

Essay代写:Klein’s Argument Against Foundationalism

2019-05-07 18:13:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Klein’s Argument Against Foundationalism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了克莱因反对基础主义的论点。克莱因从认识论中一个重要的经典问题——回归问题入手,提出了一条支持无限主义的思路。克莱因声称回归解决方案的最佳解决方案既不是基础主义,也不是连贯主义,而是无限主义。无限主义认为,只有无限的、既不重复也不结束的主张链才能被证明是一种信念。每一个信念都是一个潜在的合法挑战,而这一系列的挑战在原则上是无限的,而每一个答案都成为链中的下一个论证的进一步理由。看似无用的无限推理,恰恰是有效的知识论证所需要的。

Klein puts forward a line of thought in support of infinitism beginning with an examination of the regress problem, which is a significant and classical problem in epistemology. In the regress problem, the justification of a conviction requires a reason, and this reason itself requires a further reason to justify it, and this process of justifying claims goes on infinitely. To a degree, and in many real-life situations, this is paradoxical. If some knowledge is gained through the conviction being proven, then there must be some knowledge not gained or sacrificed through the conviction not being proven. The proof sequence must either have an end or not have an end; if it does not have an end, we cannot know anything. On the other hand, if there is an end to the sequence, then we assume that the premise is true, whether or not the proof is properly formulated.

The common solution to the regress problem is foundationalism, which refers to the human attempt to find a final answer, beyond any possible doubt, absent of any relativity or subjectivity from cultural and philosophical perspectives and differences, to explain our own understanding and behavior. However, in the era of postmodern philosophy, some scholars have proposed certain objections against foundationalism. To argue this point, Klein claims that the best solution to the regress solution is neither foundationalism nor coherentism, but infinitism. Infinitism believes that an only infinite chain of claims that neither repeats nor ends can be proven as a conviction. Each belief is a potentially legitimate challenge, and the series of challenges is, in principle, unlimited, and each answer becomes a further justification for the next argument in the chain. The seemingly futile and infinite reasoning is precisely what is needed for effective knowledge justification.

However, infinitism is unacceptable to many foundationalist philosophers. Ginet thinks that our own existence is limited and that this makes it difficult to create an unlimited set of beliefs in terms of our limited existence. Even if we had infinite time, it would still be impossible to justify this chain of beliefs in a useful way. Second, if all our beliefs can only be justified by other beliefs, we will never achieve what we want to prove. Thirdly, there are obvious examples where finite sets of data can be used to definitively prove conclusions. He gives an example of the identity postulate—anything that lasts an hour also lasts sixty minutes. Proving this statement only requires a handful of extra data points; an infinitist might argue that one would have to trace this answer down an infinite pathway of proofs that would eventually touch on the most advanced realms of physics and the studies of time itself, but this is entirely unnecessary and in the end would produce exactly the same result.

However, Klein points out that the basis for foundationalism and coherentism is not a convincing reason, but a simple intuition: one is that human beings have limited intelligence; and second, there is no justifiable starting point for a regressive argument. Klein thinks these two points are not enough to invalidate infinitism and do not suffice to give a concrete justification to convictions. Further, the regress problem involves the reasoning ability to increase the rational credibility of a statement of a problem. Therefore, to solve this problem we must explain the warrant. A warrant is different from a justification. A warrant refers to the characteristics of a statement or belief. First, the true belief of such a characteristic is known. Second, the reasoning implied by the characteristic suggests that we have increased our rational confidence through non-obvious statements. While justification emphasizes the giving of reasons. Klein argues that foundationalism and coherentism do not give a corroboration of the warrant. Rather, a responsible cognizer cannot use their explanations to increase the rational credibility of a solution to a problem.

As opposed to foundationalism, anti-foundationalism/infinitism has its own contradictions, mainly manifested in the influence of somewhat irreconcilable or at least practically irreconciliable paradoxes: on the one hand, it attacks the foundationalist pursuit of the absolute; on the other hand, it confirms assertions consciously or unconsciously and establish a new foundation. However, precisely because of Klein's detailed refutation of various criticisms, a brilliant epistemological debate was formed. Infinitism is a relatively new theory and has a vast space for exploring in depth.


