

Essay代写:The argument of bilingual education

2019-05-09 17:33:21 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The argument of bilingual education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了双语教育。双语教育可以满足少数民族学生的需要,他们还不精通英语,这可以使他们的英语学习更有效。另外,通过打破英语占主导地位的教育体制,揭示教育资源分配不均的问题,推动双语教育的发展,可以保护少数民族学生的受教育权。最后,双语教育可以提醒公众重新思考英语和英语文化在社会中的主导地位,并有助于打破这种隔离。

The argument of whether adopting bilingual education in American schools is prevalent among scholars. The bilingual education here mainly refers to educating minority students different subjects’ knowledge in their native language firstly and then, when they have a sufficient grasp of English, they could be instructed in the normal way. In terms of this educational issue, some scholars hold a negative opinion about it. Their main arguments could be divided into two parts. Firstly, the bilingual education may hinder students’ capabilities of English improvement. What is more, students who accept the bilingual education in the school may show bigger switching costs to the mainstream society since "segregation" difficulty are circumvented (Bethell, 1979). However, some researchers argued that students could grasp the English and other subjects’ knowledge better with the assistance of their mother tongue. Additionally, the bilingual education is respectful to the culture varieties and the minority groups’ equal rights.

For scholars who against the bilingual education, they suggest that although the bilingual education may speed students’ learning of other subjects with the assistance of the first language at the beginning, their capabilities of English improvement will be hindered. What is more, educating minority students in their first language may divide them from other group students actually, which is not beneficial to the public acceptance of cultural varieties. Finally, once the students leave the educational system, this group of students who accept the bilingual education may show bigger switching costs to the mainstream society since "segregation" difficulty is circumvented.

However, firstly, it seems that bilingual education could meet the needs of students who are not yet proficient in the English language and could enable children’s English learning more effectively (Bale, 2013). López and Tashakkori’s research reveals the effects of two-way and transitional bilingual programs on the academic performance and attitudes of students are positive (2006). What is more, it is significant to realize that no recent research has found English-only approaches to be more effective at teaching English. Actually, most program model comparisons have shown bilingual models to be more effective for the acquisition of English (Bale, 2013). Besides the learning of English, Gablasova’s research shows the choice of the first language or the second language can constrain students' ability to express the knowledge they have to a certain extent (2014). Especially for children, the abandoning of their first language in the early study will damage their ability to accept different subjects’ knowledge and their academic performance.

Furthermore, the bilingual education could protect minority students’ educating rights actually. Bethell’ research criticizes bilingual education model since there are so many students who still keep bilingual education in the high grade, which reveals these kinds of students are significantly limited in their English-speaking ability (Bethell,1979). Nevertheless, Hong’s paper reveals that non-Chinese-speaking minority students in the northwest, especially the rural non-Chinese-speaking minority students benefit from a relatively complete bilingual education system in the transition to senior secondary (2010). Furthermore, Christoffel's finding suggests the bilingually educated students enjoy the greater cognitive flexibility and holds less focused scope of attention, which enable them to show smaller switching costs to the mainstream society (Christoffels,2015).

Actually, students’ relative insufficient English development in bilingual education seems more due to the limited educational resources rather than the deficiencies of bilingual education itself. In the reality, students’ right to be educated in their home language is hard to be achieved since the unequal educational resources distribution. The deficiencies of bilingual education seem to be an excuse of overlooking the relative bad learning results that come from insufficient educational resources. In 2015, the Urban Institute reported that 70 percent of emergent bilinguals are concentrated in urban and poor areas’ schools. These bilingual education programs are usually in limited financial supports and consist of poorly trained staff (Bale, 2013). As a result, students’ academic performance from these programs could not be guaranteed. Moreover, inconsistencies between school districts in bilingual education curricula; problems in student assessment measures; the lack of teacher professional development and collaboration, all of these factors have hindered the bilingual education’s positive results (Gallo, 2008).

Finally, Scholars who hold a positive attitude towards bilingual education in American schools argues that the greatest barrier of minority students’ scholastic achievement in schools is the English-dominant culture that creates an unequal environment to minority students who speak their native language in the home (Bale, 2013). The impelling of bilingual education could create a culture diversity environment and improve the acceptance of cultural varieties. It seems reasonable to question that the whole educational system in a multi-national country, such as America, only relies on the dominant language English. This English dominant culture and environment are unequal to minority groups’ equal educational right. The bilingual education programs aim to promote multiculturalism and diversity through language (Gallo,2008). The emergent bilingual education may lead the public to rethink of the segregation and anti-immigrant racism.

