
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

日記 東京方言風 関東弁風 礼儀言葉中心 コミニケーション 交流 日常会話 英日翻訳 現代語

2023-07-11 16:30:42 | 日記

"Do you really think so, seriously","お前本当そう思ってんの、本気でぇ",,,,,
"I'm sure it's not a mistake if you look up the road here","確か此処の道を調べれば間違いじゃないけど",,,,,
"i sure like it","僕はきっと好きなんだ",,,,,
"i'm not a playboy","僕プレイボーイじゃないよ",,,,,
"Seriously, forgive me","マジ切れー許さんよー",,,,,
"I'm sorry","プッツンしたぜ",,,,,
"I really like you","貴方其れほんとお気に入りね",,,,,
"are you sure that","其れは確かですか",,,,,
"does not exist","在りません",,,,,
"I am not joking","冗談じゃない",,,,,
"Team up with me","俺とタッグ組もうぜ",,,,,
"ok we're number one","よし、俺らが一位だぜ",,,,,
"The scenery here is no different from the road we just came to","此処なんかさっき来た道風景と変わらなくない",,,,,
"seem to wander endlessly","無限に彷徨うようだ",,,,,
"Wandering Witch Corps","徘徊魔女軍団",,,,,
"It's disrespectful to say such a thing","そんなこと言うなんて軽蔑です",,,,,
"I don't know what to say","仰ることが分かりませんが",,,,,
"Even if you say so","その様にお言い成されても",,,,,
"I'm in trouble","困ります",,,,,
"Because you can't break your promise","絶対約束破っちゃ駄目だからね",,,,,
"It's important to say rules.","ルールと言うのは大切なんだよ",,,,,
"Don't you know the etiquette","礼儀マナーも分からないのですか",,,,,
"I can't understand that","そんな事は理解はとてもできません",,,,,
"as you say","仰る通りですが",,,,,
"There is no such thing It's good","そんな事在りませんよー良いですよー",,,,,
"no thanks","結構です",,,,,
"I would like to enter here, but is it okay?","此処に入りたいですが構いませんか",,,,,
"I didn't know you had to go out of your way","これは此れは、わざわざお出で為さるとは",,,,,
"I'm sorry for having to go out myself.","自ら出向いてきて恐縮です",,,,,
"Your Excellency","閣下麗しゅう",,,,,
"It's the season of maple leaves.","わたくしは楓の紅葉の季節の候、誠ご喜びに預かりますが、おからだの調子は結構ですか",,,,,
"It's early spring.","早春候、拝啓誠にご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げますさて、つきましては",,,,,
"Kasumi-sama, is there something wrong with your body?","霞様、お体お差し障りあるのでは",,,,,
"Thank you very much for your consideration and I will get back to you.","ご検討頂きまして誠にありがとうございますつきましては折り返しご連絡申し上げます",,,,,
"where did i go","僕ー何処行ってたの",,,,,
"I'm having my first child","私の第一子を授かるのです",,,,,
"let me give you this","君に此れを授けよう",,,,,

