


2018-09-19 17:22:31 | 日記


①睡觉:在澳洲、英国留学,并且专业是humanity and arts文科类的孩子,时常面对着50页的reading无从下手,看完论文摘要就睡着了。

②变傻:讨论课上一个字都说不出来,全部观点用I think开头,开始扯自己的七大姑八大姨和neo-colonialism的关系,老师笑眯眯地看着你。






一般的研究型文献主要分为:abstract, introduction, methodology(framework), assumption, research process and data, research results, conclusion

学术review型文献主要分为:abstract,introduction, 学者A说了啥有点道理可是他胡说八道,学者B说了啥有点道理但她也在胡说八道,学者C说了啥它完全是在胡说八道,老子说的才是对的,为了创建更好的未来我们要关心人类的发展,conclusion.

3.细读 introduction和conclusion,如果是为了要写论文找学者观点,记下作者的中心思想,阅读能力较差的同学建议写下整句话;如果是为了要完成每周任务,读完就可以去看剧了。



找引用:括号和according to后面一般都是作者的观点,可以highlight所有的括号,专注于读引用之后的句子。



我们读文科,是有理由的,既然我们是要高效地读reading,这些有数字的表格就全部略过吧,这些表格就是作者在展示他们的raw data初始数据,后面的分析才是我们该看的重点。





作业代写:Amoeba management mode

2018-09-19 17:21:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Amoeba management mode,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了阿米巴经营管理模式。阿米巴经营管理模式,就是把组织划分成许多个被称为阿米巴的小型组织,每个组织都作为一个独立的利润中心,独立经营,独立核算,培养具备经营意识的领导者,让全体员工参与经营,实现全员参与的经营方式。阿米巴模式适合传统的经营模式,可以引入并成功落地,能够有效帮助企业提升管理水平和业绩,这对于传统企业的长期发展具有重要的意义。

Today's society, the progress of science and technology promoted the rapid popularization of mobile Internet, electronic commerce development in one day, a variety of commercial forms offline struggling, the supermarket also faces great challenge, its operation and management mode has been unable to cope with the current fierce competition environment, be badly in need of introducing business management mode of suitable. In this paper, the application of the amoeba business management mode rooted in Japanese business philosophy is studied for local enterprises in China, and the operation and management mode that can help traditional supermarkets to improve their management level and performance is finally determined.

With the development of science and technology and the rapid rise of e-commerce, all kinds of offline business forms are facing threats. Even international supermarkets like wal-mart have closed down in succession, and traditional supermarkets are facing great pressure of competition. It is an urgent problem for traditional supermarkets to improve management level and achieve excellent performance by introducing management mode suitable for their own characteristics. This paper takes the traditional supermarket as the research object and conducts the application research of the amoeba operation and management mode in depth.

The amoeba operation and management mode is to divide the organization into many small organizations called amoeba. Each organization ACTS as an independent profit center, independent operation and independent accounting, and cultivates leaders with the awareness of operators, so that all employees can participate in the operation and realize the operation mode of full participation.

The amoeba model defines business accounting as "pursuing maximization of sales and minimization of expenses" and establishes an effective market-linked unit accounting system. Amoeba's leaders enjoy the right of management, have the right to make plans and take measures, which can cultivate talents with the awareness of operators. It helps to build the team's self-initiative spirit and cultivate the employee's ownership mentality, which can push the enterprise into the track of benign operation.

If an enterprise wants to develop rapidly with the aid of the amoeba operation and management mode, the most important thing is how to integrate it into all aspects of enterprise operation and management successfully. Take the supermarket as an example to study the application of amoeba management in enterprises.

In the actual management of the enterprise, the financial profit statement should be used as the prototype, and the income statement and expense statement of all the stores of the enterprise should be divided into several small stores through corresponding rules. Each store is an independent profit center, accounting independently and making decisions independently, thus generating several small businesses.

Specific to traditional supermarkets, the accounting table must reflect the principle of refinement. In the operation of each store, a unit time accounting table should contain dozens of items, including income management, fund management and time management, etc., to be divided in detail, and each item should be clearly expressed in the form of amount. Then, the weekly year-on-year analysis should be conducted according to the monthly financial statements of each store, and the business strategy should be adjusted accordingly. By establishing the system of departmental accounting directly linked to the market, the traditional supermarket can realize the successful connection between the company's interests and the employees' interests, and thus effectively guarantee the development of the enterprise.

