English Collection


beat the hell out of me

2013年12月26日 | 英語学習
"...After all, they were lovers. But instead, their backs were pressed up against the doors, as if they were trying to get as far away from each other as they could."
Yoshino threw up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Beats the hell out of me."
最後に出てきた表現 "Beats the hell out of me." は慣用句、多分スラング的な表現でしょう?
"beat the hell out of." をONELOOK検索で出てきたのは次ぎの辞書の説明だけでした。
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: beat the hell out of someone and beat the living daylights out of someone; beat the pants off (of) someone; beat the shit out of someone; beat the socks off (of) someone; beat the stuffing out of someone; beat the tar out of someone:
1. Fig. to defeat someone very badly. (Caution: the use of the word shit is considered vulgar and is offensive to many people. Of is usually retained before pronouns.) Our team beat the hell out of the other side. We beat the stuffing out of the other side.
2. Fig. Inf. to batter someone severely. (Alludes to physical violence, not the removal of someone's pants. Of is usually retained before pronouns.) The thugs beat the living daylights out of their victim. If you do that again, I'll beat the pants off of you. Before the boxing match Max said he would beat the socks off Lefty.
これはRingで使われている状況には合いません。 そこで俗語専門のUrban Dictionaryを見ると、
Back in the day, before psychology really developed, when someone was considered "crazy" they would thing ( "sic" 多分 thinkのtypo) the devil was in them. Instead of treating them wiht ("sic" 多分 withのtypo) medication, therapy, ect... They would do horrible things to them like drill holes in their heads to let the evil spirits out, or beat them to death out of fear of what is inside.: "I would beat the hell out of him."
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