

Assignment代写:The emotional expression of painting

2019-05-09 17:31:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The emotional expression of painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绘画艺术的情感表达。有些人认为艺术作品可以表现情感,尤其是绘画。不同的颜色可以代表不同的心情,明亮的颜色,如蓝色,黄色和淡粉色可以代表幸福。同时,深蓝色、灰色、深色等暗色调也可以表现为抑郁。例如,医院总是选择浅色来装饰,让病人感到平静。幼儿园通常选择鲜艳的颜色来装饰,让孩子们感到快乐。

Some people think that artworks can represent emotions, especially for paintings. Different colors could refer different moods, the bright colors, such as blue, yellow and light pink can be represented to happiness. Meanwhile, the murk colors, such as navy, gray and dark can be represented to depression. For instance, hospitals always choose the light colors to decorate and make patients to feel placid. Kindergartens usually select the bright colors to decorate and make children to feel happy. In this paper, I agree with the opinion that paintings have the power to express feelings. As far as I concerned, I think that artists could represent and personal emotions, even social emotions which refer to the social reality and history by drawing pictures. Paintings also have the ability to record personal emotions that represent daily life, and record the real history in the picturesque way.

In order to express internal feelings much better, Vincent Willem Van Gogh, who was the famous Dutch painter in the history of Western art. Van Gogh explored the new painting method to reveal reality, he believed that using colors and lines to paint could not only obtain the partial reality of objects, but also enlighten the passion. For example, Van Gogh created the great artwork which named The Starry Night under the illness situation. The starry night was imaginary and represented exaggerated sky. The painting was full of contrasts, such as the color contrast of yellow and blue, the shape contrast of squares and circles, and the pinnacle of church intersected skyline. Van Gogh lost one ear and suffered with the illness at that time. However, the painting did not display the feeling of sadness, showed the powerful starry sky scene with electrifying effect, and showed the passion of himself at the same time.

Take another example of Van Gogh in the fact, he painted Self-Portrai over 40 times during the whole life. The early painting of himself showed depression since he suffered starvation and the pain of missing teeth. Afterwards, Van Gogh realized that the artworks had to be vivid and he had to be positive even though the life was tough. Hence, he painting of himself which created later represented the confidence that came into his eyes. His hair and beard was painting as orange which represented vitality, and implied that he had to be confidence. Meanwhile, he said that people need to adjust mood by themselves in time and contact to others to improve minds. This painting seemed like the sign to Van Gogh marked that he had been recovered.

On the other hand, painting have the ability to distract people from bad mood, and psychologists could utilize painting to treat patients. For example, when I feel upset, I always paint whatever I want to draw to distract the attention from the thing which bothers me. I feel relieved when I draw the picture, and I think that painting is the peaceful way to untangle the negative emotion instead of complaining or losing temper.

The utilization of speaker and microphone reflected the development of electronic technique during the third science revolution. The jazz and rock music was popular after the World War II, they could refer to break the tradition and express feelings directly, and revealed the emotional pursuing of teenagers at that time. In the same way, paintings also can reflect the social reality and history. In my viewpoint, painting is not only the way to create artwork, but also the good way to record history and pass down from generation to generation.

For instance, Bulles de Savon, which painted by Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin. The painting showed that a clean boy who dressed worn was blowing soap-bubbles, he blew very carefully and made the soap-bubbles to get bigger and bigger. On his side, another little boy was watching the soap-bubbles earnestly. The theme of this painting was general and the situation was simple, but it was very real to reflect the daily life and truly reveal the happy life of innocent children.

The Potato Eaters, another renowned artwork which painted by Van Gogh. He painted this picture to reveal the real life of poor people. In this painting, the light which hung on the table emitted dim light, the roof was low and the room space was crowded, the poor family was eating potatoes that dug by themselves around the small table. This painting reflected the tough life of manual workers, and represented that they obtain foods by themselves in the plain life.

Furthermore, some paintings could record the history, such as Liberty Leading the People which painted by Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix. The painting was originated according to July Revolution in France, reflected the passion of fight against and overthrow the feudal dynasty. The central leader hold a gun and a flag, she was beautiful, powerful and unswerving, and she was the symbol of liberty to lead other people to march on and seize the final victory. Others who were painted around leading character stood for other people in different hierarchies, the background was painting of Notre Dame Cathedral in Pairs, and represented the real scene of battle. Apart from the representation of July Revolution in France, the painting had strong visual impact and inexorable power by using the intense shadow effect and. In addition, the blazing colors rendered and showed forceful, strained and excited atmosphere among the picture, and could motivate people at the same time. The artist recorded the history and eulogized people who took part in the revolution.

In conclusion, painting artworks could express emotions with different colors and lines, could record the personal mood seems like the diary, and also have the power to relieve even motivate passions to people. On the other side, paintings could record and reflect the reality and history factually, and the pattern of manifestation is much vivid than word recording. Furthermore, painting artworks are always kept and exhibited in the museum, they could be saved in the professional way and showed to the public, benefit people to appreciate artwork and understand the history at the same time.


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