In supermarkets with traditional management mode, the working status of most grassroots employees is passive and undisciplined. The root cause is that the daily profit or loss of the supermarket has nothing to do with the employee's salary. As a result, supermarkets need to find an incentive that both saves money and improves their operating capacity. The most effective way to motivate employees is to establish a direct relationship between the company's performance and the employees. The amoeba management model is the best solution.

Amoeba realized the revolution of management and operation mechanism, divided the enterprise into several amoeba, and arranged their respective leaders to realize independent accounting. Amoeba's leaders have the right to make their own plans and set their own goals. In order to achieve business objectives, the amoeba leadership must take the initiative to reduce their own consumption, improve work efficiency, and try to increase prices on the basis of negotiations with the downstream amoeba. In the supermarket, the operation of amoeba should be the same as the operation of a small independent company. Through daily operation, amoeba can effectively train employees to improve their abilities in various aspects, and then make them grow into managerial talents with the awareness of operators. At the same time, the operation of amoeba changes the passive position of employees into the active position, and finally into the position of paying members' remuneration by creating profits. The change of position can also cultivate a large number of independent management leaders for enterprises.

In traditional business management thinking, management is often the responsibility of senior managers, and has nothing to do with ordinary employees, which directly leads to employees' thinking of how much they can do and how much they can get. The amoeba model advocates that business owners should take the initiative and effectively authorize, and the unique quantified decentralization operation adopted by the model enables each amoeba to be entrusted with the right of management, thus realizing the full participation in the operation.

Traditional supermarkets should involve all employees in operation through the following methods: first, open the operation status of each amoeba in the enterprise by means of morning meeting and so on. In this way, employees can test the results of their operation and senior managers can know the operation status of the enterprise at any time, thus achieving a win-win situation. The second is to implement the partnership system for front-line employees, that is, to delegate the right of management to employees, so that each employee can become the boss without having to invest, and participate in corporate dividends according to the growth of performance. In this way, each employee can make profits for the company voluntarily and gain considerable income and opportunities to put his or her business skills to good use. Third, after the profit amount is set, the company and employees shall share the profits, and fully respect the discussion results of employees in terms of the proportion. In this way, the income of employees is linked to the income of their department, so that employees can realize that they can get more returns only if they constantly open source and save money. By using the amoeba model, employees can change their lazy status, become enthusiastic about services, and even use their knowledge and resources to improve the management level of the department, so as to achieve open source. At the same time, as amoeba's business is divided into pure profits, employees will consciously avoid unnecessary cost waste. Taking the fruit and vegetable department as an example, the introduction of amoeba can encourage employees to handle fruits and vegetables with care and follow the procedures of keeping them fresh. In the end, the wastage rate of the supermarket will be greatly reduced, so as to realize throttling. It can be seen that the full participation of amoeba's employees can help the enterprise to build an automatic and spontaneous team spirit, change employees' thoughts, motivate their ownership mentality, and effectively promote the benign operation of the enterprise.

This paper takes supermarkets as the research object, conducts in-depth analysis of their characteristics, and then carries out the application research of the ameba operation and management model. First, it studies the application of financial accounting. By establishing the unit accounting system linked to the market, this model realizes the correlation between corporate interests and employee interests, and lays a foundation for enterprise development. Second, the personnel training application research, amoeba's leadership has the right to make plans and take measures, therefore can cultivate management personnel. Third, the study on the application of total participation in business operation. This model helps to build the automatic and spontaneous spirit of the enterprise team, and the whole participation in business operation can effectively promote the benign operation of the enterprise. This study analyzed from the perspective of practice, and finally concluded that the amoeba model is a business model suitable for traditional supermarkets, which can be introduced and successfully implemented, and can effectively help enterprises improve management level and performance, which is of great significance for the long-term development of traditional supermarkets.


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Methodology Essay的相关写作

2018-09-19 17:21:25 | 日記
在国外大学,每次老师布置论文作业的时候,同学们都是一脸无奈,有的时候甚至是想哭。而Methodology论文,也是国外大学作业的一种形式。这时候可能同学们会有疑问,Methodology论文,是什么?对于这些同学,下面就给大家分析一下Methodology Essay的相关写作吧!







