成所有工作。

How does e-commerce change business?
As is known to us, Internet has been witnessing one of the greatest shopping frenzies with the famous “11.11” Festival drawing near. No very many internet purchasers, for example Taobao users and Jingdong favors, can manage to resist the temptation of buying online. In the contemporary world, the widespread of E-commerce has already made our life much easier and more convenient with the development of internet. We can buy commodities online, order airplane tickets, movie tickets as well as ordering dinners before we go to the restaurant-- it seems that we can get everything done on the internet. At the same time, the business is no longer what it is. Considered as one of the sale aspect of the e-business, the electronic commerce has already revolutionized trade as a routine activity by bringing the marketplace to your home or the office, thus saving you time and energy. With the growth of the Internet community and multiple and diverse accesses to the Internet that the single user is granted, more and more commercial entrepreneurs have realized the significance of online commerce, i.e. electronic commerce (ecommerce). And merchandise retailing is among aspects of business which has already been through significant transformation. This report, aimed at giving general picture of E-commerce, including the nature of it, influential factors during its developments and a daring prediction of its future prosperity, will focus on the analysis of the development of merchandise retailing so as to better our understanding of e-commerce.
From the discussion above we can sense the strong relationship between E-Commerce and our life, making it necessary for us to know more about the its nature before we get deep into our very topic. E-commerce is an abbreviation of Electronic commerce, also known as E-commerce or ecommerce, and refers to the process of selling and buying products and services over the internet or other electronic system. The normal function of E-commerce depends on technologies, like automated data system, World Wide Web and E-mail, to realize the transaction’s life cycle. World Wide Web is the most important part of e-commerce, for it is in this media that goods and service are presented through variously designed e-commerce websites to match the taste of a particular target audience. That is why customers can order what they want and what they need by using e-payment options like credit card. There are two kinds of items, virtual and physical items involved in the ecommerce operations according to the nature of the product. Virtual items are those that we pay for reading newspapers and magazines, get the access to websites to watch movies or acquire some privileges, or playing online gaming. Physical items are tangible products, such as clothes, shoes and snakes we buy on the internet. The virtual items are growing quickly. However, the majority of the e-commerce transactions are related to physical items. As for the parties who are engaged in the online transaction, it can be divided into business-to-customer, and the abbreviation is B2C and business-to-business, with B2B as an abbreviation which has been widely used. B2C model is just like the business entities such as online stores offering products and services to customers and B2B model explains the relationship between retailers, wholesalers and business entities. With the development of the web technologies, people can get the wanted items much easier than in the past because the attention to the new set up selling model, and more and more people will be involved in the ecommerce.
And the recent years have already seen a great leap in the application of E-commerce. As Chen (2005) says in her study on the current situation of E-commence, “although the time when E-commence can become the mainstream mode remains to be proved, its potential is immense”, for, on the one hand, “the potential consumers are increasing rapidly”, and on the hand, just as data quoted from Anderson Consulting Company shows, “by the end of 2003, the total transaction value of E-commerce B2B and B2c, might probably has reached 4 billion dollars, with B2B increasing in an average annual rate of 194%, and B2C of 274%...In recent world, no other markets other than E-commerce market has such a rate of increase”(247). And it is necessary to point out that, according to Liu, under the background of the 2008 financial crises, when the economic environment was rapidly deteriorated, it was E-commerce mode, B2B as well as B2C that help a large quantity of medium-sized and small enterprises to recover themselves. Apart from the economic booming in B2B and B2C purchasing and procurement, which is a strong evidence of the prevailing E-commerce, we can also see how E-commerce is applied in other areas, like merchandise retailing, which this report is going to discuss in detail later, advertising, financial services or media and entertainment.
Amazed by the prevailing influence of E-commerce, it is not a wide guess that many people might be interested in factors that make possible or hinder this influence. The development of internet and scientific policies are among reasons accounting for its success, which this report will illustrate in detail in discussion of the prospect of E-commerce later. And despite the great realistic and potential advantages, it is now confronted by a lot of challenges. In case of risks, we should put enough attention to all of them, on which Xu and Zhou have done a lot of discussions. According to them, it is the logistics factor, which is biggest challenge for it requires a large scale of basic construction while in China, the development is relatively delayed (29). Apart from this, the anxiety about the security of paying-online and usual manner of taxing also prevents a more rapidly development. To attain a substantial development, the enforcement of law is necessary and our government is striving hard while there still exits no specific laws on electronic commerce (29). Inevitably, for individual enterprises, they have their own responsibility. We must admit that most of them have been not able to gain accesses to an adequate Internet network, especially some medium-sized and small enterprises which fail in develop International Internet Commerce System and cannot afford importation for it is too expensive (29). As for the cultivation of specialized talents, we still have a long way to go.
