


2018-09-21 17:22:15 | 日記


1. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


3. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


4. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


5. No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life.


6. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


7. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


8. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.



1. The author… begins his argument with an anecdote illustrating … that…


2. Author exemplifies the…, setting up him to introduce the argument that…


3. To make his argument seem balanced, author moves to another point in his argument about…


4. Author uses statistics and facts, as presented by…, in order to show … in order to persuade his audience that …


5. Author begins his essay with the statistic saying that…


6. With key phrases like “…” and “… ,” author activates …


7. While one might view this as selfish, author reassures the reader that they are not alone in feeling this, further contributing to his argument.


8. Author uses his words and research to reason with the reader and explain …





北美作业代写:Externality theory

2018-09-21 17:21:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Externality theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了外部性理论。外部性概念是研究外部性理论的起点,但其基本概念未澄清或者非常混乱。而学界探讨外部性理论的工具性价值定位于外部性内部化,一味强调内部化,也使外部性理论误入歧途。内部化两条路径的对立也给外部性理论发展带来不利的影响。

The externality theory has been developed for more than 80 years, but it is still in a vague and chaotic state. There are three dilemmas influencing the development of externality theory: the definition of externality is unclear; The instrumental value position of externality theory is inaccurate; The perspective of externality theory, stand, value concept, fan wu is not unified. Externality theory can find its way out from the following aspects: correcting the position of externality theory; To explore new theoretical sources; Find the breakthrough of externality concept; Reposition the development direction of externality theory.

For example, based on pigou's "welfare economics", externality theory has a history of more than 80 years, but there is no unified externality theory up to now. Different scholars have different expressions of externality theory. From the basic concept to the theoretical logic system, externality theory is still in a state of confusion, vagueness and rigidity. By analyzing the predicament of the theory, the author tries to find the way out of the theory.

Inspired by Marshall's "external economy", pigou founded the externality theory, which was critically developed by coase. The discussion of externalities by these three people is called the "three milestones" in the development of externality theory.

In his principles of economics, Marshall wrote: "can we distinguish the expansion of production in the economy from two types? The second type is that the expansion of production comes from the efficiency of resource organization and management of individual enterprises. We call the former "external economy" and the latter "internal economy". This statement provides a source of thought for the formal emergence of externality theory.

Inspired by Marshall, pigou formally proposed and established the externality theory. Pigou believed that in economic activities, "externalities" exist if certain firms cause losses to other firms or to society as a whole without cost. In pigou, externality can be divided into "external economy" and "external uneconomy", while "external economy" can negatively affect the economy. Something had to be done about it, and after an examination he found a way to tax and subsidize it. Thus the externality theory can be constructed from the problem to the concept to the theoretical logic to solve the problem.

The essence of those problems mentioned by pigou, coase argues, is the reciprocity of the effects of aggression. Under this assumption, to solve or avoid the effect of infringement, the first thing is to give and clarify the right of infringement. If the right is clear, the effect of infringement can be solved through the market. From the logical starting point of negating pigou, coase thoroughly criticizes the externality theory, but it is also a significant development of externality theory.

When the externality theory reached coase, it basically stagnated. There are three dilemmas restricting the development of externality theory.

The concept of externality is the starting point of the study of externality theory. The basic concept is not clarified or very confused, so it is imaginable that it is difficult to conduct further theoretical research.

Marshall described the "external economy" in his principles of economics as "dependent on the general prosperity of the industry". This extremely sketchy description, which John Clapham calls an "empty box," argues that the real world has no counterpart to it.

After pigou in the welfare economics, proposed the "external economy" and "internal economy" concept, from the point of view of logical theories, pigou "external economy" and "internal economy" with Marshall's external economy "and" internal economy "is not corresponding, pigou refers to" external economy "and" internal economy "is not the same as Marshall refers to" external economy "and" internal economy ".