在你刚开始写作就需要指定你是否用定量方法测量数据,因为定性的方法来描述现象或两种方法同时进行研究。在进行问题研究的时候,一定要对你选择的framework进行解释说明,说明你选择的原因和理由。例如,如果你要对一种new behavior modification program进行研究分析,以便了解其是否减少了课堂上的捣乱行为,你要提到你所研究的方法,解释你所采用这种定量方法的原因,探索学生不当行为的干预和频率之间的关系。









Paper代写:Right to self-determination under international law

2018-09-19 17:21:00 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Right to self-determination under international law讨论了国际法中的自决权。自决权是一项重要的权利,它既是由国际公约规定的权利,又是一项一般的法律原则。自决权在国际法上拥有重要地位,而且在现代政治发展、国际秩序形成的过程中发挥了重要作用。自决权不仅使二战之后亚、非国家的独立运动获得了合法性基础,而且为保障国家主权独立自主,甚至为保障人权发挥了重要作用。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The right to self-determination, as an important right, is both a right under international conventions and a general legal principle. The right to self-determination can be divided into two levels. The first level is the right of national self-determination of a country. They can only seek the right to self-determination at the second level if they cannot realize the right to self-determination at the first level when certain regions and nationalities are excluded from the first level. The article argues that the right to self-determination should be limited in content, conditions and methods and should not be used as a justification for the separation of states and sovereignty.

The right to self-determination plays an important role in international law and in the process of modern political development and the formation of international order. The right to self-determination not only provided a basis for the post-world war ii independence movement in Asia and Africa, but also played an important role in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and even human rights. Does the right to self-determination still have room in today's colonial world? Or did it become history as the colony disappeared and completed its mission? Now, more and more single peoples claim that they can achieve independence through the right to self-determination. The question of the right to self-determination deserves consideration.

Article 38 of the statute of the international court of justice lists five sources of international law and divides them into formal sources and auxiliary sources. Formal sources include: establishment of rules and regulations for the states parties to the proceedings, whether ordinary or special international agreements; International customs, accepted as law as the evidence of general practice; General legal principles recognized by civilized nations. The ancillary sources are judicial precedents and the doctrine of the most authoritative public jurist in all countries. These five sources of international law are widely recognized.

Although general assembly resolutions are not binding, they are binding once they constitute customary international law or general legal principles. In the resolution on the right to self-determination, the declaration on the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among states in accordance with the charter of the United Nations is noteworthy. The adoption of the declaration by the general assembly would at least indicate recognition by the civilized countries, and the author therefore believes that the principles of international law contained in the declaration are those "generally recognized by civilized countries" in article 38 of the statute of the international court of justice. Therefore, the right to self-determination is a general legal principle.

In summary, the right to self-determination is both a right under the convention and a general legal principle in international law.

Traditional international law holds that the subject of international law is the state, the national or national liberation movement organization, and the international organization. In some cases, individuals are also the subject of international law, which is a popular view of contemporary international law. Who is the subject of the right to self-determination as a principle of convention and general law? The author thinks that the text of the convention should be interpreted and analyzed.

The purpose of articles 1 and 55 of the charter of the United Nations is to create a peaceful and friendly international relationship based on respect for the principle of the equal rights of peoples and the right to self-determination, which is naturally a friendly relationship between states. The charter of the United Nations divides the right of self-determination of states into two aspects. On the one hand, the charter affirms the right of states to self-determination, that is, the right to self-determination, self-administration of domestic affairs, and exercise of full sovereignty. On the other hand, the charter requires other countries to respect the right of one country to self-determination and not to interfere in other countries' internal affairs. The charter stipulates that the right to self-determination is both the right to affirm the right of one country to self-determination and the right to exercise the obligation to respect the right of one country to self-determination.

The international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights clearly define the right to self-determination in exactly the same terms, but the expression is not clear about the subject of the right to self-determination. The two conventions use "all peoples" as the subject. Different interpretations of "people" are different interpretations of the subject of self-determination. "People" can refer to a country's citizens and people. In a democratic country, a national is the sovereign of the state, so the word "people" is sometimes used in criminal cases to represent the state in prosecuting the accused. In this sense, the right of national self-determination under the two human rights conventions is the right of sovereign states to self-determination. Therefore, the state is the subject of the right to self-determination.