Confronted by such challenges, a lot of people have done a lot of discussions, all trying to find a way. As for the problems mentioned above, Liu Jun’s (2008) study has provides his suggestion, which I think is of great significance. According to him, we must make development plans and microscope instructions for electronic commerce, for E-commerce, as a newly-arisen mode of commerce, although it is developing in a considerable speed, it still lacks a mature manner of sale method, making it necessary to be put in the guidance of government. Then, it is the reinforcement of the infrastructure. This is based on the fact that information internet is the very basis of E-commerce and the necessary infrastructure efforts include “the establishment of information transportation channel, the study of information transportation equipments exploitation of information technology etc” (83). Besides the cultivation of more specialized talents and the conduct as well as the modeling function of government is of great significance. In this point, according to Liu Jun, government should accomplish as soon as possible the informatization of government, promote the efficiency as well as the transparency and enhance the communication between government and society. What’s more, the application of E-commerce should be encouraged within government, aiming at the internalization of official procurement (83).
In order to gain a further and better understanding of how enterprises make use of E-commerce and how it works out great benefits, I would like to take a close look on the relationship between E-commerce and merchandise retailing. It is the application of Internet technology arouses the fourth revolution in retailing business by bringing into existence of a quantity of stores on line. “Based totally on information technology”, says Jin and Lu, “they can finish the whole selling process, and thus break the space and time limit and go beyond the limitedness of enterprise scale”. Consequently, the running price is reduced and the efficiency is enhanced.
The tremendous function of E-commerce, which is abstract in above description can be illustrated in detail in the case of BaiSheng Corporation’s implement of SCM (supply chain management). Within these ten years, BaiSheng gains a surprising leap, with about 40 purchase centers and supermarket and nearly 100 stop or specialty stores, having already become the biggest and the most successful retailing corporation in Malaysia. However, its glory doesn’t come easily. It is in debt to electronic commerce. According to Cai (2003), before the use of SCM, individual store remains isolated from each other without much connection, each procuring commodity independently. In such a way, “each individual store is like an information-isolated island, making impossible the functioning of the scale and corporation advantages” (188). And a great change came in 1999 when the headquarters of BaiSheng in China started to establish its supply chain with the use of internet. After a careful study in which they found out that there were 3000 to 4000 large and medium-sized enterprises would like to accept the way of doing business with related supermarkets through Internet, they invested 200000000 RMB in establishing a supply chain. Baisheng was rather careful during the whole process and keeps up with an analysis of the actual market situation in China. They at first adopted B2B instead of B2C with good reason. “To Baisheng, B2C was dedicated directly to consumers”, which demanded of an understanding or estimation of how many of them had access to Internet and were also willing to buy online. And because of the fact they were not sure of such information, B2C was banned for the sake of economic benefits. By comparison, B2B deals with business between different business sectors. Taking into consideration that they are rather familiar with their suppliers and even ERP, they made up their mind to begin their first trying of electronic commerce with the application of B2B.
Despite great difficulties and challenges, like the level differences among their suppliers and opposition coming from within because of persisting influence of the traditional business mode and “the incoherence of article code” and “connector standard” (Cai, 2003: 188-189) which prevented each individual store from identifying with each other and thus isolated themselves, etc., BaiSheng eventually achieve a great development and place itself in a win-win situation. With the platform of E-commerce, for suppliers, they can easily pay attention to the exact situation of their own products, including “the analysis of the storage of each commodity, the analysis of selling, the ABC analysis and also the analysis of benefits as well as the history statistics of selling” (189). And blessed with such an easy way to gain all those significant analysis, they can be more flexible and efficient in making future strategies. And when it comes to purchasers, it helps save about two thirds of the human resources. Take manner of payment for example. In traditional business mode, “it takes a lot of human resources, material powers, many as well as time”, while “in the platform of E-commerce all can be done in a pretty short time”, and for suppliers, all they need to do is to get the report form on WEB then both sides can get the money things done quite efficiently. In general, we can see that it was only after a sufficient study of the feasibility of that Baisheng resorted to E-commerce. It is always making good use of the advantages of SCM and prevents its disadvantages. What’s more, its application of E-commerce comes into effect during different periods. And only it is proved that E-commerce runs pretty well will it takes further step in fear of risk. Besides, during that process, Baisheng is always striking for a better management of retailing chain, including “plan making, attracting investment, procurement, selling, storing account checking and payment” and trying to “connect suppliers, dealers, deliverers, banks and consumers together with internet” (200). That is the reason of its success, and its success exemplifies the great benefits E-commerce can bring to enterprises. With Baisheng as an example, we can better understand the chances the mode of E-commerce gratifies to the retailing business. In all, the benefits can be generalized as follows. It helps in creating a more convenient way in handling the information of purchasers and even their commodities, in reducing the price when blessed with an effective prediction of the market and without the pressure of storing, and in promoting the service efficiency.
