English Collection



2012年05月12日 | 英語学習
"shingle" は以前(10/29/2010)取り上げた単語ですが、Breakfast at Tiffany'sにも次ぎの場面にも出て来ました。
I rang California again; the circuits were busy, stayed busy, and by the time O.J. Berman was on the line I'd emptied so many martinis he had to tell me why I was phoning him: 'About the kid, is it? I know already. I spoke already to Iggy Fitelstein. Iggy's the best shingle in New York.
ここの "shingle" はその時覚えた意味とは違います。状況から判断すると弁護士と推測はできますがどうでしょうか。
・American Heritage Dictionary: Informal A small signboard, as one indicating a professional office: After passing the bar exam, she hung out her shingle.
・Collins English Dictionary: US Canadian a small signboard or nameplate fixed outside the office of a doctor, lawyer, etc
"shingle" は医者や弁護士のオフィスの看板の意味があるのですね。看板なら前に覚えた "shingle" の意味と重なります。
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