In conclusion, this article holds a positive attitude towards the bilingual education. Firstly, the bilingual education could meet the needs of minority students who are not yet proficient in the English language and could enable their English learning more effectively from many research’s supports. What is more, the impelling of bilingual education could protect minority students’ educational rights through breaking up the English dominant educating system and revealing the unequal educational resources distribution issue. Finally, the bilingual education could remind the public to rethink the dominant position of English and English culture in the society and assist the breaking of the segregation.


Bale, Jeff. “The fight for bilingual education.” International Socialist Review, 2013. Available at

Bethell, Tom. “Against Bilingual Education.” The Modern Language Journal, vol. 63, no. 5/6, 1979, pp. 276–280. Available at

Christoffels, Ingrid, et al. "Two Is Better Than One: Bilingual Education Promotes the Flexible Mind." Psychological Research, vol. 79, no. 3, May 2015, pp.371-379. Available at

Gablasova, Dana. "Issues in the Assessment of Bilingually Educated Students: Expressing Subject Knowledge through L1 and L2." Language Learning Journal, vol. 42, no. 2, 01 Jan. 2014, pp. 151-164. Available at

Gallo, Yadira. "Crisis in the Southwest." Multicultural Education, vol. 16, no. 2, Winter2008, pp. 10-16. Available at

Hong, Yanbi. "Home Language and Educational Attainments of Ethnic Minorities in Western China." Chinese Education and Society, vol. 43, no. 1, 01 Jan. 2010, pp. 24-35. Available at

López, M., G., &Tashakkori, A. (2006). Differential outcomes of two bilingual education programs on English language learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 30(1), 123-132,134-145,238-239. Available at


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Assignment代写:The emotional expression of painting

2019-05-09 17:31:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The emotional expression of painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绘画艺术的情感表达。有些人认为艺术作品可以表现情感,尤其是绘画。不同的颜色可以代表不同的心情,明亮的颜色,如蓝色,黄色和淡粉色可以代表幸福。同时,深蓝色、灰色、深色等暗色调也可以表现为抑郁。例如,医院总是选择浅色来装饰,让病人感到平静。幼儿园通常选择鲜艳的颜色来装饰,让孩子们感到快乐。

Some people think that artworks can represent emotions, especially for paintings. Different colors could refer different moods, the bright colors, such as blue, yellow and light pink can be represented to happiness. Meanwhile, the murk colors, such as navy, gray and dark can be represented to depression. For instance, hospitals always choose the light colors to decorate and make patients to feel placid. Kindergartens usually select the bright colors to decorate and make children to feel happy. In this paper, I agree with the opinion that paintings have the power to express feelings. As far as I concerned, I think that artists could represent and personal emotions, even social emotions which refer to the social reality and history by drawing pictures. Paintings also have the ability to record personal emotions that represent daily life, and record the real history in the picturesque way.

In order to express internal feelings much better, Vincent Willem Van Gogh, who was the famous Dutch painter in the history of Western art. Van Gogh explored the new painting method to reveal reality, he believed that using colors and lines to paint could not only obtain the partial reality of objects, but also enlighten the passion. For example, Van Gogh created the great artwork which named The Starry Night under the illness situation. The starry night was imaginary and represented exaggerated sky. The painting was full of contrasts, such as the color contrast of yellow and blue, the shape contrast of squares and circles, and the pinnacle of church intersected skyline. Van Gogh lost one ear and suffered with the illness at that time. However, the painting did not display the feeling of sadness, showed the powerful starry sky scene with electrifying effect, and showed the passion of himself at the same time.

Take another example of Van Gogh in the fact, he painted Self-Portrai over 40 times during the whole life. The early painting of himself showed depression since he suffered starvation and the pain of missing teeth. Afterwards, Van Gogh realized that the artworks had to be vivid and he had to be positive even though the life was tough. Hence, he painting of himself which created later represented the confidence that came into his eyes. His hair and beard was painting as orange which represented vitality, and implied that he had to be confidence. Meanwhile, he said that people need to adjust mood by themselves in time and contact to others to improve minds. This painting seemed like the sign to Van Gogh marked that he had been recovered.

On the other hand, painting have the ability to distract people from bad mood, and psychologists could utilize painting to treat patients. For example, when I feel upset, I always paint whatever I want to draw to distract the attention from the thing which bothers me. I feel relieved when I draw the picture, and I think that painting is the peaceful way to untangle the negative emotion instead of complaining or losing temper.