Until now, this report has given us a clear idea about what E-commerce is, how it works and factors influencing it with the help of the a focused discussion on retail. So, there comes a question of great concerning to ever person, especially business man and policy makers in government, that is, whether E-commerce can manage to hold its momentum so as to maintain its credit among a variety of procurers and consumers. Based on related statistics and crucial information, I think E-commerce will play a more and more important role in economic development. My prediction has supportive arguments. Firstly, it is because ever since the 2008 Economic Crises, the total transaction value has always been being increasing without indicative of the possibility of dropping. We can take the transaction value during 2008 and 2013 as example, as showed in the following form:

From 1[ Related materials are quoted in Liu’s The Current Situation, Problems and Solutions in the Development of E-Commerce in China.] The Total Transaction Value during 2008-2013

As showed in the above form, the overall value is increasing year by year. What’s more, the time has already seen a rising proportion the E-Commerce contributes to the total business transaction value, a fact From 2 shows to us.

Form 2[ Related materials are quoted in Liu’s The Current Situation, Problems and Solutions in the Development of E-Commerce in China.] The Proportion of E-Commerce Transaction Value in the Total Value of Trade during 2008 and 2013.
Similarly, the proportion keeps enlarging with 2013 reaching a scale which accounts for 17.9% of the total commerce value. So, judging from such a great momentum and taking into the rather good economic environment, it is not too optimistic to come to the prediction that the prospect of E-Commerce is rather good.
What’s more, related policies on E-commerce can also prove a bright future for it. Our government has already put into effect a series of laws and regulations for electronic commerce, in 2004 it is The Code Of The Electronic Signature, the first law in information service industries, in 2006 it is 2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy which describes in detail different and systematic development mode for electronic business, in 2007, it is The 11th Five-year Plan of the Electronic Commerce Development which makes us clear about the significance of electronic commerce and establish the overall goal in the development of it, in 2011, it is The Third Party E-commerce Transaction Platform Service Specification which aims at regulating all kind of activities in order to protect the rights of both enterprises and customers (Liu, 2011: 233), and perfect information foundation facilities, formulate policies, so as to inject more impetus. And apart from reasons above, the rapidly developing mobile internet and the increasing number of Internet users can also attribute to the prospect of E-Commerce. According to Wang, “the emergence of mobile internet” has makes ‘on-line’ possible without the limitedness of time and space, and helps extend ‘pay-online’ to every aspect of life and the market that relies on computer internet will become a mini market” (287). The popularity of Alipay is a good illustration. And when it comes to new possible development tendency in the future, scholars like Chen Juan (2005) has given some convincing prediction. To Chen, there are six main tendencies, i.e. “deepening”, “specialization”, “internationalization”, “regionalization and further integration” (248).
With the development of Internet and Information technology, E-commerce has revolutionized the business mode, with a diversity of enterprises applying it. Despite its great success, there still exist a lot of factors hindering its future development, like the vulnerability of information Infrastructure, the lacking of specialized talents, and influence of persisting traditional business mode. However, with the great support of government and rapidly developing technology as well as the impetus of foreign business, the E-commerce is booming. Under such backgrounds, enterprise like Baisehng has already benefited a lot from a daring application of B2C, a story exemplifies the closely related relationship between E-commerce and Retailing. Based on good reason, personally, I hold that there is a much brighter future for electronic commerce. Surely, e-commerce will remain one of the greatest factors contributing the prosperity not only of enterprise but also to the whole society by granting individuals plenty of convenience.

Chen Juan, “The Current Situation and Trend Analysis of Electronic Commerce in China”, Market Modernization, Nov. 2005 (Ⅱ): 247.
Cai Ping, “The Functions of E-commerce on Retailing Chain: the Story of Baisheng;s application of SCM”, Modern Information, Jan. 2004 (1): 188-189.