The subject of self-determination to which articles 1 and 55 of the charter of the United Nations apply is a state, obviously excluding a national, and a national is not a subject under traditional national law, nor is it an individual; hence, it is questionable whether a national is a subject of self-determination under international law. However, from the perspective of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights, nationals can become the subject of the right to self-determination.

As mentioned above, "people" in the two human rights conventions can refer to the nationals, which can be understood as the right of sovereign states to self-determination from one level, while the right of sovereign states to self-determination still belongs to the level of national self-determination, that is, to exercise sovereignty internally, to remain independent without external interference. The right to self-determination of nationals in this paragraph is not a state level, but in terms of the organizational structure within the state, or the sovereign itself. Is the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights, the purpose is to protect human rights, so the convention is concluded by the state, to constraint state behavior, requires countries to take action to protect human rights, but these rights bearer is a person, namely two convention on human rights through the act of contracting, awarded to the parties to the rights stipulated in the national convention. Since the convention grants a nation the rights it needs to protect, in both cases, a nation is the subject of the rights enshrined in the convention. In the second analysis of article 1 of the two conventions, the right to self-determination in this article can be interpreted as the right of a national to realize through democracy the freedom to pursue economic, social development and the free disposal of natural resources listed in article 1 of the convention. Before the conclusion of the world convention on human rights, kellson said of the right to self-determination, "the right of peoples to self-determination is usually the principle of internal policy, the principle of democratic rule." "Internally, the right to self-determination can be used as and has been used as a vehicle for the granting of the right to vote, to expand the scope of citizens' opposition to the old systems," says carces, a noted international jurist. Therefore, the nation's 'self' has been transferred: the self is no longer embodied in the ruler of the state, but the citizen of the state." The right to self-determination of a country's citizens means that the nationals decide the affairs of a country. In contemporary society, a country's citizens decide the affairs of a country, mainly through the form of representative system. The right to self-determination under the two human rights conventions can be interpreted in this sense as requiring the establishment of representative democracy by states.

For self-determination subject mentioned in the second part, the country's right to self-determination and fewer limitations of the existence of a country's national self-determination, and for the third subject, especially because of history, culture, language, religion and so on reasons for self-determination in terms of national or regional, can enjoy the right to self-determination remaining doubt, even if has the right of self-determination, but the exercise of the right to self-determination also has a strict limit. These potentially stringent restrictions will be explored in the following paragraphs, with an elaboration of the conditions under which the right to self-determination should be respected.

The right to self-determination of states and of nationals of a state may be said to be free from conditionalities. As an entity with independent sovereignty, the right to self-determination is of course the right of a state to exercise its sovereignty. The right of national self-determination embodies democracy, which is deeply rooted in the ideas of natural law such as social contract and sovereignty in the people since the enlightenment era. At present, with the exception of a few countries, most of them form representative governments through republic or constitutional monarchy, realizing the right to self-determination of a nation's citizens.

But because of history, culture, language, religion reason for nation or region of the right to self-determination, it seeks to self-determination is conditional limit, otherwise, the United Nations charter, two human rights conventions, and a series of United Nations general assembly resolution admitted to self-determination will turn for the rights of the ethnic separatist, local division basis, the distortion of self-determination in the international society is worse. The right to self-determination that may exist in these special areas can be divided into two levels. The first is the right to self-determination as a national. Although these ethnic groups have their own cultural, historical, religious and other particularities, individuals of these ethnic groups, as citizens of the state, should enjoy the right to self-determination as citizens under a democratic regime, that is, by exercising other rights such as the right to vote and the right to stand for election, participate in state administration and participate in political activities. However, if there is ethnic or racial discrimination in that democracy and the political rights of those ethnic groups are denied, the right to self-determination is incomplete. Every citizen should be equal, enjoy equal rights, and have equal right to self-determination in a democratic polity. If there are unequal restrictions on individual nationalities or RACES, the right to self-determination of the nationals of that country remains unfulfilled. The second level refers to the right to self-determination within the nation or region. The international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, the international convention on civil and political rights are giving the national and regional of internal affairs of the right to self-determination rights, if such a right has been violated, even religious, cultural affairs for big degree of intervention, to human rights violations, the degree of violation of two convention on human rights, so these regions nationalities can seek the right to self-determination.