The utilization of speaker and microphone reflected the development of electronic technique during the third science revolution. The jazz and rock music was popular after the World War II, they could refer to break the tradition and express feelings directly, and revealed the emotional pursuing of teenagers at that time. In the same way, paintings also can reflect the social reality and history. In my viewpoint, painting is not only the way to create artwork, but also the good way to record history and pass down from generation to generation.

For instance, Bulles de Savon, which painted by Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin. The painting showed that a clean boy who dressed worn was blowing soap-bubbles, he blew very carefully and made the soap-bubbles to get bigger and bigger. On his side, another little boy was watching the soap-bubbles earnestly. The theme of this painting was general and the situation was simple, but it was very real to reflect the daily life and truly reveal the happy life of innocent children.

The Potato Eaters, another renowned artwork which painted by Van Gogh. He painted this picture to reveal the real life of poor people. In this painting, the light which hung on the table emitted dim light, the roof was low and the room space was crowded, the poor family was eating potatoes that dug by themselves around the small table. This painting reflected the tough life of manual workers, and represented that they obtain foods by themselves in the plain life.

Furthermore, some paintings could record the history, such as Liberty Leading the People which painted by Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix. The painting was originated according to July Revolution in France, reflected the passion of fight against and overthrow the feudal dynasty. The central leader hold a gun and a flag, she was beautiful, powerful and unswerving, and she was the symbol of liberty to lead other people to march on and seize the final victory. Others who were painted around leading character stood for other people in different hierarchies, the background was painting of Notre Dame Cathedral in Pairs, and represented the real scene of battle. Apart from the representation of July Revolution in France, the painting had strong visual impact and inexorable power by using the intense shadow effect and. In addition, the blazing colors rendered and showed forceful, strained and excited atmosphere among the picture, and could motivate people at the same time. The artist recorded the history and eulogized people who took part in the revolution.

In conclusion, painting artworks could express emotions with different colors and lines, could record the personal mood seems like the diary, and also have the power to relieve even motivate passions to people. On the other side, paintings could record and reflect the reality and history factually, and the pattern of manifestation is much vivid than word recording. Furthermore, painting artworks are always kept and exhibited in the museum, they could be saved in the professional way and showed to the public, benefit people to appreciate artwork and understand the history at the same time.


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Critical thinking写作分析

2019-05-09 17:30:45 | 日記
Critical thinking,即批判性思维。在国外的教育中,Critical thinking是教育中的重点,所以国外大学平常的论文作业,都需要考核大家的Critical thinking能力。但Critical thinking却是中国留学生的弱项,所以国外大学的论文写作对于我们来说会有很大的难度,大家必须要掌握Critical thinking能力才行。





批判性写作(critical writing)





单说理论是有点干,那就用大部分人都会遇到的一种批判性写作的形式→文献综述(Literature Review)

文献综述(Literature Review)

文献综述,有的人觉得不就是要把读过的文章,总结写成一篇总结就好了嘛。只想告诉你说,too young too simple…因为这样写里面并没有你的思考或者讨论。

文献综述其实像是在讲一个故事(Story telling),首先你的文献综述需要结合(integrated)你读过的材料和评估(evaluated)过你读过的材料。也就是读者是可以通过你的文献综述是可以了解整个关注的领域的研究问题(Research Questions)、研究程序(Procedures)和已经有的发现(Findings)。同时,读者也应该可以知道整个领域存在的研究空白(Research gap)以及如何推动该领域向前发展。如果你的文献综述写的很好的话,你带给读者一个结论→你的研究结果会是对学术领域有贡献的(Punch,2009).

Table Dinner

在这里引用一个案例(Kamler&Thomson,2006),形象的阐述了如果进行文献综述,把文献综述比作一个晚宴(table dinner)










1.Provide a context for the research为研究提供背景

2.Justify the research证明研究的合理性

3.Ensure the research has not been done before确保之前没有做过相关研究

4.Show where the research fits into the existing body of knowledge展示研究与现有知识体系的契合之处

5.Illustrate how the subject has been studied previously说明该主题之前是如何研究的

6.Critique previous research评论之前的研究

7.Identify gaps or controversies in previous research找出以前研究中的差距或争议

8.Show that the work is adding to the understanding and knowledge of the field表明该工作正在增加对该领域的理解和知识

