豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2007-12-16 20:29:13 | 政治・経済




Rubbish collecting
Sun. December 16 : fine

I was the president of the community union for 20 years in Towada. The biggest problem we had was how to clean the channel and to collect rubbish. Inhabitants egoistically sponged the public government and the public government always wasted tax. Recently, they charge for collecting rubbish everywhere in Japan. Not only about rubbish collecting but every public service must be entrusted to private companies and government staff must be reduced one tenth, that is my opinion. Tax would be reduced, individual consumption would rise, and private enterprises become economically powerful. Moreover, the world becomes brighter and cleaner. Small government in Australia commits most works to private enterprises. Rubbish trucks come before dawn and they never take any holiday even on New Year’s Day. As the result of thoroughgoing labor-saving the size of rubbish bins of companies and apartments have become huge and garbage truck is one-man operated. Two arms jutted out from the front of the truck pick up the huge rubbish bins and throw garbage into the hole of its back.

New Year's Day in 2002

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