Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

秋葉原メード - Akihabara Maid

2008-07-22 | Girls-ギャル






Akihabara Maid

Everyday, you will find a dozen or so girls in French maid's costumes

passing out flyers to one of dozens of maid cafes in the area.

What is a maid cafe? Well its basically a themed cafe or restaurant

that features girls in maids costumes as your waitress.

Nothing perverted or sexual but weird none the less.

My buddies from the US were shocked when I took them to Akihabara.

Not at these girls (oh, they enjoyed them enough),

but at the otaku nerds with their cameras leering at the girls.

Hey, not me, honest, I just took this picture for my blog, seriously ...


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