以上就是关于Critical thinking的分析,希望大家看完之后,都能对Critical thinking有更深刻的理解,提升自己的Critical thinking能力。


Paper代写:British economic aggression against Tibet

2019-05-09 17:27:32 | 日記
本篇paper代写- British economic aggression against Tibet讨论了英国对西藏的经济侵略。英国殖民主义者一直寻求与西藏建立通商关系,他们多次努力均遭到清政府和西藏人民的强烈抵制而失败。后来英国侵略者用武力迫使西藏打开通商的大门。自从亚东商务机构成立后,英国商品源源不断流入西藏,倾销各种廉价商品,其中主要是工业制成品。帝国主义还对西藏进行了原料掠夺。另外,西藏的邮电交通也是长期被英帝国主义所控制,是英国侵略西藏的产物之一。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The British invasion of Tibet under the guise of "commerce" adopted a variety of means, in addition to political control, economic aggression is also an important way of British aggression in Tibet. As early as in the pogels' time, the east India company explored and collected business information and the possibility of trading in Tibet comprehensively. Finally, after two wars of invading Tibet, Britain successfully opened three major commercial ports in Tibet, so that the British imperialists could carry out economic plunder in Tibet. The following is a detailed discussion of the British economic aggression in Tibet and the final impact.

The British colonialists had been seeking to establish trade relations with Tibet, and their efforts were repeatedly rejected by the qing government and the Tibetan people. It was not until the British invaders used force that Tibet was forced to open its doors to trade. Since the establishment of the yadong business organization, British goods have poured into Tibet, dumping all kinds of cheap goods, mainly manufactured goods. The British imported goods into Tibet through the British and Indian government at that time under the rule of trade between India and Tibet is in fact the British and Tibetan trade. The hidden trade is growing rapidly make British industrial goods market is Tibet, Tibet after the xinhai revolution Britain and India dumping goods basically is still manufactured products, 1924-1925, India by dongya cotton textiles trade routes to Tibet worth 855979 rupees, worth 282550 rupees wool textiles, silk fabrics worth 300122 rupees, only three kinds of light industrial products for the Indian classics dongya Tibet for goods shipped 41% of the total 2793681 rupees.

Plundering colonial raw materials is an established policy of imperialist economic aggression, and Tibet is no exception. As early as the wave period, the British had coveted gold and borax on Tibet, but due to Tibetan areas in the qing dynasty mining development lag behind, so the British aggressors attempt to rob the desire of the Tibet regional gold mineral resources such as the right to seek other raw material, after business institutions established by the British embassy in Tibet, the British businessman market through gyantse, rocks, etc into Tibet, plundered the Tibet all kinds of raw materials. Tibet's wool, yak tail, sand gold, musk and medicinal materials were shipped to Britain at low prices, and Tibet gradually became the source of raw materials supply.

In 1909, British and Indian merchants wrote a letter to the British and Indian government, asking the British and Indian government to pressure the Chinese government to cancel the monopoly system of the local government of Tibet on wool, yak tail, animal hide and other local products, so that British and Indian businessmen could buy these local products directly from the serfs and people of Tibet at a lower price, so as to make more profits. British looting Tibet raw materials mainly through two channels: one is the public of the fraud, the other is through the inequitable exchange, purchase raw material, the Tibet at a low price and high price to sell in Tibet Britain's light industrial products and semi-finished products, export of leather from Tibet cost 11 times less than in the UK, in 1926 the British embassy in gyantse Williamson business members in the annual report to the British government report, Tibetan wool trade largely in the hands of businessmen in Tibet and Nepal, but quite a lot of profit to fort bkav-blon business and usury class in India. In fact, the business class that controlled the wool trade in Tibet was inextricably linked to the officials of the British business establishment in Tibet.

Tibet's post and telecommunications traffic is controlled by British imperialism for a long time, in 1904 the British invaders in the Lhasa treaty many privileges, as prescribed in paragraph 5: "Tibet answer, all from the Indian border to gyantse, great kagyu g channel may slightly hinder, and shall, from time to time to repair, to deputy trade, and ya-dong yu, gyantse, taking big g and subsequent commercial port factions hide part of living, the UK has to send to the UK business to each letter for Ji send documents on or in the China Tibetan officer officer urge the commercial port of the Tibetan living with the member accept transfer, FuWen letter may also instruct the member to send." In this way, British commercial organizations in Tibet have radio stations and post offices in yadong, gyantse and other places, but the Tibetan government is unable to exercise jurisdiction and supervision over these strongholds. Gyantse is equipped with cable lines to yadong and karenburg, and can connect India to Lhasa. From the Indian border, it can be connected to ghadak in the ali region of Tibet.