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Assignment代写:Wine Market in China

2019-05-07 18:05:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Wine Market in China,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中国葡萄酒市场。近年来,中国葡萄酒市场经历了令人瞩目的增长和大规模的扩张,这是葡萄酒爱好者希望看到的结果。但由于它是一个新兴的行业,很多问题和挑战就在眼前,等待着人们去解决和面对。这不仅是中国政府的责任,也是葡萄酒供应商、葡萄酒爱好者和消费者的责任。

Recently, Forbes claimed that an estimated 30,000 bottles of fake wines are sold in China every hour. The famous Australian wine critic Jeremy Oliver also estimated that 50% of wines in China are fake wines (Ambler). After reading this article carefully, it can be found that the data is a bold estimate by the Inter professional Council of Bordeaux Wine. Although this data is exaggerated, wine market in China do have some problems worth paying attention to in spite of fake wines. This essay will first points out three main problems of wine market, for example, a lack of wine diversity and wine education, immature wine market in China and then discuss the possible solutions to solve the problems from different perspectives.

As a wine lover, people would like to get access to a diversity of wines from different countries and regions so they could taste different styles of wines and feel the various terrior. However, due to the immature development of wine market in China, it is not strange that wine enthusiasts like me cannot always find reliable suppliers or shops to buy fine wines. Actually, it is not difficult to find wines in supermarkets or shops. But as people develop their wine tasting skills, wines sold in the supermarkets or shops could no longer meet their requirements. Since wines sold in supermarkets and shops usually tend to be cheap wines or relatively low-quality wines. People could easily buy cheap wines from new world like Chile, but getting a bottle of Grand Cru Classe 1855 or a bottle of Rioja Gran Reserva is not as easy as that. Bordeaux red wines especially Cabernet Sauvignon counts the biggest part in the market. Syrah, Merlot and Chardonnay also can be found in some shops, but not as much as Cabernet Sauvignon. Compared to red wine, white wine only counts for a small portion in the market.

In spite of the wine diversity and wine supply problem, a lack of wine education in China is also worth mentioning. Although according to the drinks business, demand for wine and spirit education keeps increasing and China witness great growth with 12813 participants, ranked second following the United Kingdom (French). It is suggested that most people taking participate in the WSET courses are wine professionals instead of general wine lovers and consumers. Therefore, the figure only indicates that wine education among wine professionals in China keeps raising. Most wine consumers still know little or nothing about wines. Since they have little knowledge of wine, they could not recognize whether this wine is corked or not,let alone the quality and style of wine. Therefore, they are easily cheated by some dishonest wine salespeople. For students who want to know more about wines, the course fees of WSET is too expansive, causing them find no way to get systematic study.

As the supervisor of wine market, government should take the responsibilities to regulate wine market. Currently, Chinese government has taken comprehensive actions to monitor the quality and regulate the wine market. For example, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China released Norm on Technology of Imported Wines in 2015. This regulates the translation of wine-related terms, such as the translation of chateau and wine region, wine grape varieties and so on.

However, many problems still remain to be solved. First, As a result of the booming economy, the imported wine industry witness an impressive expansion. But wine market in China is quite a mixed bag. Some dishonest businessmen take advantage of the insufficient laws and regulations and sell fake wine to customers. Some wines has been smuggled in so the wine suppliers could avoid paying taxes to the government. Therefore, government should establish new laws and regulations to punish dishonest businessmen and award the wine company that obey the rules and laws. Only releasing new laws and rules is not enough, the crucial thing is to execute effectively. This needs the government to organize different departments to work together. Otherwise, the wine market would remain to be unregulated.

Second, government should encourage the development of wine industry from various perspectives, such as from financial aspect and educational aspect. For Financial aspect, government could encourage the local emerging wineries by providing basic infrastructure such as electricity, irrigation, loans for purchasing wine-related equipment and funds to recruit foreign wine professionals. With the help of the financial support of the local government, the new wineries could focus more on their planting and operating. For educational perspective, currently there are only a small number of universities opening wine courses and wine-related majors. People who would like to study and research the wine could hardly find the right place to explore the wine world. Although there are some wine courses provided by Wine and Spirit Education Trust and International Sommelier Alliance, the course fees are relatively expansive. For students who do not have income, they still cannot get official and systematic wine education. Only by education, wine culture could be promoted and understood. The government should also establish the system for training wine-related professional such as winemakers, grape growers, wine marketing staff and sommeliers. On the other hand, it is of great importance for local wineries to learn from foreign wineries and study the advanced wine making skills. Government could organize wine professionals to go abroad to study or cooperate with foreign wineries.

