

Paper代写:The expression of sketch art

2019-08-19 17:26:26 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The expression of sketch art讨论了素描艺术的表现形式。素描的艺术表现形式多样,不但是艺术家个人的技能展现,也是对作品形象的细腻解读。结构表现是素描艺术的一个基础表现形式。素描艺术的结构表现形式是支撑整个作品完整性的关键,也是对作品真实复刻程度的重要保证。 素描艺术的另一个主要表现形式就是意象变现。不同于写实素描,意向素描更加注重的是作者个人情感在作品中的融入与体现。其突出强调的是在素描绘画中,通过个人对原有物体的初步判断,加入自身的创意思维和情感表达,形成一副超越物体本身意境的素描作品。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The single color of sketch is different from other painting methods, such as painting and oil painting, which have more color. Usually, a sketch contains different forms of expression can reflect the author's artistic accomplishment. Therefore, understanding the main forms of sketch art in basic teaching is the key to measure individual technical level.

Sketch is a single color painting to show the main characteristics of an object or person, which is different from oil painting, crayon and other paintings with rich color composition. To some extent, the sketch weakens the details of the work, but highlights the inner image of the work. The sketch is the artist to the work's unique cognition, also is the writer individual thought realm side display. With the development of The Times, sketch has gradually evolved into the main composition of painting art. Not only all kinds of fine arts colleges and universities take sketch as the basic painting compulsory course, some key colleges and universities also began to carry on the sketch art course teaching. In the classification of art, sketch is a bridge connecting different forms of expression. From the classification of architectural structure, sketch is the basic principle of coordinating and balancing the relationship of space composition.

Sketch art is a new art form derived from the continuous development of The Times, which is not only a basic composition of sketch, but also an artistic sublimation of traditional painting. In the development trend of different ages, the expression technique of sketch art has different. As the famous philosopher "Hegel" said, drawing is the key point connecting acquisition and future. In the process of painting, the author often adds personal feelings and thoughts, and the influence of an era is not only a person, but also the whole range of artists. They use sketch painting to show the social and cultural characteristics of the current era, and then express their personal understanding of the development process of the entire era. Thus it can be seen that sketch art is the artistic embodiment of different changes with the development trend of The Times.

The main body of sketch art is the work, although the external image of the work is consistent, but the interpretation of it describes people with different personality characteristics. On the one hand, the sketch works are depicted by the author to the original object one by one, which has a strong similarity. Unlike other schools of painting and exaggeration, sketch art pays more attention to realism. Therefore, the author needs to devote all his/her efforts in sketching and painting to ensure the authenticity of the model. On the other hand, since sketch works are presented only in a single black and white color, the main details are easy to be ignored and narrowed. Different authors care about different painting key points, and the image of sketch works will change. This has a great relationship with the author's mood and emotional state when painting. For example, when sketching static object images, the author's strong or weak thoughts and feelings are often reflected through different sizes and structures and the collocation of light and dark colors.

The inner image of a work cannot be described by direct line language, but requires the author to understand the connotation of the work in a delicate way, and then to foil the inner image through the combination of various forms of artistic expression. A sketch is a static display of a dynamic state, an interception of an object or a person's gestures in a certain state. The aim is to show the main features of the work through a moment of static description. How to show the inner image of the original object is the key to evaluate the artistic effect of sketch works. A good sketch works can often show the intrinsic characteristics of the works through the combination of light and shade of lines and the construction of the main body hierarchy. For example, when people are sketched, the details of their eyes are often used to show different inner images of models, such as melancholy or excitement.

The artistic expression forms of sketch are various, not only showing the artist's personal skills, but also delicate interpretation of the image of the work. Structural expression is a basic form of sketch art. First of all, when students first came into contact with sketch art, they did not have a deep understanding of the hierarchy of light and shade of an object, and could only use simple line collocation to show the space proportion and volume proportion of the work. Secondly, the subjective judgment of an object or person is the personal perception of its overall spatial structure. It can be intuitively judged whether it is large or small, high or low. The author needs to use this judgment as the basic structure of the sketch, and then show its real form on the drawing board. Finally, the structural expression form of sketch art is the key to support the integrity of the whole work, and also an important guarantee for the authenticity and reproduction of the work.

Since only one color is used in the whole sketching process -- black, it is necessary to achieve the coordination of light and shade between different structural lines in order to show the detailed form of an object with a black brush on a white painting board. On the one hand, in scientific physical thinking, the brightness contrast of objects can be determined by different illumination degrees and the distance from the light source. For example, the closer an object is to a point of light, the brighter the structure will be and the darker it will appear where the light is not. Not only that, the material of the object itself can also affect the brightness of the lines when painting. For smooth objects such as silk and glass, the brightness contrast under the same light source will be more intense. On the other hand, the author's personal emotional cognition is also the key to determine the brightness of a work. The author's sketch works tend to be dark when his thoughts and feelings are depressed and sad.

Another main form of sketch art is image realization. Different from realistic sketch, intention sketch pays more attention to the integration and embodiment of the author's personal feelings in the works. It emphasizes that in the sketch painting, through personal preliminary judgment of the original object, add their own creative thinking and emotional expression, to form a sketch work beyond the artistic conception of the object itself. Image expression is one of the most difficult forms of sketch art, which not only requires the author to have a detailed and profound understanding of the original, but also needs the author's rich emotions and divergent thinking to enrich the connotation of the work and express a higher level of meaning.

To sum up, sketch art is the sublimation of the basic painting sketch level, and also the display of integrating traditional sketch into the author's emotion. Sketch art can not only reflect the mainstream development trend of an era, but also show the author's emotional thoughts under the background of The Times. The main expression forms of sketch art include structure expression, light and shade expression and intention expression and so on. Different forms of artistic expression represent different thoughts and feelings of the author, as well as different interpretations of the works. Colleges and universities should pay attention to the effective explanation of the form of sketch art when carrying out relevant teaching courses, so as to help students understand the characteristics of sketch art from different angles.


