訂正(2007.12.27): 太陽鳥は集団営巣しません。写真はオナガテリカラスモドキです。
Janurary 4 : Thursday :fine
flowers in paradise and birds of the sun
Flowers of paradise is neither entomophilous nor anemophilous but ornithophilous ones. In other words insects or wind don't carry the pollen but the sun birds do. The sun birds often make their nest on the wind bells or hunging flower bowls under the eaves. A cupple of sun birds made its nest in the terrace of Phill's unit, but it is mortified by a cat robbed the nest. Occasionally you can see more than 100 sun bird nests on tree. It seems that they like apartment house.
Sun bird
訂正(2007.12.27): 太陽鳥は集団営巣しません。写真はオナガテリカラスモドキです。
Janurary 4 : Thursday :fine
flowers in paradise and birds of the sun
Flowers of paradise is neither entomophilous nor anemophilous but ornithophilous ones. In other words insects or wind don't carry the pollen but the sun birds do. The sun birds often make their nest on the wind bells or hunging flower bowls under the eaves. A cupple of sun birds made its nest in the terrace of Phill's unit, but it is mortified by a cat robbed the nest. Occasionally you can see more than 100 sun bird nests on tree. It seems that they like apartment house.
Sun bird