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日記 13使徒 イザベラ イザベラクラスルーム マジックスクールレッスン11

2022-08-07 23:54:22 | 日記

|Lesson11|Magic11|イザベラクラスルーム|インストラクター|13使徒|イザベラ|イザベルルーエレイナ|ID SET

現在2022年8月7日、現在名Dai Fukuokaは日本からフランスへからイギリスへからギリシャのイザベラはイザベルルーエレイナに引き継ごうとしている。聖家族の再来をギリシャで計画し、フランシズ、レイリア、ナースが赴く。
Currently on August 7, 2022, the current name Dai Fukuoka is about to take over from Japan to France to England to Isabella of Greece to Isabelle Lou Elaina. Francis, Leiria, and Nurse visit Greece to plan the return of the Holy Family.

コモン370ID SET Countは、わたくしの全ての5つの誕生日の召喚を扱っており第三者から呼ぶことが出来る。これには全ての相克水、土、木、金、火である地水火風全ておよび金剛石の金牛宮の全部で10の男と女の性がある。カウントは任意の数字を指定できる。
Common 370 ID SET Count handles all my 5 birthday summons and can be called from a third party. There are ten masculine and feminine genders in all of the conflicts of water, earth, wood, metal, earth, water, fire and wind, which are fire, and the bull of the vajra stone. Any number can be specified for the count.

また、これらのコモン370について、全てのクリーチャー達は、固有のレベルと、固有の時空を持ち、例えば現在記す名前はDai Fukuokaであるイザベラは次のギリシャにOct.27で指定されているが、デリバートのフランスの次のケリーニテスアレイナのイギリスの次のにギリシャである。
Also, regarding these common 370, all creatures have their own level and their own space-time, for example Isabella, whose current name is Dai Fukuoka, is designated to next Greece on Oct.27, Next to France next to Deribert is Greece next to England next to Kerinites Aleina.

However, in space-time, males are in the upper stage, and females are in the lower stage. This is a character derived from the idea that the word "female" means "feet", and is used in eight steps in total.

ケリーニテスアレイナは、火のセラフィムで在り、現在名Dai Fukuokaが統括している。ケリーニは、セインツ、ダイアグラム、パルミスト、ザフォーデーブスである。Dai Fukuokaは、セインツ、ソーサーラー、サモナー、ダイアグラムである。
Kerinites Aleina is a Seraphim of Fire, currently under the name Dai Fukuoka. Kerini is Saints, Diagrams, Palmistes, and Zafor Daves. Dai Fukuoka is Saints, Sorcerers, Summoners, and Diagrams.

ケリーニテスアレイナは、現在名Dai Fukuokaに下段に置かれ、Dai Fukuokaの1番と、3番で在るのをケリーニテスアレイナは、現在2と4番であり、相互に並んでいる。これはケリーニテスアレイナ当世にイギリスで就いた後は、ケリーニテスアレイナが1と3番に入れ替わり、Dai Fukuokaはイージスやビクトリーの誕生日は2と4番に入れ替わる。Kerinites Alena is now placed in the bottom row under the name Dai Fukuoka, and while Dai Fukuoka's 1st and 3rd are Kerinites Alena, currently 2nd and 4th, they are side by side. This means that after Kerrinites Aleina takes office in the UK, Kerrinites Aleina will replace No. 1 and No. 3, and Dai Fukuoka will replace Aegis and Victory's birthdays with No. 2 and No. 4.

Even if Kerinites Alena is specified by the name of Orihime, etc., who has the same unique ID, this is judged to be the same name.

In addition, since I am placed far from the rulership of death, the third place is the shaman, Yui is the summoner, and Cherubim is the angel. Germany of Sylvia Hamilthonet, who has the same ID as Kiri.主にわたくしの信条から次のように順位が分ける、1位July26,二位Oct.27,三位April.21四位Oct.15,五位January.1と成り順に巡回する。一月一日が直接最上位7月26日に引き継ぐ。

Since I am hereditary, the decision-making is done by the rank one rank below. In my profession, I entrust my dreams and hopes in order from senior to junior every time, so I have no freedom.

However, in the case of July.26, Oct.27, April.21 in the three-round system, July 26th is managed by April 21st. July 26th will manage October 27th, and October 27th will manage April 21st.

Common 362 Auto Full Set and Common 363 Birth Full Set with creatures are always accompanied by default creatures. Level 1 is recognized and set.

The Common 352 Verse set does all of the non-creature initialization for you. This does not include creature settings, AutoID and AutoBirth, as it is not my own magic common 352.

コモン371のyour ID Setは5の誕生日と10通り全て制覇された章及び配列の生命に行われ、此れもわたくし専用魔法ではない。これは、自動で召喚できる数の自己のIDを訓練できる。全てタロット誕生日性で呼び出している。
Common 371 your ID Set is performed on 5 birthdays and all 10 chapters and arrays of life that have been conquered, and this is not my exclusive magic either. It can train its own ID as many times as it can automatically summon. All are called by tarot birthday.

Common354&Periodic element can specify all elements present in the present itself with all the compliances of all symbol sequences. However, it is not magic that increases.

Common 354 to 360 are automatically acquired from tarot levels 1 to 6, and currently level 1 is 212 points, level 2 is 416 points, level 3 is 1111 points, level 4 is 1411 points, level 5 is 1623 points, level 6 is 2211 points.