Liu Dianwei, “The Current Situation, Problems and Solutions in the Development of E-Commerce in China”, Special Zone Economy, Dec. 2011: 233-234.
Liu Jun, “An Analysis of the Current Situation and Development Tread of Electronic Commerce”, Gansu Science and Technology, 24 (11), Jun. 2008: 82-83.
Jin Xueyin, Lu Huaming, “The Development of E-commerce in Retailing and the Future Strategies”, Modern Business: 16.
Wang Yan, “The Influence of Mobile Internet on Electronic Commerce”, Information Technology: 287.
Xu Shujie, Zhou Lianqiu, “Factors influencing the Development of Electronic Commerce and Tragedies”, Town Enterprises in China: 29.




2020-08-13 16:44:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Guinea-Bissau,文章讲述几内亚比绍共和国是非洲西海岸的一个国家,国土面积为36125千平方公里,其中包括28000平方公里的土地和81200平方公里的海洋。该国人口超过154万,人口密度为每平方米42人。几内亚比绍是前葡萄牙殖民地。长期的掠夺和殖民统治使该国的工业基础非常薄弱,矿产资源尚未得到开发。

Republic of Guinea-Bissau is a country in the west coast of Africa with the national territory area of 36.125 thousand square kilometers, including 28 thousand square kilometers of land and 8.12 thousand square kilometers of ocean. The country has a population of more than 1.54 million and the density of population is 42 persons per square meter. Guinea-Bissau is a former Portuguese colony. The long period of depredations and colonization left the country a very weak foundation of industry, and the mineral resources have not yet been explored. The economy in the country is dominated by agriculture, upon which more than 80 percent of the population depends. The total area of land suitable for farming is 900 thousand hectares, of which only 29 percent is utilized. Besides, the fishery resources in Guinea-Bissau are fairly rich. Sending fishing permits and the export of fish and other seafood are the main sources of Foreign exchange earnings. In the year of 1981, Guinea-Bissau was listed as one of the least developed countries by the United Nations.
Key Words: Guinea-Bissau; economy; analysis
Ⅰ. Introduction 3
Ⅱ. History and Geography 3
A. Historical Characteristics 4
B. Geographical Conditions 4
Ⅲ. Economy of Guinea-Bissau 5
A. Weakness of Industry 6
B. Domination of Agriculture 7
C. External Economic Relation 8
Ⅳ. Prospects and Direction of Development 9
A. Challenges and Opportunities 9
B. Tourism-A New Industry 10
Ⅴ. Conclusion 11

Analysis of Economic Development of Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau is an agricultural country with a very weak foundation of industry. It is one of the least developed countries published by the United Nations. According to the statistics announced by the World Bank, Guinea-Bissau is listed the sixteenth of the least developed countries.
Guinea-Bissau is a former Portuguese colony. In the year of 1973, Guinea-Bissau declared independence. At the beginning period of its independence, there were only a dozen small-sized processing factories over the country. Because of a continuing war during that time, food shortage was extreme serious and could not be self-sufficient and the growth rate of real per capita output was only 110 dollars (White 12).
With great difficulty and challenge, the government of Guinea-Bissau is trying to find a way to develop the economy of the country. However, there are many factors lying in the way of its development, and the way forward also seems to be harsh and difficult. Meanwhile, there is also opportunity hidden behind the challenges.
II.History and Geography of Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau is a tropical country located in the west coast of Western Europe. The territory of this country is mainly on the main land, with a long winding coastal line. Guinea-Bissau experienced a long time of fighting for national independence. Being a former colonial country of Portage, the people of the country fought a long way to build their own nation. Finally in the year of 1973, Guinea-Bissau ushered her day of independence.
A. Historical Characteristics
Guinea-Bissau, like other countries of Africa, was not an independent country from ancient time till the fifteenth century. In the year of 1446, Portuguese colonists invaded the land, which stirred the local people to continuous resistance.
In 1908, a large uprising, which lasted for an amazing nine years, was exploded in the country. Following that, a serious of smaller uprisings were continuously started in the year of 1920, 1932 and 1939. Till the twentieth century, the resistance experienced a new progress.
In November of 1973, the first National People’s Parliament was opened and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau was formally declared independence. Soon after its independence, Guinea-Bissau accepted the admission from more than eighty countries and organizations, including the United Nations. In the beginning period of its foundation, the industrial development was faced with a harsh circumstance with only a few factories over the country due to the destruction of years of wars. What was even worse was that the food could not be self-sufficient. The government paid great efforts in rebuilding the nation, and restored its economy to some extend. However, Guinea-Bissau still had a long way to go before getting rid of extreme poverty.