The post office is a purely British business, and it is neither approved by the Tibetan government nor supervised by the Tibetan government. Although most of the clerks are Tibetan, and all the power is in the hands of the non-tibetan people, the stamps are in English style, which is far away from the Japanese post office in southern manchuria. This is a true reflection of Britain's total control over the posts, telecommunications and communications in Tibet, ignoring the jurisdiction of the Tibetan local government, and the fact that the British buildings in gyantse and other places do not have to pay rent and are automatically allocated as needed. It can be seen that the British imperialist control of the post and telecommunications traffic in Tibet is one of the products of the British invasion of Tibet.

Britain's economic aggression against Tibet has greatly damaged China's sovereignty in Tibet. By virtue of various treaties, Britain has continuously seized various economic privileges in Tibet, and Tibet has almost become the exclusive market for industrial products and the origin of raw materials for Britain. This has seriously jeopardized the economic interests of the Tibetan people, with the following major impacts:

Before the influx of British and Indian goods into Tibet, Tibet maintained close trade ties with the Chinese mainland, including the famous tea-horse ancient road and the tangfan ancient road. Almost all of the daily necessities Tibet needs come from inland provinces. Tibetan people are indispensable tea is also provided by the mainland, and tibetans also send wool, livestock wool, dairy products, medicine, gold and other goods to the mainland. By the time of the 1911 revolution, the vast majority of the Chinese mainland's products had been priced out of the Tibetan market, and by 1913 trade between China and Tibet was twice as high as that between China and Tibet, according to information gathered by British officials. Before long, a large number of British and Indian industrial products were dumped in Tibet, and at the same time, wool and other native products from Tibet were raided. According to British official statistics from 1916 to 1947, in the major consumption areas of Tibet and the production areas in the eastern and central regions of Tibet, the total amount of wool that could be exchanged for non-local commodities each year was about 80,000 monts. By 1909 or so, 40, 000 of these 80, 000 had been exported from the provinces of mainland China to India. In addition, a large part of Tibetan tea market was gradually replaced by Indian tea. Before the liberation of Tibet, the entire Tibetan tea market was basically covered by Indian tea. Other general merchandise, such as metal products, dyestuffs, sweets, cigarettes, wine and matches, were monopolized by British and Indian products after the revolution of 1911.

Before the British invasion of Tibet, the local government of Tibet imposed a 10% trade tax on goods entering Tibet, which was one of the important financial sources for the local government of Tibet. At the same time, the trade between Tibet and inland provinces was an important source of economic income for Tibetan temples and the upper class. Since Britain and the qing government forced the signing of four unequal treaties on Tibet, British and Indian merchants have been granted free access to yadong, gyantse, ghadak and other places for trade and duty-free economic privileges. The local government of Tibet and the monasteries and nobles formerly engaged in sino-tibetan trade suffered serious damage. In particular, before the second British invasion of Tibet and the xinhai revolution, the local government of Tibet almost completely lost the trade taxes related to the indo-tibetan trade, and the lost trade taxes in yadong commercial road alone were equivalent to about 20% of the annual fiscal cash expenditure of the local government of Tibet. The Tibetan local government lost at least 1,000,000 rupees a year due to the economic plunder of the UK in the three fiscal revenues of import trade tax, export tax and interest on tea selling loans. In addition, Britain's economic aggression has lowered the living standards of the Tibetan people. Britain's continuous seizing of economic privileges in Tibet has caused a large loss of fiscal revenue in Tibet and forced the majority of Tibetan monks and nuns to pay more taxes.

In the past, many experts denied all the raw materials the British imported from Tibet, regarding them as profit outflow or even strong rejection. In fact, Tibet's export trade to Britain is also partly beneficial to the Tibetan national economy to some extent. It is impossible for any country or region to completely cut off economic relations with the outside world. In a sense, on the one hand, the British invaders brought disaster and hardship to the laboring people in Tibet; on the other hand, some of the British aggression in Tibet objectively promoted the economic development of parts of Tibet. After the three commercial ports of yadong, gyantse and ghadak in Tibet were opened, the British rented land and built houses there, which objectively promoted the expansion of the scale of these towns and the development of commodity economy in the nearby areas. Of course, the British economic aggression against Tibet did far more harm than the development of commodity economy in some parts of Tibet.

