Living in Australia



2011-05-02 08:21:57 | 家族
なんだか子どもらしくて、とっても可愛い 他にもAnzac Dayに因んだ戦争を舞台にした短編や、クリスマス前夜のお話なんかも執筆中そういえば私も小学校1~2年の頃、親友とストーリー作って漫画を描くのが好きだったなぁ~。

My life

First I will tell you the first thing that happend when I was born.
First I got out of my mum's tummy. It was not easy, but I was very excited.
I was growing as fast as I could. I wanted a little brother or sister.
Then one day my mum's tummy started being big again!
We went to the hospital and see what was going on.
It was my brother coming out of my mum's tummy!
I really love my brother, he is the best in the world.

The End


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