B. Geographical Conditions
Guinea-Bissau has a typical subordinate savanna climate. The country is in the season of summer throughout the year. The temperature of the mainland is rather high all the year round, with the average environment temperature reaching 27 degrees centigrade. In normal years, the rainfall of the north area is around 1500 millimeters, and that of the coastal area of the south is up to 3000 millimeters, which is far more than the mainland. With the influence of the Sahara Dessert, the evaporation is increasing and surpassing the rainfall, causing serious drought in this country. The tropical soil “are easily leached” (Bohannan 172), adding difficulty to agriculture.
Guinea-Bissau is rich in natural a variety of resources. What is more, there is abundant petroleum in coastal area. However, it is a pity that such bounty of the resources in the country is not fully utilized.
It is worth mentioning that the forestry resource in Guinea-Bissau is so rich that about 56 percent of the land there is covered by forest. The reservoir of wood is nearly 50 million cubit meters, the deforestation of which is about 55 thousand cubic meters per year (Snoek 2004). The wood, which is also in good quality, becomes one of the most important exports in Guinea-Bissau.
As a coastal country with a long coastal line, Guinea-Bissau has rich fishery resources. According to relevant research, the annual overall harvest reaches 250 thousand to 350 thousand tons. Because of there are no domestic large fishing ships within the country, the government gives away permits to foreigners as a main resource of foreign currency. Besides, seafood export is also a major channel through which people in Guinea-Bissau get foreign exchange.
III. Economy of Guinea-Bissau
“West Africa was in the news during the months of March and April as coups pushed the region to the brink of chaos” (Mutambo 2012). In the mid to late 1990s to now, the economic development in Guinea-Bissau experienced an unstable process. The reason that caused this problem is that the political situation in that period is turbulent, which directly restricted the development of domestic economy, especially during the years of coup. In a rather long period after the independence, the state leaders stepped on a wrong way of economic construction. Ignoring the weak foundation the lack of technology and talented managers, the government took extreme reform measures, which even worsened the economic conditions.
A.Weakness of Industry
The industrial in Guinea-Bissau, whose base is feeble, mainly depends on agricultural products and food processing. The processing industry shares 75 percent of the total industrial output. After independence from Portugal, the government paid great attention to attracting foreign capital and set up some joint factories with other countries like Portugal, such as juice factories, car assembly plants, beer factories and so on. However, these factories all finished up in failure one after another as a result of poor management. During the time of the industrial development, several civil wars were broken out, the country “was destroyed and hundreds of thousands fled into the countryside”(Massey 2012), which deeply destroyed the newly developing industries.
Guinea-Bissau has rich but unexplored mineral resources, and the mining industry is still waiting to be developed. The country knows little about its mineral resources. At present, there are only a few building materials known by the nation, including bauxite and phosphate. The construction industry in Guinea-Bissau is mainly state-operated. For instance, eighty percent of the national construction work is accomplished by public project and the supporting organization of construction and economic department.
The overall situation of industry is still not optimistic in Guinea-Bissau. Because of economic difficulties at present, the government does not own enough fund to build more industrial factories and infrastructure.
B.Domination of Agriculture
The landscape in Guinea-Bissau is flat and smooth with many rivers flowing in the mainland, which offers naturally suitable conditions for agricultural irrigation. With its appropriate climate and abundant rainfall during the rainy season, Guinea-Bissau owns a natural environment for the development of agriculture. Therefore, it develops into a typical agricultural country.
Agriculture, the main part of national economy, takes up about half of the whole economy. More than 80 percent of the population and three quarters of the labor force work on agriculture and grassland farming. The main grain crops are rice, beans, corns and so on, among which rice occupies the largest planting area. Thus rice serves the people of Guinea-Bissau as their staple food. In the years of good harvests, the export of rice can even earn foreign currency for the country. Agriculture, therefore, grows into the dominant position of this country.
However, in spite of the good geographical and climate conditions, the development of agriculture is still seriously restricted due to a serious of factors. “Most of the cultivation is by hand” (White 13). The mode of production, which still depends on human force, is outdated. At the same time, the lack of modern ways of production limits the speed and degree of further agricultural development. Besides, the country is utterly lacking in funds thus does not have enough financial resource to deal with various natural disasters like drought and insect outbreaks. Meanwhile, there is an increasing number of people giving up agriculture and setting out in business. All the above-mentioned factors greatly influenced and restricted the development of agriculture in Guinea-Bissau.