Apart from government, wine suppliers or wine importers also should find the target consumers and educate them properly. Since most Chinese consumers even do not know wine is divide into red wine and white wine based on wine color. When referring wine, they believe it is red wine (Liu and Murphy 101). However, a small number of wine consumers do know much about wine, some of them even have passed WSET level 3. The complicated situation of wine market in China requires wine suppliers and importers to find out different requirements of different consumers. Fortunately, some wine suppliers have narrowed their target customers to a specific group. For example, a increasingly popular online wine shop on Taobao called Miss Yuan’s wine shop maily sells sweet wines. According to their website, their main target customers are young women who pursue fashion and attach great importance to life quality. Compared to dry wine that is not easily accepted by people, sweet wines attract more attention and could be matched up with food and drank easily. Miss Yuan’s shop has successfully seized the heart of a specific group of wine consumers and ranked top 50 among wine shops on Taobao within a very short time. Since fans of Miss Yuan’s wine shop trust its brand, Miss Yuan’s shop has began to enrich wine catalogue on their online shop. It is a successful case and other wine suppliers should learn a lesson from them.

Not only wine suppliers as well as government should take actions, wine consumers also could take some measures to make contribution to wine market in China. The thing they could do it to educate and improve themselves. In terms of not getting access to fine wines, wine lovers actually could refer to the following suggestions. First, attending master classes and wine tastings organized by wine organizations and wine masters. For example, James Suckling, one of the most famous wine writers and critics in the world holds Great Wines of the World almost every year. This event usually takes place in Hongkong in November. In this event, people could get access to taste top wines and fine wines in the world such as Mouton Rothschild, Opus one and La Rioja Alta from the most influential wine regions. Wine tastings organized by regional wine organization such as Wines of Chile often provide local varietals for participants to taste. It is also a good chance for wine lovers to taste uncommon wine styles. Second, Instead of going abroad, people could take advantage of online wine shops to get fine wines and taste diverse styles of wines. With the help of fast development of E-commerce and Cross-border E-commerce, it is no longer difficult that people could buy wine around the world only by a computer. Hongkong and Macau are also good choices for wine lovers to search fine wines and uncommon wines, since they have a much more mature wine market compared to mainland China.

Wine market in China witness impressive growth and massive expansion in recent years, It is a result that wine lovers would like to see. But since it is a emerging and new industry, many problems and challenges are around the corner, waiting people to solve and face them. It is not only the responsibilities of Chinese government, but also the responsibilities of wine suppliers and wine lovers as well as consumers.

Works Cited:

Ambler, Pamela. “China is facing an epidemic of counterfeit and contraband wine.” Forbes,

27 Jul. 2017. 9 Aug. 2017.

French, Phoebe. “Demand for wine and spirit education at record high.” The Drinks Business, 3 Aug. 2017. 9 Aug. 2017.

Liu, Fang, and Murphy Jamie. "A qualitative study of Chinese wine consumption and purchasing: implications for Australian wines." International Journal of Wine Business Research 19.2 (2007): 98-113.


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2019-05-07 18:02:19 | 日記













essay代写-The governance of libel in Britain

2019-05-07 17:16:57 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The governance of libel in Britain讨论了英国的诽谤治理。诽谤立法上,欧盟主要存在两种模式,分别是以英国为代表的国家制定的《诽谤法》;还有以德国为代表的大陆法系国家则通过一般性法律来规制诽谤行为。然而,英国《诽谤法》并不仅指成文法,还包括大量普通法的内容。英国在规制诽谤行为方面有着比较悠久的历史。英国现行《诽谤法》规定,损害他人利益、品格和名誉的内容一旦发表,就会被认定为诽谤,而直接或间接传播相关内容的人也可以被起诉赔偿。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In terms of libel legislation, there are two main models in the eu. The civil law countries represented by Germany regulate defamation through general laws. However, the English libel act does not refer only to statutory law, but also to a great deal of common law.

