
Hi, I'm Sora. I like tweeting. Tweet, tweet♪


2012-05-03 19:39:14 | 英検1級・準1級 面接・英作文テーマ

②は、分野別語彙が充実しているのはもちろんなのですが(ビジネス、教育、一般社会・・・)なんといってもコロケーションが学べるのが素晴らしいです。たとえば、halcyon「平穏な」という語は、days, era, periodといった、「時代」をあらわす語と結び付く。という説明があって覚えるときに便利です。

Today's weather


2011-01-13 23:48:49 | 英検1級・準1級 面接・英作文テーマ
The Role of Newspaper Today

I believe that newspapers play a large role today, even though we can get information much faster using the Internet. They are handy, and can be read anytime, anywhere, and at your own leisure. If you have one, you don’t have to worry about bad reception of a computer or cell phones.

People talk a lot about the role of newspaper today and some of the comments are negative. Some people criticize that newspapers consume a great amount of paper. In my opinion, that is not a big problem as the recycling of newspapers is widespread.Other people say that compared to the Internet, newspapers are costly. It’s true, but they worth it as the newspaper reports can be more accurate and extensive because of careful editing.

Newspapers have their own role; relating stories to as many people as possible in more detail than any other news media. Therefore, newspapers play an important role and more people will be reading them in the future.

Today's weather Very COLD

予想テーマ(2) 代替エネルギーの必要性

2010-12-15 14:57:55 | 英検1級・準1級 面接・英作文テーマ

The Need for Alternative Energy Sources

There is no doubt that we need to explore
alternative energy sources more. Needless to say, no energy source is
limitless. This problem is urgent especially in Japan, where the energy is scarce. We must develop alternative energy sources for our future generations.
Here are some ideas to accelerate the process.

First, the government needs to invest more budget into the research of
new types of energy. Clean energy that comes from the Sun, wind
and water should be utilized more to decrease the dependency on oil
and oil-rich countries. The government should also increase a subsidy
for solar power generation systems so that people can install them
more economically.

Good education is also necessary to build up momentum toward using natural
energy sources. Children should be taught at school that natural energy
must be the wave of the future and that we should use it as much as
we can.

It is not so easy to decrease dependency on fossil fuels anytime soon,
but every effort to explore the possibilities of natural energy sources
will make a lot of difference in the long run.






スピーチ・英作文予想テーマ(1) なぜ日本人は酒を注ぎたがる?

2010-12-15 13:51:15 | 英検1級・準1級 面接・英作文テーマ

Q. Why do Japanese pour sake into others'
cups so quickly?

A. In any drinking party, people expect each other to pour sake
for one another. It is kind of an unwritten rule to serve without
being asked to do so. They rarely ask "Can I pour sake into your glass?" or "Could you pour sake into my glass?".
Every pouring is done with some gestures and a few words such as,
"Well, well", "Thanks", "Oh!" and "Ah!". The phrase that comes to
my mind right away is, "Domo, domo" (Thanks, thanks).

Pouring sake into others' cups is even an obligation, especially
if you are with your superiors.
If you keep forgetting to pour sake, you are likely to be regarded
as an inconsiderate, or even incapable person.

Whether good or bad, continuing to fill other peoples' glasses is
one of many Japanese traditions.
No wonder there are drunkard business people on the street,
station, train and everywhere.

Q. どうして日本人は、あんなにすぐに人のグラスに酒を注ぐのでしょう?
A. どんな飲み会でも、互いが互いのグラスを満たすことは普通です。これは不文律と言ってもよいでしょう。「注いでよ」なんてお願いされなくても注ぐ、っていうのは。「お注ぎしてよいですか」とか、「注いでもらえる?」なんてめったに言いません。

Today's weather We get our first snow here