Pigou externality theory based on the marginal private cost and social cost difference theory as the point of view, on the one hand it to externality concept of a relatively clear outline, on the other hand also bind "external economy" in a relatively narrow range, forming and Marshall "external economy" described in the huge differences between things. Due to the lack of sufficient persuasiveness, pigou's externality concept and theory were quickly criticized and attacked by others. It is because of this point that later scholars who discuss the externality issue always try to get out of the scope of pigou's externality concept and theory due to the defect of pigou's externality concept and theory.

Let's look at some of the most representative representations of externality from later scholars. James mead, "a kind of external economy refers to an event like this: it makes a direct cause of the incident decision when there is no participation, perceived benefits". Bette, "it would be better for the 'externalities' to indicate the emergence of a non-pareto cost-benefit relationship when dividing costs and revenues by price." From the above two representations of externality, meade focuses on depicting externality as a cause leading to benefit gain or loss, bette focuses on depicting externality as a state and result of inefficiency, while buchanan's functional formula reflects a mutual relationship.

Later, Bamnol and Oates summarized externalities. "if the value of some real variable contained in the welfare or profit of an economic subject is selected by others, and these people do not pay special attention to the impact of their behavior on the welfare of other subjects, externalities appear. Externalities arise when there is not enough incentive for a commodity to form a potential market, and the absence of such a market leads to the optimal equilibrium of the non-pareto ". Although the statement is considered comprehensive, there are three obvious flaws: one is that a key qualifier in the statement, "not paying much attention," is a very vague term, which is fatal to the statement. Second, the second part of the statement is also ambiguous. What is commodity and market? Is the merchandise included in the eyes of someone like Mr. Coase The whole statement is also problematic. Thirdly, from the perspective of language logic, it is difficult for us to know what the externalities are.

At present, the academic world is confused about the definition of externality, which has been criticized by some economists. Tibor Scitovsky once said that "the external economic concept is one of the most puzzling concepts in the economic literature". Zhang wuchang even thought that the concept of externality was too vague and "a vague idea".

Pigou did not pay attention to the problem of externality mutual, so when talking about the solution of externality, coase criticized pigou and others' externality theory, pointing out that "traditional methods cover up the essence of the choice that has to be made". The essence of the problem in coase's opinion is that the external problems are interrelated. Coase pointed out that to solve the problem of externality mutual sex and avoid the unprincipled argument of who infringes on whom, the problem should be solved by the manpower of property right, and the definition of property right is clear.

On the one hand, coase has injected new vitality into the development of the concept and theory of externality, and on the other hand, he has exposed the root of the fundamental defects of his theory. In advocating the mutual nature of externalities, coase denies the boundary of externalities, denies the sociality of externalities, and more specifically the problem of position, principle and even class.

To sum up, the connotation of externality and the boundary of its extension have never been a unified definition acceptable to all, which is the first dilemma of the development of externality theory.

The instrumental value of the theory of externality is positioned as externality internalization. The opposition of two paths of internalization also brings adverse effects to the development of externality theory.

It pays attention to the discussion of the internalization path of externality and ignores the analysis of the necessity of internalization. The tendency in the academic world to talk about externalities is to talk about internalization. For one thing, externalities are universal, and it is almost impossible to eliminate them at a certain historical stage. Second, the existence of externalities is not equivalent to inefficiency or inefficiency. In some cases, externalities can lead to inefficiencies, but in others, they don't lead to inefficiencies, or even efficiencies. Therefore, when discussing the problem of externality internalization, the necessity analysis of externality internalization cannot be ignored. Therefore, the externality theory always tries to find a way out on the internalization of externalities, and the discussion on the necessity of the internalization of externalities is inevitably troubled.