The common law is dominant, the statutory law is subsidiary but has priority. The libel law in Britain mainly consists of two forms: common law and statutory law, in which common law is the main form and statutory law is the auxiliary form. However, statutory law has priority in application. Britain has a long history in regulating libel. The modern libel laws of the commonwealth countries and even the United States almost all originate from the British libel law. The earliest civil libel suits in Britain date back to the reign of Edward I, and the first written libel law, the libel on the rich and powerful act, dates from the 14th century. Many statutes on libel incorporate, amend or extend common law principles, such as the libel act 1952 and the libel act 1996. At present, the statutory law on libel in the UK is mainly the newly revised UK libel act 2013.

Civil litigation, generally does not involve criminal offences. Civil law countries traditionally focus on criminal offense to treat defamation. For example, Germany regulates defamation mainly through criminal means. Articles 185 to 200 of the German penal code provide for the crime of insult and defamation, and the punishment includes three months to five years of freedom and fine. If article 187 is a special provision of the crime of defamation, which expressly states: "where a person knowingly asserts or disseminates facts which are not true, thereby exposing him or her to public contempt or degradation or to the detriment of his or her reputation, he or she shall be subject to a sentence of not more than two years' freedom or a fine; To carry out this act in public or at a meeting or by distributing a document shall be subject to a sentence of not more than five years' freedom or a fine." However, in Britain, the calumniated usually seek relief through civil action for defamation. The modern English libel law does not stipulate criminal libel. The main reason for not criminalizing libel is to protect citizens' freedom of speech.

Libel is divided into verbal and written libel. In Britain, libel is divided into verbal and written libel depending on how it is spread. Among them, written defamation refers to the proliferation in written and permanent form, which causes great damage; Verbal slander, on the other hand, is oral, with limited scope and time to spread and less damage. For libel, the plaintiff does not need to prove that he has been harmed by libel, but simply to identify the content of the libel. Plaintiffs in libel cases are required to prove damage caused by libel.

Legal persons may also bring libel suits. Under British libel law, individuals, companies and associations can Sue for libel as plaintiffs. The exceptions are Chambers of commerce, parties and unincorporated bodies, because they are not legal entities in English law, but party members can Sue for defamatory content against a party, mainly because there is a close relationship between the reputation of the party and the reputation of its members. Moreover, the government, because of its own administrative and administrative functions, cannot bring libel suits as plaintiffs.

Statistics show that in most libel cases in Britain, the plaintiff is usually an individual and the defendant is a newspaper or a radio station. In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet new media, the number of Internet service providers as defendants is gradually increasing, which also makes the original defamation law face a new test. English libel law has long been considered a "plaintiff's paradise", and the very nature of online libel has forced British lawmakers to start weighing the merits of the original rules.

On April 25, 2013, after two years of deliberation, the UK defamation act 2013 was officially introduced, which was another major revision of the UK defamation act 1952 after it was amended in 1996. The new defamation law mainly includes nine aspects, including serious injury requirement, defense reason, single publication rule, judicial jurisdiction, jury, open summary of court judgment, removal of defamation content, defamation, general clause and so on. Compared with previous libel laws in the UK, this law has the following points that deserve special attention:

Libel suits require proof of "serious injury". Prior to the enactment of the new libel law, plaintiffs suing for oral or written libel needed to prove that the content was defamatory, that the content was directed at the plaintiff, and that the content had been published. However, article 1 of the new defamation law in 2013 stipulates: "a libel cannot be judged unless the publication of the content in question has caused or is likely to cause serious damage to the plaintiff's reputation." An institutional plaintiff cannot Sue for defamation unless serious property damage has been or is likely to be caused. This means that the plaintiff has to prove damage, so the new libel law raises the bar for libel suits.

Add to or repeal the original defense grounds. The new law provides six libel defences:

As long as the defendant proves that the content involved in the case has substantial truth, it does not constitute defamation. If there are more than two contents involved, it will not constitute defamation as long as the main content is basically true, even if it is inconsistent with the facts but does not constitute serious damage. At the same time, it removed justifiable defences from both the common law and the English libel act of 1952.

The defence of the accused will be supported if the following conditions are met: The opinion content is based on public facts or privileged content made in good faith. Of course, if the defendant publicly publishes the content of others, and the plaintiff can prove that the defendant knows or should know that the original author does not have this view, the defense is invalid. At the same time, it eliminated the common law and the fair comment defence of the English libel act of 1952.