The nationality of a particular region is the national nationality of a country, therefore, the national law must be obeyed in their quest for self-determination. First of all, rights must be claimed within the system of domestic law. They can seek the right to self-determination as a national of a country through the judicial system, political party politics, parliamentary struggle, demonstrations and other forms consistent with domestic law, and demand equal political rights and political identity. The right to self-determination for national and regional affairs should first be realized through domestic legal remedies. Whether the right to self-determination is to establish regional autonomy for ethnic minorities or to seek independent statehood, it must first adopt a method consistent with domestic law.

Article 1 of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights can be invoked to assert the right to self-determination if the means of seeking the right to self-determination in accordance with national law are exhausted and cannot be authorized by national law. The citizens of the nation or region as a nation, in be deprived of political rights, can not be achieved as the national self-determination, or was badly damaged by its culture, history, religion, tradition, human rights violations by authorities, their right to self-determination has been acknowledged by two convention on human rights, as for the realization of the right to self-determination, convention and no rules. Regardless of the way in which these peoples or regions seek the right to self-determination, there must be some limitation to their methods. First, the two human rights conventions must be observed and, if violent, cannot violate human rights and create a humanitarian crisis. Any act seeking the right to self-determination must adhere to the fundamental principles of international law. The declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples not only recognized the right to self-determination, but also stated that "any attempt to divide a country's unity and undermine its territorial integrity, in part or in whole, is contrary to the purposes and principles of the charter of the United Nations; All states shall faithfully and strictly observe the charter of the United Nations, the universal declaration of human rights and the provisions of this declaration, on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all states and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all peoples." The declaration of principles of international law states that the right to self-determination shall not be "construed as authorizing or encouraging any action which, in part or in whole, undermines or undermines the territorial integrity or political unity of the sovereign independent state." The Vienna declaration and programme of action also explicitly declared: "according to 1, 970 on the countries in accordance with the charter of the United Nations to establish friendly relations and cooperation of the declaration of principles of international law, national self-determination shall not be construed as authorization to encourage to take any action to full or partial dissolution or infringement of sovereign and independent country's territorial integrity or political unity, as long as these is sovereign and independent country adhere to the principle of equal rights and self-determination, and thus have a representative without distinction belongs to all the people's government of the territory." All in all, the pursuit of self-determination should be limited by sovereignty, but if such nations or regions do not have equal sovereign power politically incorporated into such sovereignty, or if, under such sovereignty, the human rights of such nations or regions are in doubt, such nations or regions may seek the right to self-determination.

The right to self-determination is a right to convention under the United Nations charter, the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, and the international covenant on civil and political rights. It is also a principle of international law recognized by states and recognized by many international instruments. Although the proposition of self-determination had a certain historical background, the right to self-determination should not perish with the disappearance of the colonies. In the contemporary international community, the right to self-determination still has a role to play in protecting human rights and dealing with the international community. However, the search for the right to self-determination is not unconditional. Any country, nation or region should be cautious about the right to self-determination.


Essay代写:An animated film by satoshi nakata

2018-09-19 17:17:15 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- An animated film by satoshi nakata,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了细田守的动画电影。细田守作为当今日本动画电影界的领军人物,他影片中无论是精致独特的影响画面,还是美灵动的听觉符码,都非常深入人心。细田守的动画电影中有诸多重复元素,反复重复使用,唤起观众的记忆,熟悉之感充斥着大脑,不停地搜寻过去与现在的景象,蕴含时过境迁、惜时惜人的寓意。影片中的重复元素不时闪现,其实是有意为之,如梦似幻地编织出银幕世界。

Flashbacks are a way of looking back at the past, an episode of a non-linear plot in a linear narrative that moves in chronological order or logic. Modern movies have always used "flashbacks" to make the past wave back and forth on the beach and touch the truth. The real situation is revealed in the "flashback", which complements the missing in the narrative process, heals the unintelligible thoughts of the audience or satisfies the psychological expectation of the truth. It can be seen from the film that nishida USES the "flashback" narrative technique to demonstrate the pre-narrative situation, to summarize the past years, to bridge the sense of fragmentation of the narrative, and to construct a complete film narrative chain. "Through time and space girl" livor wild really jean rude awakening himself on the minds of the palace between qian zhao qian zhao for violating regulations will soon disappear, jean tears through time and space through the way of "flashbacks" recall qian zhao transfer entering the classroom, fight with yourself and work medium, reading class, happy growth, clarify the boyhood nostalgia and the sweetheart. After the death of grandma in the summer war, she left a letter. The voiceover was grandma's voice reading the letter, and the image flashed back to grandma's first sight. Temminick? The joy of leading him on a field full of morning glories. "Son of a monster" through the memory of pig wang shan picked up a lang yan of the scene, so that the audience know that both a lang yan and nine too are the children raised by the monster, the human mind is easy to be eroded by the darkness, complement the narrative plot, dark after the outbreak of the film with the heart of the dark nine too and a lang yan duel. When lian duels with a whale that lang yan becomes a hallucination, xiong che turns to be a god and becomes a sword in the lotus heart to help him. The important scenes of the training and daily life show lotus's memory of the growth process and bear's love as the father.