The efficiency of the allocation of rights is noticed and the fairness of the allocation of rights is ignored. Most scholars pay too much attention to the efficiency of rights allocation while discussing the externalities, and often neglect the fairness of rights allocation. One of the original purposes of pigou's establishment of externality theory is to tilt the balance of externality to the side of equity to maximize social welfare. However, the later externality theorists, except for a few people like meade, all put the focus of externality theory on efficiency and ignored fairness. Ignoring the kernel of fair value naturally suffocates the development space of externality theory.

Most externals hold the view that externalities need to be internalized to improve economic efficiency. The biggest internal divergence of the externality theory lies in the path selection of internalization. At present, there are two major paths in the theoretical circle, the pigou path and the coase path. The pigou path refers to the path of state intervention, while the coase path refers to the market path. These two paths present a state of opposition in the academic world, and lack of communication and integration brings difficulties to the development of externality theory.

In the eyes of pigou and his followers, who are the aggressors and who are the victims have been determined, the market can not effectively resolve such violations, it is necessary for the government to intervene. However, coase and his followers think that there is no problem of who infringes on whom, and coase replaces externality with the word "effect of aggression". Since it is not clear who infringes whom, the first question of nature is to give rights of trespass to whom. As long as the right of infringement is clearly given, the problem of infringement effect can be solved through the market regulation mechanism, without state intervention. Coase is opposed to the pigouvian path, but the coase path is actually based on the pigouvian path; And the pigouvian path and the coase path are complementary. But this complementarity and internal consistency has been ignored by pigou and his successors, as well as by coase and his successors, and the whole has been in opposition, with either faction trying to prove itself more right. And it is precisely this opposition state that brings adverse effects to the development of externality theory.

Due to the confusion of the perspectives, positions and values of the study of externalities in the academic world, a new paradigm of looking at externalities has not yet been formed, which makes the development of externalities theory extremely difficult.

Different perspectives on the problem make the conclusions unlikely to be the same. Pigou thinks the market is flawed, and he sees the government as a proxy for the public. As meade, bette and buchanan have different perspectives on externalities, their definitions of externalities and interpretations of externalities are also different. In some scholars of the school of property right, the concept or even theory of externality is actually worthless, so the theory of externality from the perspective of property right cannot be the same as that of state intervention. Without a scientific, reasonable and comprehensive view of external problems, it is difficult to give a correct conclusion.

After decades of development, the externality theory basically became rigid in coase's place. Three dilemmas hindering the development of externality theory can be found by carefully analyzing the specific reasons. If the academic circle can boldly break through the original range of theory, externality theory will have a large space for development.


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2018-09-21 17:21:28 | 日記

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Paper代写:The growth in cross-border investment

2018-09-21 17:21:06 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The growth in cross-border investment讨论了跨界投资。如今,跨界投资已成为了许多企业拓展业务,提高业绩热衷的一种方式。无论是成熟期的大企业,还是发展初创时期的小企业,经营模式的创新、异业资源的整合了两大经营战略方向成为未来在商业界博弈、竞合的主轴,而其中优势资源及获利基因的跨界投资更是会成为重中之重。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In this era of rapid economic transformation and development, rapidly rising business legends are common, and rapidly fading business tragedies are common. Large enterprises seek to stabilize the country and achieve new achievements, and small enterprises seek opportunities and forge ahead. Cross - boundary investment has become a hot activity for many enterprises to expand their business and improve their performance. But to play crossover is like playing chess. A step in a row is like a move in a chess game. You have to be on the move.

In kunlun ten thousand d science and technology co., LTD., for example, from it for more than a year of cross-border investment process, this paper analyzes it in front of the growth in cross-border investment, cross-border investment and facing the crisis after the results, to understand how it is from an unknown game company, developed into the Internet brands in the world, with an international vision and draw general revelation and countermeasures.

Before the specific analysis, the relevant introduction of the crossover is made. The essence of crossover is integration and integration. Cross-border applications are widespread, from individuals to businesses. In a broad sense, the crossover analyzed in this paper is a kind of alternative investment mode based on the popularization of mobile Internet and the acceleration of information integration. In the narrow sense, there is no investment crossover, because the enterprise has no boundary, but only a vision crossover, which led to a kind of alternative investment behavior.