It does not constitute defamation if the defendant proves that the published content is relevant to the public interest or if the defendant has reason to believe that it is relevant to the public interest. In judging whether a defendant's act of public publication is really for the public interest, the court shall, at the appropriate time, seek the judgment of the editor. At the same time, it repeals the famous Reynolds privilege defense principle in common law.

The Reynolds privilege comes from the famous Reynolds case in 1994, which has an important place in British libel law. Reynolds privilege means that if the news content involved in the lawsuit involves social and public interests, and the media's performance conforms to the responsible news report, then even if the news content is wrong, the media can be exempted from responsibility. Although the media lost the case, the judge who heard the case believed that the court should pay special attention to the status of freedom of expression, and should be cautious about whether media reports involve public interests and whether the public has the right to know, especially when they involve political fields. Reynolds privilege extends restricted privilege to public-interest journalism, a significant relaxation from traditional libel laws that impose strict liability on the accused media.

For user-generated content on the network, the operator can contest a libel suit if it complies with its "notify-and-delete" obligations. This section will play an important role in the regulation of online defamation.

Content published in a scientific or academic journal should not be considered defamatory unless it can be proved that the defendant was "malicious" at the time of publication. Of course, the content should meet the following requirements: must be related to science or academic; before publication, it is reviewed by a magazine editor or reviewed by one or more peer experts.

This section amended the scope of the privilege protection defense in the British libel act 1996 and added new contents, such as the fair and accurate reporting related to the public interest in the press conference held anywhere in the world to be included in the scope of legal protection.

New libel remedies have been added. Under the new defamation law, a court has the right to ask a defendant to publish a court judgment. The time, manner and place of publication are up to the parties to negotiate. To some extent, this can restore the reputation of the plaintiff. However, the previous common law remedy mainly applied for injunction and economic compensation.

It is not hard to see two trends reflected in this revision of the law: it makes it harder for plaintiffs to bring libel cases; Increased isps' liability for online defamation. The two trends, which represent the protection of free speech and personal reputation respectively, suggest that the UK legislature is trying to strike a new balance between the two.

In the Internet environment, it is often difficult to find the real perpetrators of defamation, and because of the rapid, open, free and other characteristics of the network, defamation consequences are more serious than traditional. In recent years, the UK has gradually begun to pay attention to the regulation of defamation in the new media environment. Both the court judgment and the newly passed UK defamation law 2013 tend to increase the liability of Internet service providers in online defamation cases.

At the end of the last century, Britain's Supreme Court dealt with an internet-related libel case. The plaintiff Godfrey requested the defendant Demon company to delete the defamatory content on its website, but the defendant did not meet the plaintiff's request, the plaintiff then filed a lawsuit. In the end, the court held that Demon has a reasonable duty of care for the content on its website, and that Demon's inaction has helped the libel. The case has sparked a heated debate in the UK over the responsibilities of Internet service providers and freedom of speech online.

Loutchansky v The Times in 2001 established the principle of "public publication" on the Internet. Under the defamation act of 1996, a requirement for a libel to be established is that "the content of a statement must be published publicly." what about publication on the Internet? Is it possible to set up an "open publication" as long as it is published on the Internet? The judge in the case held that a new "public publication" was created when the reader entered the content and as long as someone read the content, it was established when the reader entered the content. This leaves the onus on the isps to prove that the content was not read, or was read by a small number of people. The court held the defendant, a well-known news outlet whose website is viewed by tens of millions of people every day, liable for defamation. In contrast, in Jameel et al. V. the Wall Street journal in 2006, the defendant was spared liability for proving that the defamatory statement had been downloaded by only five people.

In February 2013, Payam Tamiz v Google, a British citizen, became an important indicator of the development of new libel laws in the UK. Although the court of appeal finally made a judgment in favor of Google on the grounds of the lack of effective evidence to prove the number of people who read the offensive remarks involved, the court's position is clear, that is, if the Internet service provider fails to delete the defamatory content in time, it can ask it to assume legal responsibility. It can be seen that the court has a tendency to raise the reasonable duty of care established in the early judgment to the duty of "notification-deletion".