In the plans made by government, to become self-sufficient on food is set as a goal. After all, there are still bright prospects in Guinea-Bissau. To begin with, there is vast land with relatively few people in the rural area. The landscape is flat and smooth with fertile soil suitable for agricultural cultivation. Besides, the latitude location provides sufficient sunlight, which makes it possible that grains, vegetables and other kinds of crops can grow through both dry and rainy seasons. What is more, since rice is the staple food not only in Guinea-Bissau but also in its neighboring countries, it is not unlikely that in the future, when rice can be self-sufficient within Guinea-Bissau, it can be exported to surrounding nations.
Fishery industry is another essential part of agriculture in Guinea-Bissau. With the coastal-line reaching 220 kilometers and about 60 islands, Guinea-Bissau is gifted natural conditions for fishery industrial development. The government carries out strict managing policy to protect juvenile fish, thus ensuring the sustainable development of fishery. From the 1970s, fishery industry began to develop rapidly. Nevertheless, the shortage of modern fishing tools, to a great extend, restricts the progress and slows down the speed of development.
C. External Economic Relation
There is a serious imbalance in the foreign trade between Guinea-Bissau and other countries. Trade deficit exists almost each year. Meanwhile, the demand for manufactured goods, mechanical equipment, fuel and food is on an increasing trend with the time passing. The sluggish economy makes Guinea-Bissau deeply depend on foreign aids. Guinea-Bissau is a high incidence area of bird flu and other infectious diseases. In the year of 2006, the United Nations and other nations donated 3.1 million euros. This sum of money greatly relieved the dilemma in Guinea-Bissau, and improved the living conditions of local people.
VI. Prospects and Direction of development
Guinea-Bissau is a member state of World Trade Organization and Economic Community of West African States. Thus there is no overmuch restriction of trade, especially of export. Although there is a variety of difficulties and challenges ahead in the way of economic development in Guinea-Bissau, there are still many opportunities and bright prospects.
A. Challenges and Opportunities
To look into the future trade, there are many challenges that need to be conquered. The most obvious one is that the purchasing power of people is low with limited per capita income. Guinea-Bissau is a heavily indebted nation, 80 percent of the population is living in the rural area, with daily expense less than 0.5 dollars. In addition, the financial system in Guinea-Bissau is not sound. At present, the only bank in Guinea-Bissau is Bank of West Africa, which was just established not long ago. With restricted capital, the bank charges high fees for financial transaction. The safety of finance is difficult to guarantee. Moreover, the construction of export goods, which is in small number, is single. It is the same within the country. For the goods like computers, vehicles and electric generators, which are high in command but hard to be scaled due to limited purchasing capacity. Furthermore, powerful companies and businessmen in Guinea-Bissau are only a few. Debt disputes exist between the companies. Merchants, who are not to be dependent on to drive the domestic demand, are low in paying capacity.
Nevertheless, opportunities also exist in the forward way of development. Although there are a variety of difficulties and even great risk to open the commodity market of Guinea-Bissau, both the inside and outside environment is developing to better directions. Compared with the situation in the war years, the political situation is becoming stable in resent years, providing some prerequisites for the economic activities in Guinea-Bissau. With the improvements of domestic and foreign situations, the international community is going to continue to provide aids for Guinea-Bissau. Some infrastructures may be soon to be constructed, which will help to increase the demand for various building materials to some extent.
B. Tourism—A New Industry
In spite of the restrictions of economic conditions, the government in Guinea-Bissau is trying hard to take measures to develop is tourism with fully taking advantage of its superior natural environment.
Bissau, the capital city, is located beside the Atlantic Ocean with beautiful sceneries. Flowers are blooming and trees are green through out the year. The city is located in the center of the coastal-line with convenient transportation. Bissau is the biggest city and port, and the national political, economic and cultural center.

V. Conclusion
There are manifold difficulties impeding the development of economy in Guinea-Bissau. To begin with, political stability is essential in the way of development. The influence of wars and political disorders, which cannot offer a suitable environment for economic development, was the biggest obstruction before and after its independence, greatly restricting the improvement of economy and the living standard of its citizens. Then, the weak foundation of this agricultural country makes it extremely hashing to develop its trade with other countries in the world. With low purchasing capacity of people, single export goods structure and lack of advanced technology, there is still a long way to go to promote the economy of Guinea-Bissau. Finally, the policy of management is not complete, and the government is still in great debt and deeply depends on international aids, which is not a reliable way in the long term.