Beijing Kunlun Tech Co., Ltd., is a comprehensive Internet group at the forefront of the industry. Since its establishment in 2008, kunlun has focused on the development strategy of "building an overseas social media and content platform". Focusing on the core advantages of research, development and operation, it has gradually formed four major product sectors in the world, including mobile game platform, overseas software store platform, information distribution platform and subculture and social contact.

In just one year, kunlun has developed from a simple game company into a mature Internet multinational brand dominated by games, and also dabbled in finance, medical care, community, video, Internet products and other industries.

Next, the motivation of kunlun wanwei's cross-border investment is analyzed, mainly from the external environment and internal environment.

Dissecting the wave of acquisitions, the 1.8 billion yuan spent may seem miscellaneous, but most of it is in Internet finance, e-commerce and other industries. So this intensive crossover, to some extent, can be thought of as planned and selective. Kunlun regards Internet finance as a key business for future development, and other small investments, such as fresh food, medical care and social network, serve Internet finance. This is conducive to enriching the business form of the group's Internet finance, providing traffic and forming a closed trading loop.

The crazy acquisition and investment of Internet unicorns has become a new trend in the emerging industry of the Internet. For example, the well-known tencent company has led the Chinese Internet industry in terms of its profitability. Behind it are several years of power expansion -- jingdong,, Meituan, didi chuxing and many other industry leaders. In order to adapt to the new changes in the industry, kunlun wanwei has to establish its own ecological chain, which is expected to support the company's development in the future.

The game industry in China is becoming stable and saturated, which makes kunlun develop a new way.

Game industry concentration higher makes the market share of large manufacturers to focus, large squeezed the development space of small Internet company, big game company also condition, such as tencent, netease, etc. The development of the company is in the mature period of games also is weak, the user's activity, market share has also begun to stagnation or even decline, user growth is difficult to have development space. All kinds of competitive pressures force kunlun wanwei to find new growth points to break through this bottleneck and seek development opportunities in the vicious industry ecology, and cross-border investment just meets this demand. Diversified development not only helps innovative enterprises get rid of risks, but also helps to set up enterprise culture and create excellent brands.

Although kunlun wanwei, as a leading enterprise in domestic games, has created and introduced a lot of excellent products, but the company is not all good, there are still defects to be changed. Such as tribes into the parent company Supercell once acquired by tencent, xuanyuan jian, such as new product performance is still in a state of wait-and-see, another company established game three kingdoms, oratory, broken and so on are also facing the fate of the shelves, kunlun, ten thousand d, though in the stage of the development of the enterprise, but already felt the pressure of the lagged obviously, so it is necessary through cross-border investment to inject fresh blood for the company, to enable the company to create energy and vitality.

Advantages: kunlun is a typical overseas issuing company, whose main income comes from overseas from the initial stage. It is one of the earliest game companies to enter the overseas market in China and has relatively rich overseas operating experience. This natural characteristic also facilitates its cross-border acquisition of overseas companies.

Weaknesses: kunlun started its business as a game company at the beginning. On the one hand, PE value was not high; on the other hand, the pure creative industry was unstable in terms of profitability, too risky, and was not favored by the capital market, which restricted its development. Therefore, it is a common strategic idea for such companies to integrate, connect, expand, improve the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and carry out mergers and acquisitions in pan-entertainment related industries. Prudent cross-border investment can increase a company's financing ability, debt paying ability, profitability, capital preservation and appreciation ability, thus improving the company's competitiveness.

After 2016 years after the wave of cross-border, because main business expansion, and the kunlun mountains ten thousand d choose investment is for the good momentum of development, in their respective industry leading companies, so a strong combination, synergistic effect is obvious, and according to financial analysis revealed that, during the reporting period, the company to buy the world's largest gay social networking websites Grindr LLC to group revenue contribution is enormous.

