
Hi, I'm Sora. I like tweeting. Tweet, tweet♪


2010-03-16 09:34:30 | English idioms
●devote oneself to...

A: Is it true that you are moving to China?
B: Uh-huh. So I'm devoting myself to studying Chinese.
A: 中国に引っ越すって本当?
B: そうだよ。だから必死に中国語を勉強しているんだ。


devoted fan(熱心なファン)
devoted husband(献身的な夫)
devoted care (手厚い看護)などなど。

My elder brother married a nurse who gave him devoted care during his hosipitalization.

11日のput one's heart and soul into...のputをdevote に置き換えることもできます。
Mother Teresa devoted her heart and sold into(to) caring for the poor.

I have a slight cold, so I'd better stay home and keep quiet.

Today's weather


2010-03-14 23:07:40 | English idioms
●put one's heart and soul into...

A:I heard you are active in a local theater group.
B:Oh, yes. I put my heart and soul into the rehearsals of next performance.



The performance is scheduled two weeks from now. I'll do it with all my might

Today's weather


2010-03-11 01:40:30 | English idioms
●learn the trick
こつを覚える 要領がわかる

A: Show me your palm. I can tell your fortune, Junko!
B: Are you really good?
A: Trust me! I learned the trick by watching my master doing it for years.
B: Who is he!

A: 掌をみせて。私があなたの運命を占ってあげるよ、ジュンコ!
B: 上手なの?
A: 信じなさい! 私は先生がやるのを何年もみてこつを学んだんです。
B: その先生ってだれさ!

お久しぶりです! なんだか例文も冴えませんが、見てくださる人がいらっしゃることを念頭に細く長く続けたいです。
春が待ち遠しいですね。 これからもよろしく!
Today's weather