Repetition is a means of film construction that makes certain words or scenes repeated deliberately to emphasize a certain meaning or highlight a certain emotion. In his works, there are many repeated elements, which are repeatedly used to evoke the audience's memory. The sense of "deja vu" is filled with the brain, constantly searching for the past and the present, which contains the implied meaning of time passing by and cherishing people. The recurring elements of the film are constantly flashing, but in fact it is intentional, like a dream weaving out of the screen world. Girl "through time and space due to the particularity of space-time cross subject, the film contains a lot of repeating elements, the space environment of every time travel story is repeated again, such as fat women and children in the streets, warehouse wild wrasse ShangYouHui above clocks and little doll, only the orbits of the mouth, trams, the setting sun, a riverside repeat again. In the film, only the behavior and discourse of the characters shown in the picture are slightly different or not different, creating a fantasy through time and space landscape. Summertime in the battle of the bulge? Temminick? Playing huazua gossiping, grandma and kenji playing huazua entrust kenji to take care of xiashi, in the battle of oz system hacker and xiashi masterpieces also to play huazha decisive, interesting, it can be seen that the traditional Japanese cultural elements of love and worship. "Son of the Wolf rain and snow" although the father drowned, but often in the form of silhouette in the flowers of dreams, in the flowers of pain, struggle, poignant moments, aesthetically romantic flowers in the dream of the white sea, smiling to give the flowers tenacious power. "Son of a monster" when lian and his father were on the outer wall of the construction site, the father pushed his bicycle in front of him, and lian followed. The space background is slightly different, the first time is just the construction of the wall, the second time the building has been built up and unfinished, representing that with the passage of time, the contradiction with her father can be resolved, and the physical and mental development of lotus.

The movie "picture in picture" referred to in this article refers to the TV screen or big screen appearing on the movie screen, which is the picture frame within the picture frame. It narrates the background of the story occurrence, exhibits the narrative situation before, and even becomes the narrative clue. The film screen and the TV screen go hand in hand to present the corresponding narrative rhythm, atmosphere, emotion and emotion, etc. "Through time and space girl with true jean got up late, standing in front of the television, television images show two female host discussion on July 13, is a Nice day begins, set the stage for subsequent film development, real jean after the shuttle back to the television reported on July 12, to provide evidence for the time and space through," picture in picture "has become the internal motivation to film. If the "painting in painting" by nishida shigou in "the girl through time and space", then in "the summer war" can be said to be brilliant. "Painted in pictures" in "summer's great war" gives a powerful boost to the narrative. In "battle of the summer", in reality, the in-laws are about to fight against the oz world. The TV plays a game of flat baseball. The screen and the TV screen share two plot clues. When the giant computer fever broke, the game of baseball was nine times over, with flat pitches thrown in disarray after the two were out; As the eagle began counting down the remainder of the time to one of the world's more than 500 nuclear facilities, baseball went into extended play, testing even the willpower. The falcons fall next to the house, the crisis is over, the hot springs gush out, ushida high school miraculous reverse, by extending the match 15 fierce conditions, winning, the players burst into joy. "Sons of monsters" ends with a modern big-screen version of a tall building, showing scenes of an exploding shibuya street and a fight between lian and a disillusioned whale.

Modelling has distinguishing feature quite fine celebrated in the field of image, not only in the use of text "flashbacks" gimmick, stressed that the "repeat" elements "picture in picture" of the narrative plot, also in cumulus cloud image expression and simple lines structure characters form an accomplishment, diverse picture image to show the personal style. The aesthetic characteristics of sakata's films for the public to appreciate make them achieve a balance between artistry and commercial, which is worth learning and thinking by Chinese animation film makers.