However, although there are many elements blocking the way of progress, there are still favorable conditions and bright prospects. With the political enjoinment getting more stable than war years, Guinea-Bissau is stepping into an enabling environment with less harm and death. The government is also trying to find new measures for economic development and paying more attention to economic construction. Moreover, the international is offering more assistance to Guinea-Bissau, which will as well increase the international connection with other countries. Still, there are many new industries rising. The development of tourism is a new opportunity to open the market, drive economic growth, and welcome new things from all over the world into Guinea-Bissau. With such promising opportunities and prospects, there is a lot of work that the government and people can do to develop the economy in Guinea-Bissau.

Bohannan, Paul. Africa and Africans. New York: The National History Press, 1971.
Massey, Simon. “Multi-Faceted Mediation In the Guinea-Bissau Civil War”. Scientia Militaria : South African Journal of Military Studies, 2012(1): 78.
Mutambo, Aggrey. “Taking Charge”. CHINAFRICA, 2012(4): 54-55.
Snoek, Hurry. Guinea-Bissau: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix. Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2004.
White, Richard. Africa. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1978.



Ellen DeGeneres' analysis of Rethinking reality

2020-08-13 16:39:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Ellen DeGeneres' analysis of Rethinking reality,文章讲述电视节目一直被视为普通百姓生活的重要组成部分,也是社会文化的必要组成部分。然而,各种电视节目是否反映现实,引起了公众的热议。如果这样做的话,它们在多大程度上反映了人们的生活,文明的发展仍然模糊不清。在这里,将对一个电视节目进行分析,以表明以下事实:电视节目确实反映了一定程度的现实,并且它们揭示现实的程度取决于更为复杂的术语。

Ellen DeGeneres' analysis of Rethinking reality

I. Introduction
Television shows are always considered as a major part of the lives of ordinary people, as well as an necessary component of a society’s culture. However, whether various television shows reflect reality or not stimulates a hot debate among public. And if they do, to what extent they have reflected people’s lives and the development of the civilization is still in a blur. Here, one television show will be analyzed to indicate the fact that televisions shows do reflect a certain degree of reality and the extent to what they reveal reality depends on much more sophisticated terms. Television shows, just like the television itself, created to inform people and developed into entertaining the viewers. On the one hand, they take the responsibility of summarizing the reality and delivering it to people in different places leading different lives; on the other hand, they are in charge of creating dramatic scenes in order to attract people’s attention and provide them with a free space for imagination.
More specifically, television shows usually reflect reality in several aspects such as economy, relationship, social concerns, fashion staff and etc. All the reality in real life has paved way for a great variety of television shows, and in return, all the shows on the screen influence how the society thinks and acts in a subtle way. In this essay, Ellen Show will be analyzed to show how they reflect reality and influence the society.
II. Introduction of Ellen Show
Ellen Show is a mix of celebrity interviews, musical performers, audience participation games, and segments spotlighting real people with extraordinary stories and talents, hosted by comedienne Ellen DeGeneres. This show receives great welcome all over the world. The atmosphere of the show is relaxing and active. Ellen has a good sense of humor and unbelievable affinity to her audience. DeGeneres launched this daytime television talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show in September 2003. Amid a crop of several celebrity-hosted talk shows surfacing at the beginning of that season, such as those of Sharon Osbourne and Rita Rudner, her show has consistently risen in the Nielsen ratings and received widespread critical praise. The show has won 25 Emmy Awards in its first three seasons on the air. DeGeneres is known for her dancing and singing with the audience at the beginning of the show and during commercial breaks. She often gives away free prizes and trips to be in her show's studio audience with the help of her sponsors.
III. Ellen Show&Reality
In an episode presented on 6 November 2014, Ellen started the show by introducing a popular app-Dorothy. In her words, this app “can help you to get out of a bad date”(Ellen Show). If a person is not satisfied with his or her date, he or she can click the heel in which a small device hide three times, and the app will send a text to your friend to help you get away. This small start-up won active response from the audience, most of whom were young ladies. Cecily Geller, one of the female audience on that day’s show, said that she has escapes from a bad blind date by tell the guy she had morning sickness. This is a reflection of ambivalence of young people right now. On the one hand, they are eager to find someone to date; on the other hand, they are afraid of dating someone they can’t get along with. Blind dates are more like a forbidden fruit. People want to try it because they expect something new and great but they really don’t know the consequences. Therefore, some brave people take the risks and prepare a backup plan in case things go wrong. Others just give up. This is a typical thought of people. Then come the various apps to help people do that in a more technological way. And this is just a small part of reality reflected by the show.
