English Collection


The Best Comeback

2017年09月19日 | 英語の本を読む
Reader's Digest July/Aug号の "A Day's Work" コラムからの引用です。
The best comeback I've ever heard occurred at our store. A customer was complaining to my supervisor about the employees. He was spouting off about how terrible we all were and insisting our company hired only idiots. That was when my boss looked him in the eye and asked, "Would you like an application?"
このボス冴えていますね。ところで、"comeback" はこの様に言葉による逆襲、反論の意味で使えるのですね。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A quick reply to a critical remark.: The robot blinked once, accessing its database of snappy comebacks before selecting an answer.
・Wiktionary: A retort or answer.I wish I had thought of a quick comeback for his comment.
・American Heritage Dictionary: To retort; reply: She came back with a clever answer that subtly insulted him.
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