English libel statute law is the summary and supplement of common law and has priority in application. Section 5 of the UK defamation act 2013 actually establishes the status of "notification-deletion" rule in statutory law, which can play an effective role in the regulation of online defamation, but at the same time has certain influence on the freedom of speech.


Essay代写:American industrial policy

2019-05-07 17:14:20 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American industrial policy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的产业政策。美国政府的产业政策,既体现在政府对企业研发方面的直接支出等方面,也体现在政府对企业旨在实现规模经济和技术创新的并购重组活动的支持与引导。产业技术政策、产业组织政策和其他形式的产业政策的共同存在,是美国市场经济的一个典型特征。

The industrial policy of American government is reflected not only in the direct expenditure of more than us $100 billion per year on the research and development of enterprises, but also in the support and guidance of the m&a and reorganization activities of enterprises aimed at achieving "scale economy" and "technological innovation". We should recognize the widespread existence of industrial policies in all countries and the important role of industrial policies in the United States and other developed market economies.

Governments in all countries are using industrial policies in explicit or implicit ways. The only difference between industrial policies implemented consciously by governments and industrial policies implemented by non-government governments is that governments implement industrial policies in explicit or implicit ways. Theory and history have repeatedly shown that industrial policy exists not only in the historical and current time axis, but also in the spatial axis of developed economies and developing economies.

Importantly, active industrial policy means that the government should not only act as a passive "night watchman" in economic activities, but also play a more active role in technological innovation, industrial upgrading, structural adjustment and enterprise cultivation, so as to realize the benign interaction between government and market roles. In short, the government should not only play the role of "repairer" of the market, but also play the role of "shaper" of the market, despite the risk of failure of the government's industrial policy and the huge room for improvement. From the perspective of history and current situation, it is the real economic history of the United States and other developed countries to use industrial policies in a clear or ambiguous way.

Industrial technology policy, industrial organization policy, and other forms of industrial policy of common existence, is a typical feature of the market economy, the us government or by the rhetoric of Jefferson said, according to Hamilton's policy for the government, the popular economic theory suggests that the government can only play "repair" the role of market failure, to make up the defects of market itself and blind spots.

The American history and reality show that, the government not only reflected in the role of the government to the enterprise research and development of more than $1000 in direct spending each year, through venture capital support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, etc., also reflected in the government to the enterprise to achieve "scale economy" and "technological innovation" merger, acquisition and reorganization activities of support and guidance.

On the one hand, the us government, through direct spending of more than us $100 billion per year, has made up for the lack of investment in research and development by American enterprises and promoted the upgrading of the industrial structure of the us economy. On the other hand, by modifying and formulating laws and regulations related to mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations of enterprises, and even directly intervening in mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations of the us economy, the us government creates conditions for American enterprises to achieve "scale economy" and "technological innovation", and promotes the reform of the us market structure and industrial organization. Whether industrial technology policy, industrial organization policy or other forms of industrial policy constitute the active existence of American industrial policy in economic activities. In this sense, the United States government may be one that follows Jefferson's rhetoric and Hamilton's policies.

We should be firm and confident in our path, remove external interference, draw on and draw lessons from the useful experience of American industrial policies, formulate and implement China's industrial policies, and conduct research, scientific evaluation and optimization of existing industrial policies.

Strong industrial policy and powerful state-owned enterprises are the special advantages of China's socialist market economy. To promote China's industrial transformation and upgrading and make Chinese enterprises stronger, better and bigger, we cannot do without effective industrial policy support, and we cannot simply negate the current industrial policy system. We should draw lessons from the United States developed markets such as the implementation of the efficiency of the industrial technology policy and industrial organization policy and experience, our industrial technology policy in the important role of technological innovation and industrial upgrading, industrial organization policy in industrial merger, acquisition and reorganization, the positive role of structure optimization, to achieve good docking of government industrial policy and enterprise initiative, to promote China's economy towards the high-end.

At the same time, the realization form of industrial policy, scientific evaluation and innovation, the inappropriate, not economic, inefficient form of industrial policy to adjust, to be more to promote technological progress and scale economy requirements form of industrial policy to bold experiment, on the basis of the industrial policy theory and the mature experience to summarize extract, completes the industrial policy theory and practice go hand in hand, to promote China's socialist market economy to develop quickly and well.