The structure of kunlun wanwei is based on the overall strategic considerations. It aims at the international market and USES five sectors to build an Internet ecological company in the international market. In cross-border investment, enterprises are mostly making a kind of publicity marketing, such as the acquisition of Grindr and the investment in Weibo Inc. In fact, the company takes these goals as a channel to expand the company's popularity, increase the number of users of the company's business and expand financing services.

Cross - boundary investment will be the focus of future enterprise game. Whether it is a large enterprise in its mature stage or a small enterprise in its early stage of development, the innovation of business model and the integration of different business resources have become the main axis of the future game and competition in the business sector, and the cross-border investment of advantageous resources and profit genes will be the most important.


Essay代写:Enterprise marketing innovation

2018-09-21 17:19:30 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Enterprise marketing innovation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业市场营销创新。企业市场营销创新,指的是彻底改变传统意义上的市场营销方式,建立起以市场需求为核心的新型营销观念、营销手段以及营销方法。市场营销创新战略中服务竞争是一种新的竞争手段,属于非价格竞争范畴,其核心在于要求企业为顾客提供更具特色、更贴心的服务及产品。

Too much emphasis is placed on the importance of the brand. Many enterprises that lack product innovation think that as long as they create a brand, they have everything. This lagging idea leads enterprises to blindly develop brand strategy, and even establish brand strategic goals. However, there are many problems in the process of formulating these strategic goals. First, without careful analysis of product types, enterprises blindly enhance brand promotion, whether passive or active. Second, the potential demand is not considered. Painstaking efforts to create well-known brands, but product market demand potential is very small; Third, rarely to the relevant product conditions. If its product is in extend and extend respect to have more opportunity point, so its are in the investment of product brand just may bring bigger, more benefit in the future, at the same time just also can create brand name enterprise on the foundation.

Only focus on the price, do not pay attention to the innovation of the traditional price strategy and the development of distribution channels are developed by the enterprises themselves. Therefore, price competition is often used by enterprises as an important marketing means. With the progress of science and technology and the further reduction of production costs, enterprises have more room for price activities, so they have to fight a price war. It has been proved by practice that if a price war is blindly fought, the development of an enterprise or even an industry will be adverse. Companies must innovate their sales channels if they want to expand into new markets. Dell, for example, announced that it would replace its traditional sales channels in the Chinese market with online direct sales and services. Through the Internet, enterprises are no longer facing a single market regionalization, but have expanded to any corner of the world.

In order to establish the innovative modern marketing management concept, the most important thing is to establish scientific and reasonable corporate marketing values, and focus on service and product quality competition, coupled with price competition, this innovative modern marketing concept is especially needed in the increasingly fierce market competition. With the acceleration of the pace of global economic integration, the impact of enterprises on the environment is also changing. Marketing market competition is gradually shifted to product hardware, and fair and orderly standards are converging, such as price, quality and quality are basically equal. Price competition among firms makes it difficult for firms to receive bigger profits. At this point, the enterprise should change from price competition to non-price competition. For example, it should carry out various promotional activities to attract more customers to win in the competition. In addition, it should be noted that innovative modern marketing management concept requirements should provide consumers with high-quality services. In marketing innovation strategy, service competition is a new competitive means, belonging to the category of non-price competition.

Any competition must take the market as the guidance, in the current fierce market competition, enterprises related to the Marketing Department should be in-depth study of consumer behavior and market structure, market must be regularly field investigation, analysis of internal and external marketing environment, including competitors, customers, etc, timely find customers the latest and potential demand, to provide more market opportunities for the enterprise. For enterprises, marketing innovation strategy model mainly includes the target, strategy and tactics, system and other elements. And there was a link between these elements, and is restricted by market environment factors, therefore, the construction of marketing innovation strategy mode must first analyze the market environment, as well as the time to master the latest market dynamic, enterprise can get more competitive opportunity, enterprise according to these opportunities, making and choose to suit the development of the enterprise strategic target, to determine means of marketing innovation strategy, with strategic means for enterprises to adjust the organization structure. At last, the marketing innovation strategy system is established according to the latest structure of the enterprise. In addition, enterprises should make scientific and reasonable positioning of their business mission, break away from the product-oriented bondage, and gradually move towards market-oriented, so as to effectively guide their marketing.