As Britain imported a large number of high-tech industrial products into Tibet, the backward handicraft products in Tibet suffered a huge impact. The British trade quickly occupied the Tibetan market, and its competitiveness became increasingly obvious. Tibet Tibet wool manufacturing has been the important sectors of Tibetan handicrafts, in countries such as Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim. However the blanket of a large number of input is overshadowed the Tibet Tibet wool textile handicraft industry, the scale of production gradually narrowed. Since the founding of yadong in Tibet, a third of the population in the region has abandoned agricultural production to work in transportation, hotels and warehouses. Some scholars believe that the appearance of this kind of situation makes the farmland of Tibet barren, and many herdsmen and livestock are drawn out and transported, which hinders the scale of agricultural and animal husbandry production in Tibet and the improvement of agricultural and animal husbandry production technology. In fact, the Tibetan people in east Asia are more profitable in transportation and other industries than in agriculture, which is conducive to improving their lives. The British invasion of the commercial economy in east Asia increased the number of employed people, which to some extent also promoted the long-established social and economic structure changes in some parts of Tibet. In general, Tibetan agriculture and handicraft industry suffered a heavy blow when British dumped products into Tibet, and British industrial products imported into Tibet hindered the social and economic development of Tibet.

After gaining various economic privileges, the British imperialists dumped cheap British goods and plundered Tibet's wool raw materials and other resources at a low price. Tibet's national economy suffered a heavy blow, and agriculture, animal husbandry and handicraft industries were devastated. Although it has objectively promoted the economy of some areas near commercial institutions and promoted the backward economic and industrial structure of Tibet, it has greatly damaged the financial revenue and economic interests of the Tibetan government, aggravated the tax payment of the majority of monks and laymen, and made their living standards increasingly impoverished.


Essay代写:The American university education

2019-05-09 17:25:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The American university education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国大学教育。美国大学教育是世界公认的一流教育体系,其办学理念、教学环境、教学制度、教学评估、师生关系等趋于完善,教学质量优良且稳定。教师的敬业精神和自身素养决定了教学品位,学生在教师鼓励指导下,自学和思辨能力、公民意识等方面都得到充分提高,成长为现代社会的合格公民。

The reason why American universities have become the world's recognized first-class education system is that their educational philosophy, teaching environment, teaching system, teaching evaluation, teacher-student relationship and so on tend to be improved, and the teaching quality is excellent and stable. Teachers' professional dedication and their own quality determine the quality of teaching. Under teachers' encouragement and guidance, students' self-learning, critical thinking ability, civic awareness and other aspects have been fully improved, and they have grown into qualified citizens of modern society.

The author studied abroad in the United States for a master's degree in piano performance. The study environment of American university is elegant, halcyon, harmonious, study atmosphere already relaxed nervous. The educational concept of American universities is clear and the purpose of university education is to cultivate students' healthy personality. The rigorous and flexible teaching system and method complement each other, and the professional dedication and self-accomplishment of teachers and the perfect teaching supervision system guarantee the excellent and stable teaching quality. Teachers regard it as their duty to cultivate students' learning enthusiasm and impart correct learning methods. With the continuous improvement of students' self-learning, critical thinking ability and civic awareness, they have gradually grown into qualified citizens of modern civilized society.

The teaching environment of American universities gives people a sense of fresh and comfortable, relaxed and happy: wide lawn, green trees, old and modern buildings are in sharp contrast and elegant harmony, making people feel the organic link between history and modern. Many countries, nationalities and people of different colors work, study and live in the same campus. They live in harmony and are warm and friendly to each other. Whether teachers, students or staff, everyone is clear about their own goals and responsibilities, and conscientiously do their jobs.

Caltech is a world-renowned scientific and engineering research and education institution with 124 acres of campus and 7 departments and departments. Caltech has more than 300 professors and 600 scholars, and only enrolls over 900 undergraduate students and over 1200 graduate students each year. Caltech has a strong faculty, 33 Nobel Prize winners and 111 members of the national academy of sciences. Caltech's mission is to expand human knowledge for the benefit of society through integrated scientific research and education. Teachers and students actively explore and innovate. The professor teaches earnestly, the student studies assiduously, helps the fraternity. Advocate academic freedom, strictly abide by academic ethics, the whole campus presents an excellent academic atmosphere.

