English Collection



2017年02月15日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 12月号の記事にMy Father Was the BTK Killerというのがありました。
このBTK Killerは何かと言うと:
The man asked if she knew what BTK was. Yes, she did. BTK--Bind, Torture, Kill--was the nickname for the serial killer who had scared her mom decades ago and who was responsible for murdering ten people in Kansas between 1974 and 1991.
Three days after her dad's arrest, Kerri flew back to Kansas City. On the plane, she escaped by reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But on her layover, she saw her father's face on the airport's TV screen.
記事の話には余り興味はありませんが、"layover" が気になりましたので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A period of rest or waiting before a further stage in a journey.: The entire flight process takes about eight hours with layovers, so that's not a huge difference.
・Collins Dictionary: A layover is a short stay in a place in between parts of a journey, especially a plane journey.: She booked a plane for Denver with a layover in Dallas.
先日行ったハワイでも遠いと思ったので "layover" を伴う旅行はもうしたくありません。

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