English Collection



2015年01月29日 | 英語の本を読む

It was six o'clock in the morning when he arrived at Hakodate. The wind was bitterly cold. Mihara impatiently waited two hours for the ferry official in charge to report to work.
He was an obliging young man.
"oblige" の意味として「義務付ける」とか「強いる」しか思い出せないので、上に出てきた "obliging" の意味がピンときません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Willing to do a service or kindness; helpful.: The very happy and obliging young service ladies were resplendent in snappy white shorts and tops.
・Collins Dictionary: ready to do favours; agreeable; kindly: The hotel is small and friendly, with 17 guestrooms and obliging staff.
面倒見の良い親切な人のことですね。改めて辞書で "oblige" を見ると次の意味もちゃんと書かれていました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to help someone by doing something that they have asked you to do: The neighbors asked to borrow our ladder, and I duly obliged.

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