The university of Utah, where I am studying, is located in Salt Lake City, the capital of Utah. It is a famous comprehensive public university. It was founded in 1850. The 1,500-acre campus has more than 32,000 students and 4,000 faculty members from around the world. The university of Utah is fully qualified to confer bachelor, master and doctoral degrees, offering over 100 undergraduate programs and 90 graduate programs. University of Utah professor and alumni have won the Nobel Prize, Pulitzer prize, Turing award, Kyoto award, emmy awards, and other well-known alumni huntsman served as the United States ambassador to China. The university of Utah campus is surrounded by national parks. In 2002, the Olympic village of Salt Lake City was established in the university. Various sports groups in the university are very active, such as American football, baseball, basketball and skiing. Music college excellent facilities, is equipped with grand Gardner recital hall, as well as four performance hall and live music library, it is a school for the whole steinway, have at the university of the world's most advanced teaching facilities and equipment, regardless of the concert hall and the student piano room are the steinway piano, for more than 400 music professional students create a good learning environment.

When enrolling students, foreign students are required to provide toefl and GRE scores specified by the university. Students' personal statements and GPA are very important, from which the school will analyze students' ambition, learning ability, survival ability and plasticity, and then determine whether to admit them. If students are admitted by two universities, they can choose their schools and tutors freely, which reflects the rationality and science of the two-way selection mechanism of American universities and respects the feelings and needs of individuals.

Undergraduates must first pass the SAT and foreign students must have toefl scores. Graduate students must pass the entrance examination before entering the professional study. The subjects of music major include music history, music theory, etc. If they fail, they will have to retake the exam in the first half year, so they are under great pressure. Only after passing the examination can I choose professional postgraduate courses.

Graduation time is determined by the student himself, if certain courses do not meet the requirements must be retaken. Some students are allowed to take a break from school to start their own business or work for two years before returning to complete their credits. Music is a 2 year graduate program that can be completed in 3 to 4 years.

American universities attach great importance to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and professional ability. In addition to regulations, students can choose any courses they are interested in. The school offers courses in which students of any major can attend classes and receive equal credit. An undergraduate majoring in engineering took piano performance as an elective course. In the course, he played very well. The loose course selection mechanism in the United States created infinite possibilities for the development of students.

The first two years of undergraduate education in the United States mainly focus on natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, known as general education. The purpose is to expose students to a wide range of knowledge, lay a good foundation for humanistic quality and change the single way of thinking. Through the influence of general education, students' potential can be fully tapped.

Under the precondition of the teaching of undergraduate students, the discussion and communication between teachers and students are the common teaching methods. When the JURY read the verdict, the JURY read the verdict: when the JURY read the verdict, the JURY read the verdict: when the JURY read the verdict, the JURY read the verdict: when the JURY read the verdict, the JURY read the verdict: when the JURY read the verdict, the JURY read the verdict.

Teachers not only make achievements in their own professional fields, but also show their extensive knowledge and strong humanistic cultivation in their conversation. Students can solve all kinds of problems raised by teachers through interaction.

In American universities, there is no uniform teaching material, and teachers can choose the teaching material freely, so that teachers can keep pace with The Times and make in-depth research on the content and achievements of the selected teaching material.

After reading a book, students should write down their reading notes, understand the ideas in the book, analyze the arguments, judge whether the conclusion is correct or not, and try to make their own opinions unique. This is a way for teachers to train students' independent thinking ability. Teachers often inspire students to analyze different academic viewpoints and help students improve their critical thinking ability.

A glance at the resumes of college teachers in the United States shows that some of the teachers who wrote and recorded music, for example, studied science and engineering as undergraduates, and they developed in both fields. American media once reported that the probability of music major students applying for medical school is 10% ~ 20% higher than that of biology students applying for medical school. One of my American classmates was admitted to the medical school after graduation, which shows that the students of music subject have the potential of ingenuity, which is more popular in the medical school. The role of interdisciplinary knowledge in intellectual development is evident. American universities focus on cultivating students' ability of expression, independent thinking and innovation, and impart moral education throughout their studies, with the aim of cultivating qualified modern citizens. American universities have made great contributions to the cultivation of students' intelligence, morality and sense of citizenship. The idea that how to teach is more important than what to teach is thought-provoking.