With the rapid development of information technology, network marketing is an inevitable choice for smes. Internet marketing has advantages such as low cost, wide range and fast speed. Small and medium-sized enterprises will not be limited by their own size, and can obtain all kinds of information equally on the network platform. In order to get more customers' attention, small and medium-sized enterprises can use the network to show their product advantages. This paper argues that each enterprise should establish its own information network and trade network, which can help to transmit the information of various products to the market and compete fairly with large companies and enterprises. Internet marketing enables small and medium-sized enterprises to communicate through consumers and electronic transactions, which helps enterprises to provide personalized and high-quality services for individual customers, facilitate enterprises to conduct information analysis and sharing and market research, meet customers' demands and increase enterprises' economic benefits.

From the perspective of international environment, with the acceleration of global economic integration and the continuous development of information technology, the marketing environment of enterprises has undergone tremendous changes. The price, quality and variety of goods are roughly equal, and the profit has been reduced to close cost and average. All these make price competition reach the limit. When price cannot become an important means of enterprise competition, the competition among enterprises mainly turns to non-price competition. Whoever can provide excellent service to consumers can win more customers and more markets. Service competition arises at the right moment for this rule. It is a change of traditional competition mode, belonging to the category of non-price competition. Its core is a competition that requires enterprises to provide consumers with better, more distinctive or more suitable services and products to meet their respective demands.

Although marketing is a comprehensive work, which requires the cooperation and efforts of various forces of the enterprise, the marketing organization is the most important part of the marketing work. Although many enterprises, from enterprise managers to grassroots executives, have paid considerable attention to and paid great attention to marketing work, the current reality is that the marketing work of many enterprises has not really played its organizational role, and has not effectively done a good job in marketing work. The important factor leading to this result is the unreasonable and unscientific marketing organization. In the marketing network environment, the marketing organization should have flexible coping ability and quick response ability. Traditional Marketing Department, distribution department, public relations department, advertising department carries on the way of the dispersion will be eliminated gradually, the dispersion of the marketing organization mode does not help to enterprise marketing work, establish a lean, flexible and efficient and convenient marketing organization will be the enterprise executes an important part of innovation.

The non-differentiated market strategy refers to the strategy that takes all market segments in the entire market as its target market, and USES a market operation method and a product to meet all customer demands in the market.

Differentiated market strategy refers to the enterprise's segmentation of the overall market. According to the different demand characteristics in each market segment, different products are produced, different market management combination plans are formulated and implemented, and different market demands are met by different products.

In terms of the current situation and existing problems of the marketing team construction, we should pay attention to the construction of the marketing team, improve the overall quality of the marketing personnel as soon as possible, and improve the ability to cope with complex problems.

Talent is the foundation of development and the foundation of enterprise. We should actively formulate and implement the marketing talent introduction plan to attract much-needed professionals from the society, so as to meet the needs of the rapidly developing era of knowledge economy and form a new breakthrough in the quality and quantity of talents in the marketing team.

To sum up, in view of the deepening of China's socialist market economy reform, modern science and technology has achieved rapid development. The market is becoming more and more competitive. China is currently building a harmonious and economical society. We must follow a path of sustainable development to jointly build an innovative country. In the new situation and environment, enterprises must constantly introduce new marketing concepts and marketing methods to stimulate the awareness of innovation, so as to continuously improve the advantages of individuals, which will get better results in the increasingly fierce competition in marketing.