In one episode, Ellen interviewed Madonna about the bullying problem. Madonna confessed that she was bullied in childhood in Michigan. When she recalled the horrible past, she said, “ I still feel different. I can totally relate to the idea of feeling isolated and alienated. I was incredibly lonely as a child. And I have to say, I never felt I fitted in school......” (Ellen Show)Without doubt, Madonna is a complete queen in most people’s eyes so it may be not easy to picturing her as a victim of bullying. However, it exactly shows us how serious the bullying problem is. Bullying is becoming more and more serious and rampant, therefore, plenty of celebrities stand up to support the bullied party and to arouse the society’s attention to this problem. Recently, an overwhelming number of teenage suicides have been reported. It just rings the alarm bell for the parents, the schools and the society.  17-year-old Katlin Loux of Bossier Parish in Louisiana fatally hangs herself because the cruel and chronic bullying at school became just too much to bear.  12-year-old Rebecca Ann Sedwick of Lakeland, Florida, throws herself off a tower, dying on impact, after being bombarded day after day by online bullies with taunts like "You should die" and "Why don't you go kill yourself."(MarloThomas) Bullying is pretty common but schools and parents are not adept at dealing with it; besides, plenty of kids being bullied refuse to tell others about what they have experienced. Some are afraid of the bullies to torture them again; some are feel ashamed about themselves. Most of the bullied choose silence. This is why this bullying problem is getting serious but parents and schools are not aware of it. Therefore, on this side, it is meaningful to have celebrities tell their dark bullied past on the screen. When children see it, they will regard it as a serious problem and realize it is not their fault. Those celebrities encourage the bullied to tell the truth. No matter how horrible the bullying is, it will be over. Parents and schools, on their parts, should communicate with the kids more often and pay more attention to their abnormal behavior. More than 32 states in the U.S., including California, have varied legislation on bullying, from definitions to mandating bullying policies for schools, but usually with no money to back it up. The states should allocate more money and other necessary sources to implement all the legislation and regulation. Back to the Ellen Show, as a popular talk show viewed by millions of people, having a superstar talking about bullying experience is a great move. First off, it draws more attention from the public. Second, it gives the bullied courage to tell the truth and seek for help. Ultimately, through the wide and deep influence of the star, money can be funded to help children who are in the horror of bullying.
As is known, the host of the show, Ellen DeGeneres is a lesbian. Instead of hiding the secret from the audience, Ellen is incredibly honest and brave to tell the world her sexual orientation. And in return, Ellen also win plenty of fans for her honesty and bravery. That is a great reflection of people’s attitude toward gay or lesbian people. Considering the popularity of the show and the host, a high level of acceptance of gays or lesbians is obvious. This is a huge step for the human history and a big change of the society. In the past, gays and lesbians were loathed by the whole society. If a person had problem with his or her sexual orientation, he or she must keep it as a dirty secret for the whole lifetime or ended up in vicious torturing. However, this show just opened a door for the homosexual people and justify their rights as a human just like the rest of us. in the interview with Madonna, the superstar showed her thanks to her gay fans by saying “ The gay community has been incredibly supportive of me. I would not have a career if it weren’t for the gay community.”(Ellen Show) Just like Madonna, more and more celebrities are standing up for the gay community and trying to lead the public to treat them with respect. With more people accepting the gay love with respect, many movie stars, actors and singers are coming out of the closet. Instead of being loathed and alienated like their counterparts did in the past, they now are treated with respect and live with dignity. Even though there are still some extreme anti-gay groups, the main stream is being absolutely supportive. People both on the screen and off the screen are keeping an open heart to this.
IV. Conclusion
Television shows nowadays do more than informing the audience about the latest news events or knowledge in a certain field, they win their loyal viewers by sharing information, entertaining them in the way they like and inspiring them to be better. Just like Ellen Show, after all the discussion above, it is obvious that it do reflect reality and it influence how the audience thinks and acts. The viewers start to conceive things in a different perspective and change their attitudes toward certain things. This is exactly the magic of television shows- get the inspiration from the audience and in return, change the audience’s lives.
V. References
Ellen Show, episode on 9 November 2010 (Madonna). Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
Ellen Show, episode on 6 November 2014 (Anne Hathaway). Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
Thomas, Marlo. “A Silent Scream for Help: Bullying in America.” The Huffington Post. 10 October.2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