The board system of universities is a distinctive higher education governance system in the United States. It is responsible for academic supervision, promoting education reform, ensuring the quality of teaching, and avoiding inbreeding in schools to form interest groups. The board of directors, the principal and the teachers shall perform their respective duties and have a clear division of labor. In order to ensure the implementation of the supervision responsibilities, the off-campus directors are mostly educators with both educational management ability and rich teaching experience, as well as those who are concerned about education in the industry and commerce industry and the lawyer industry. They make a rigorous and objective assessment of the school's educational reform and teaching quality, so as to ensure the healthy operation of the school on the right track.

American student assessment mainly evaluates whether the teacher's class is helpful for the improvement of students' ability to analyze problems and practical skills. Reflecting the teaching situation from one side, the purpose is to find out the weakness and improve it. Students' evaluation of teaching is also one of the reference bases for teachers' evaluation and promotion. If teachers neglect teaching and students' evaluation is poor, it will directly affect teachers' professional title evaluation.

Teachers strictly implement the teaching methods, and there is no such phenomenon in the United States. Teachers teach conscientiously, students study hard and actively participate in discussions. Teachers often have to deal with the "challenges" of students. Students' creative ideas are always recognized and adopted by teachers, and the interaction between teachers and students is normalized.

American teachers are paid enough to live a decent life after they finish their teaching work, and they can also get love and respect from students, social respect and the sense of accomplishment of cultivating excellent students from teaching. Therefore, teachers take teaching as their own responsibility. According to the statistics of the us department of education, the average teacher spends more than half of his time on teaching and related things, less than 20% on scientific research, and less than 50% on the average professor who publishes a paper every year. Many teachers never take part-time jobs outside the school to ensure that they have enough time to teach in their own schools.

Each student will have a syllabus. The teacher will patiently explain the requirements and details of the syllabus to the students. Teachers also develop detailed plans for technical training, and music majors are required to participate in all "master class" discussions.

Teachers will inform students about the book titles and publishers in detail, and instruct music students to buy the top version of the music, with strict requirements. The teacher chooses a teaching material for the student, often oneself has studied, such class, the teacher's train of thought is clear, profound but simple, has the target.

Before a recital, the tutor would offer several free lessons to the students to ensure that the students could play in the most perfect state. For 60 minutes in each professional class, there is no small talk but only the teaching of how to play music artistically. When the tutor demonstrates the large-scale music, he is full of passion and devotion. The tutor will praise and encourage the students immediately if they make progress.

American university teachers can lead by example and become moral and professional models for their students. The university website details each teacher's academic qualifications, artistic experience and achievements so that students can choose the right tutor. Learning piano performance, can get the teacher's words and deeds is particularly important. My tutor is Curtis music college music bachelor, Yale university music school music master, Manhattan music school music art doctor, for the piano professor, steinway artists. When I first came to college, I watched a piano recital by my tutor, which was like a high-quality DVD that was officially published. Teachers will hold concerts every year and perform in other states and countries during the holidays. Undoubtedly, teachers' performance skills and experience provide rich connotations for teaching.

It is the duty of a teacher to teach the right way of learning so as to avoid detours. Lao-tzu said, "it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish." That is to teach students lifelong skills. In the teaching of piano performance, the tutor constantly guides and cultivates students' self-learning ability by means of demonstration, inspiration and discussion. In spirit to encourage, specific guidance in detail, and students to discuss the writing background of the music, experience the complex emotions, ask students to go to nature to find the feeling, see the scenery and their feelings into the music, and strive to accurately express the meaning of music.

The students' concert pieces are selected by themselves. The tutor believes that only when they love these pieces can they have the enthusiasm to practice and perform the music well. After the rehearsal of the concert is approved by the tutor, the tutor will ask the students to do concert promotion and sincerely say: such a good concert should be enjoyed by more people! Under the encouragement and careful guidance of the tutor, the piano playing skills and music expressive force of the students have made a qualitative leap.

To sum up, we should do a good job in university education. Second, create a good teaching environment; Third, the construction of professional teachers with both ability and political integrity; Fourth, establish and perfect scientific teaching system and fair teaching evaluation system; Fifth, to expand students' autonomy. Tap the potential of students, enhance the wisdom of students, cultivate the sentiment of students, make them grow into a modern civilized society qualified citizens. Professor yu lizhong, former President of east China normal university, said: "mass higher education does not mean that low-quality education is allowed." In fact, the core idea of education in ancient and modern times should be the same at home and abroad. China's educational cause has a long history and remarkable achievements, but China's large educational environment is alienated and distorted due to various factors, and it is urgent to return to its original simplicity. In the system, the respect for teachers and education will be truly put into practice, China's education off the horizon.

