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Rainy season and P.E..

2007-06-21 16:29:09 | ひとりごと

It seems the rainy season has set in.

It has been raining since this morning.
My son hates rainy days, especially when P.E. is scheduled outside.
Today, my son woke up greatly disappointed, because he was looking forward to the first swimming class of the season.
He cried out the moment he saw the rain, "What an unlucky boy I am!" "I don't want to go to school any more!"...
I knew his anger would die down soon, so I tried to just let him vent his feelings first but it's hard to control my temper. In the end I told him,
"Don't take it out on me! You aren't the only one who is disappointed!".
Well, morning arguments wear us out, so I hope this rainy season will end soon.

Personally, I didn't like swimming lessons in my school days, so I was overjoyed when it was rained out.